Connecting Thermocouples to a Spinning Workpiece: Tips and Tricks

In summary: I can't really help you with that. You'll need to find another way to connect the wire to the workpiece.
  • #1
How to connect a wire to a workpiece which is spinning by turning machine ?
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  • #2
What's the size of the application?

Other things to think about are cost, efficiency, time you're willing to commit, etc.

How about connecting the wire to your turning machine, which you could then relay the current through the turning machine.

You could also connect the wire through a bearing that is connected to the workpiece such that the wire doesn't move with your workpiece. You would have to be careful of how much torque the bearing would apply to the wire. In other words, make sure you lubricate in order to avoid breaking of the wire. Lubrication will decrease the amount of stress that is applied to the wire.
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  • #3
mpaige1 said:
What's the size of the application?

You could also connect the wire through a bearing that is connected to the workpiece such that the wire doesn't move with your workpiece. You would have to be careful of how much torque the bearing would apply to the wire. In other words, make sure you lubricate in order to avoid breaking of the wire. Lubrication will decrease the amount of stress that is applied to the wire.

Thanks for reply. I only can connect the wire to the workpiece. Actually i want using Tool-Work Thermocouple method to measure the temperature when cutting steel. I search all the youtube, i can't find any similar thing in it. so, i am getting trouble. May i know when the bearing should put at ? on workpiece ? the size of workpiece just around 20 to 25mm..
I really need help =(
  • #4
so you probably shouldn't use a bearing for that application. It's just way too small to use a bearing. The only other application I can think of is the one I mentioned before. I'll try to get a better understanding of the thermocouple you mentioned before and see if I can figure something out.
  • #5
are you trying to find the temperature on the work piece? If so, you probably should research more thermocouples to find one that best fits your application. I don't know a lot about thermocouples. Also try posting this in the EE part as thermocouples are usually connected to a pc for readouts. Good luck and sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  • #6
mpaige1 said:
so you probably shouldn't use a bearing for that application. It's just way too small to use a bearing. The only other application I can think of is the one I mentioned before. I'll try to get a better understanding of the thermocouple you mentioned before and see if I can figure something out.

You may have a look on that link.
I am using tool work thermocouple(a way of measure temperature when metal cutting)
  • #7
mpaige1 said:
are you trying to find the temperature on the work piece? If so, you probably should research more thermocouples to find one that best fits your application. I don't know a lot about thermocouples. Also try posting this in the EE part as thermocouples are usually connected to a pc for readouts. Good luck and sorry I couldn't be of more help.

I need to measure the temperature of workpiece when it is turning on certain speed or feedrate.
I got the idea how to connect wire to insert but just having a problem of connecting another wire to workpiece. The link i gave you just now is showing how they connect. but it troublesome for me. so, i need someone to help me think of another way >.<

FAQ: Connecting Thermocouples to a Spinning Workpiece: Tips and Tricks

What is a Turning Machine?

A Turning Machine, also known as a Turing Machine, is a mathematical model of computation invented by Alan Turing in the 1930s. It is a hypothetical machine that manipulates symbols on a tape according to a set of rules.

How does a Turning Machine work?

A Turning Machine consists of a tape, a head that can read and write symbols on the tape, and a set of rules that determine the machine's behavior. The tape is divided into cells, each of which can hold a symbol. The head can read the symbol on the current cell, write a new symbol, and move the tape left or right. The set of rules dictates how the machine responds to the current symbol and determines the next action to take.

What is the significance of the Turning Machine?

The Turning Machine is considered a fundamental concept in the field of computer science and the theory of computation. It is used to prove the limitations and capabilities of different models of computation and is the basis for modern computers and programming languages.

Can a Turning Machine solve any problem?

Yes, a Turning Machine is a universal computer and can theoretically solve any computable problem. However, it may not be practical or efficient to do so, depending on the complexity of the problem.

Are Turning Machines still relevant today?

Yes, Turning Machines are still relevant in the field of computer science and are used to study the theoretical aspects of computation. They are also used in the development of new algorithms and programming languages. However, modern computers and programming languages have surpassed the capabilities of a Turning Machine in terms of efficiency and practicality.
