How Do You Identify a Two-Force Member in a Frame?

In summary: Thanks for the help!In summary, the two force member is member BC in the truss. The reactions in the x and y directions are components of a single force, so member BC is the two-force member.
  • #1
What is the easiest way to determine the two force member in a frame question?

When I look at a frame and see the pinned connections, I automatically assume that there is a reaction in the x and y directions.

How can I tell at which pin there is only one reaction, and what direction it is in?

All of the examples in my textbook state which member is the two force member and wether it is a pulling horizontally or vertically on the pin, whereas the problems do not give this information.

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  • #2
The reactions in the x and y-directions are components of a single force. If two of these unknown forces act on one piece of the frame, that piece is a two-force member. It does not matter if there is an extra load of known force on the member, as long as you have two unknown forces acting on that particular piece of the frame, it is considered a two-force member. Does that make sense?
  • #3
Thanks for the reply. I understand what you are saying but I have trouble applying it.
Could you maybe explain to me, on the attached truss where the two force member is and how you came to that conclusion? I would really appreciate it.


  • truss.jpg
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  • #4
uradnky said:
Thanks for the reply. I understand what you are saying but I have trouble applying it.
Could you maybe explain to me, on the attached truss where the two force member is and how you came to that conclusion? I would really appreciate it.

I would like to but your attachment is "pending." It might be faster if you obtain a link for your image and post it.
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  • #6
uradnky said:
Oh I didnt realize that it had to get approval before uploading.
Here's a link to the truss..
Thanks again

You don't have to get approval, somebody has to come along and ok it. It's a strange process. Anyways..

I take it that points B, C, and D have pins, correct?
  • #7
Yes they do.
  • #8
You can break up the frame into two pieces: member ABD, and member BC. We have four different forces acting on the entire frame (neglecting its weight). Call these forces A, B, C, and D, where A is the 6kN load. Can you tell me which member has only two unknown forces acting on it (this will be the two force member)?
  • #9
That cleared things up a lot thanks..
So member BC is the 2 force member because it only has the forces B and C acting on it?

Member BC is in tension so it can only pull on the pins at B and C? Is this correct?

Because of this, when I draw the FBD of member BC the reactions are only in the X direction right?
  • #10
From the looks of things, member BC would most likely be in tension, yes. But I wouldn't draw conclusions about whether a member is in tension or compression until you know the magnitudes and directions of the unknown forces on the member.

It's best to pick an arbitrary direction for each component of any unknown force. If you find the component to be a negative value, this means that the component points opposite to the direction you chose. I wouldn't say that the only reactions on BC are in the x-direction. The load acts vertically downward, and the frame is in equilibrium, where does the opposing force act?

If the diagram you've posted is for a particular problem you're trying to work out, be sure to state all of the known information about the problem and what its asking for. I may be able to help more if I know more about the problem.

Edit: And yes, BC is the two-force member.

FAQ: How Do You Identify a Two-Force Member in a Frame?

1. What is the "Method of Members" in Statics?

The Method of Members is a structural analysis technique used to determine the internal forces and reactions in a truss or frame structure. It involves breaking down the structure into individual members and analyzing each member for its internal forces and stresses.

2. How is the "Method of Members" different from other analysis techniques?

The Method of Members is different from other analysis techniques, such as the Method of Joints, because it focuses on analyzing individual members instead of the entire structure. This allows for a more detailed analysis of each member's behavior and stresses.

3. What are the assumptions made in the "Method of Members" analysis?

The Method of Members assumes that the structure is in static equilibrium, meaning that all forces are balanced and there is no movement. It also assumes that the members are connected by perfect pins or hinges, and that the members are loaded only at their ends.

4. Can the "Method of Members" be used for any type of structure?

The Method of Members is best suited for truss and frame structures, where the members are connected by pins or hinges. It may not be suitable for other types of structures, such as continuous beams or arches.

5. How do you determine the internal forces in a member using the "Method of Members"?

The internal forces in a member can be determined by using the equations of equilibrium and applying them to a free body diagram of the member. The forces can then be solved for using basic trigonometry and algebra.

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