Time velocity accelertion @ point x two electrons

In summary, at t=0, two electrons are at the origin. They are then allowed to move away from each other under their mutual electrostatic repulsion. At any time t', their positions are x(t') and -x(t'). You find the value of t' for which x(t') - \{-x(t')\} = 2x(t') = d2. a(t) = \ddot {x}(t) = \frac {F(t)}{m} = \frac {kq^2}{m|x_1(t) - x_2(t)|^2} \implies \ddot {x
  • #1
If two electrons are in absolutly empty space at starting distance d1(distance between two non fixed freely moving charges) with v1 = 0(rate of change of distance between both charges)
what is v2(rate of change between both charges), a2(rate of change of rate of change of distance between both charges) at a distance d2(any distance not equal to or less than d1, being that a repulsive force is being applied) and how much time has passed I'm interested in some equation ideas :) refer to time as a function of distance I appologise for my vague wording
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
So are we ! :biggrin:


In fact, you should start by posting the question EXACTLY as it appears in your HW, as what you've posted is very poorly defined.
  • #3
what homework I posted the last question in another subject heading and this is where they sent me literaly moved my question
I was told to rewrite my question in words that's why there's the new post I don't want specific numbers only the equations refer to time as a function of distance I am pretty sure I made a mistake but the general concept should hold true thank you for your time
  • #4
I hope this looks more correct than what yall been calling garble for the past 48 hours

E(r) = (KeC^2)/r


v(r) = 2keC^2/mr

t(r) = m/(2KeC^2) (1/3(r2^3) - 1/3 (r1^3)

r is the distance between two freely moving charges
m is the total mass of the electrons
t is time
v is the rate of change of distance between both charges
  • #5
Let me go by what I think this is about...

At t=0, two electrons are at rest, at the origin. They are then allowed to move away from each other under their mutual electrostatic repulsion. At any time t' their posotions are x(t') and -x(t'). You want to find the value of t' for which [itex]x(t') - \{-x(t')\} = 2x(t') = d2 [/itex]

[tex]a(t) = \ddot {x}(t) = \frac {F(t)}{m} = \frac {kq^2}{m|x_1(t) - x_2(t)|^2} [/tex]

[tex]\implies \ddot {x} = \frac {A}{x^2} [/tex]

Solving that differential equation will give you [itex]x(t)[/itex], from which you can find [itex]t(x)[/itex] by inverting the function.
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FAQ: Time velocity accelertion @ point x two electrons

1. What is time velocity acceleration?

Time velocity acceleration refers to the rate of change of an object's position, velocity, and acceleration over time. It is a measure of how quickly an object's position, velocity, and acceleration are changing at a specific point in time.

2. How is time velocity acceleration calculated?

Time velocity acceleration is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the change in time. This can be represented by the formula a = (vf - vi) / (tf - ti), where a is acceleration, vf is final velocity, vi is initial velocity, tf is final time, and ti is initial time.

3. What is the difference between time velocity acceleration and point x two electrons?

Time velocity acceleration is a measure of an object's motion over time, while point x two electrons refers to a specific point in space where two electrons are located. They are related because an object's position, velocity, and acceleration can change at different points in space.

4. How does time velocity acceleration affect the motion of two electrons at point x?

Time velocity acceleration can affect the motion of two electrons at point x by determining how quickly their position, velocity, and acceleration change over time. This can impact the overall speed and direction of their motion.

5. Can time velocity acceleration change at a specific point in space?

Yes, time velocity acceleration can change at a specific point in space. This can occur if the object's velocity or acceleration changes, or if the object moves to a different point in space. Similarly, the motion of two electrons at point x can also be affected by changes in time velocity acceleration at that point.

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