Twin slits; state preparation

In summary: Additionally, is there a simpler way to prepare a state such as |\psi > = (|A>-|B>)/ \sqrt 2?In summary, the conversation discusses the differences between the initial states in simple slit experiments and more complex quantum eraser experiments. In the quantum eraser experiments, the initial state is described by |\psi > = (|A>+e^{i \triangle \phi}|B>)/ \sqrt 2 and various measurements result in interference fringes, anti-fringes, and non-interference. The conversation also mentions the similarity of this experiment to Young's two-slit experiment and raises questions about the inclusion of phase information in the initial state and the possibility of a simpler way to prepare a state such
  • #1
Before the results of an experiment have been obtained, how does one determine how to write down the initial state of the quantum system?For the example of simple slit experiments (following Marcella's "Q.I. w/ slits") a particle emerging from slit A is in a position eigenstate, eg. [itex]|A> = \delta (y - y_A)[/itex]. For the double slit we always take the superposition [itex]|\psi > = (|A>+|B>)/ \sqrt 2[/itex]. Interference fringes are obtained by measuring the momentum of this prepared state (or the position, after letting it evolve).

In contrast, the (more complex) quantum eraser experiments tend to assume a different initial state described by [itex]|\psi > = (|A>+e^{i \triangle \phi}|B>)/ \sqrt 2[/itex]. Various measurements then give rise to interference fringes ([itex]|A>+|B>[/itex]), anti-fringes ([itex]|A>-|B>[/itex]) and non-interference ([itex]|A>[/itex], or alternatively [itex]|B>[/itex]).

To me this seems to assume that the photon could not only have emerged from either part of the down-conversion crystal, but that it could have done so at an earlier (or later) time, and those four possible results or superpositions correspond to the different possible real/imaginary parts of [itex]|\psi >[/itex]? If so, it would seem to demand an explanation of why the photon couldn't also have emerged earlier (or later) from the second slit in the simple double-slit experiment? Is there a simpler way to prepare a state such as [itex]|\psi > = (|A>-|B>)/ \sqrt 2[/itex]?
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  • #2
I'm still stuck trying to understand the contrast between those examples above, but I am guessing that the anti-fringes state could be simply prepared by putting a half wave plate (or a little perspex) behind one slit in Young's experiment.

After further thought.. when we integrate over all paths that a particle could have taken, it still seems that we must also somehow include paths that differ in time. For coherent light the intensity (in some sense) seems periodic such that the most probable paths always differ roughly by a multiple of the wavelength (producing no effect) whereas if we suddently double the wavelength then some fraction of the probable paths could now be 180 degrees out of phase (so both must be accounted for).

Does that make any sense?
  • #3
cesiumfrog said:
In contrast, the (more complex) quantum eraser experiments tend to assume a different initial state described by [itex]|\psi > = (|A>+e^{i \triangle \phi}|B>)/ \sqrt 2[/itex]. Various measurements then give rise to interference fringes ([itex]|A>+|B>[/itex]), anti-fringes ([itex]|A>-|B>[/itex]) and non-interference ([itex]|A>[/itex], or alternatively [itex]|B>[/itex]).

Which quantum eraser experiment (or paper) are you referring to?

cesiumfrog said:
To me this seems to assume that the photon could not only have emerged from either part of the down-conversion crystal, but that it could have done so at an earlier (or later) time, and those four possible results or superpositions correspond to the different possible real/imaginary parts of [itex]|\psi >[/itex]? If so, it would seem to demand an explanation of why the photon couldn't also have emerged earlier (or later) from the second slit in the simple double-slit experiment? Is there a simpler way to prepare a state such as [itex]|\psi > = (|A>-|B>)/ \sqrt 2[/itex]?

Could you elaborate on what you mean?
  • #4
Edgardo said:
Which quantum eraser experiment (or paper) are you referring to? [...] Could you elaborate on what you mean?
For example, equation 1 of Kwiat et. al. `Three proposed "quantum erasors"' PRL v.75 p.3034 (1995), or also of PRA v.49 p.61 (1994). My thinking is closely tied to the `Delayed "Choice" Quantum Eraser', PRL v.84 p.1, for which the similarity to Young's two-slit experiment is more explicit.

(Unsure which part to elaborate on, so I'll try to clarify my question:)

I'd like to know why phase information ([itex]e^{i \triangle \phi}[/itex]) is written in the initial state for a quantum erasor but not in the initial state for a traditional two-slit experiment.
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FAQ: Twin slits; state preparation

1. What is the twin-slit experiment?

The twin-slit experiment is a famous demonstration of the wave-particle duality of light. It involves shining a beam of light through two narrow slits and observing the resulting interference pattern on a screen.

2. What is the purpose of state preparation in the twin-slit experiment?

State preparation is the process of preparing a specific quantum state for a particle before it enters the twin-slit apparatus. This allows scientists to control and manipulate the properties of the particle, such as its position and momentum, to better understand the behavior of quantum systems.

3. How is the state of a particle prepared in the twin-slit experiment?

The state of a particle can be prepared using various methods, such as adjusting the intensity or wavelength of the light source, controlling the size and spacing of the slits, and using polarizing filters. These techniques manipulate the quantum state of the particle, which ultimately affects the resulting interference pattern.

4. Can the state of a particle be changed after it has passed through the twin-slit apparatus?

No, the state of a particle cannot be changed after it has passed through the twin-slit apparatus. This is because the act of measurement or observation collapses the quantum state into a specific position or momentum, erasing any interference pattern that may have been present.

5. How does the twin-slit experiment relate to quantum mechanics?

The twin-slit experiment is a fundamental demonstration of the principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and uncertainty. It highlights the wave-particle duality of light and the probabilistic nature of quantum systems, challenging our classical understanding of the behavior of particles.
