Translating scalar torque quantities to their vector analogues (RE: Dipoles)

In summary, The torque applied on a dipole by an electric field is given by τ = 2.q.a.E.sin(-θ) = -2.q.a.E.sin(θ) with the negative sign representing a restoring torque. This negative sign is also reflected in the vector equation τ = p x E where p = 2.q.a and E.sin(θ) is the "x E" component of τ. The negative sign is important in the energy equation -dU = ∫τ.dθ = -2.q.a.E.∫sin(θ).dθ. When the dipole is rotated from equilibrium, the restoring torque will reduce θ and bring the dipole back to equilibrium.
  • #1
My question is at the bottom of this post


If a dipole is turned by an angle θ (in a uniform electric field) then the torque applied on the dipole by the electric field will be:

τ = 2.q.a.E.sin(-θ) = -2.q.a.E.sin(θ)

with the negative sign referring to it being a "restoring" torque. This negative sign is important in:

-dU = ∫τ.dθ = -2.q.a.E.∫sin(θ).dθ


In τ = p x E

p = 2.q.a (in the direction of a), and

E.sin(θ) is the "x E" part of τ = p x E

Where is the negative sign gone in the vector equation? what accounts for it?
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  • #2
I have this now. (I omitted a negative sign)

If I rotate the dipole by θ from equilibrium then I've applied a torque:

τ = p x E, or
τ = 2qa.E.sin(θ)

The restoring torque due to the (uniform) electric field will be to reduce θ (and thus restore equilibrium)

τ = 2qa.E.sin(-θ) = -2qa.E.sin(θ), or
τ = -p x E

FAQ: Translating scalar torque quantities to their vector analogues (RE: Dipoles)

1. What is the difference between scalar and vector quantities?

Scalar quantities only have magnitude, while vector quantities have both magnitude and direction. In other words, scalar quantities can be described with just a number, while vector quantities require both a number and a direction to fully describe them.

2. How are torque quantities typically represented as scalars?

Torque is often represented as a scalar quantity using the equation T = Fd, where T is torque, F is force, and d is the distance from the pivot point. This equation only considers the magnitude of torque and does not take into account its direction.

3. Why is it important to translate scalar torque quantities to their vector analogues?

Translating scalar torque quantities to their vector analogues allows us to fully understand the direction and orientation of the torque, which is crucial in many scientific and engineering applications. It also allows for more accurate calculations and predictions.

4. What are dipoles and how are they related to vector torque quantities?

Dipoles are a pair of equal and opposite charges or poles that are separated by a small distance. In the context of torque, dipoles represent the direction and orientation of the torque vector. The magnitude of the torque vector is equal to the product of the dipole moment and the strength of the external electric or magnetic field.

5. How can we convert scalar torque quantities to their vector analogues?

To convert scalar torque quantities to their vector analogues, we need to take into account the direction and orientation of the torque. This can be done by using vector algebra and trigonometry to calculate the components of the torque vector. Alternatively, we can also use graphical methods such as drawing the vector diagram to determine the magnitude and direction of the torque vector.
