Two Oxford Admissions Questions, Pedulums and Aircraft

In summary: The Attempt at a Solution:The student is asking for help with the aircraft question. They state that it is obvious to them and that they do not need help with the b) or c) question. They give the solution for the d) question. They ask for help with the e) question, but no one responds.
  • #1
Though I'd scan for ease ;)

Homework Statement

Check the Pendulum question out and,and the

Homework Equations

Should all be in the scans.

The Attempt at a Solution

See the

Aircraft question: a) seems to be obvious to me; traveling at 170km/h, needs to travel 300km. v = d/t, therefore t = d/v = 300/170 = 30/17 hours (no calculator allowed, left it in a fraction). As for b).. Drew a triangle, due north in an hour he should have traveled 170km, due 010 degrees he traveled 134km, but the question's five marks, and I can't think they expect us to know sin or cos of 10 or 80. The thing that really throws me on this question is that his speed is 'relative to the air'.

Pendulum: Got 2π[tex]\sqrt{\frac{r}{10}}[/tex], with r being the length of the pedulum. b) I got the same as a), but [tex]\frac{r}{15}[/tex]. I was thrown on these two because the question said 'calculate', so I assume they want an actual integer, but I couldn't find a hint in the question to what r should be to substitute. c) was harder. Could not quite understand the question enough to answer it. d) seemed ok, I ended up with a messy fraction (right at the bottom of the workings scan) and thought I must have buggered up the algebra some where. e) would've probably have been fine if I got d).
I just need pointing in the right direction; it's more getting my head thinking along the right lines than getting the exact integer if required (though that'd be nice!) Thanks!
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  • #2
I'm really sorry for bumping this, I know how irritating it is but I have this test tomorrow, and I know knowing these exact answer won't help for it but I'd like to get my head around the thinking.. :)
  • #3
The aircraft one I have done. Draw a line to show how far he would have traveled in one hour due North, and then the line bearing 10 degrees. Join these two up. You've got two sides and an angle, so cosine rule.

I've done the test now, but I'm still curious about the pendulum one. Any takers?

FAQ: Two Oxford Admissions Questions, Pedulums and Aircraft

1. What is the significance of the two Oxford admissions questions?

The two Oxford admissions questions are used to test a student's critical thinking skills and their ability to apply mathematical concepts to real-life scenarios. They are commonly used in the interview process for admission to the University of Oxford.

2. What is a pendulum and how does it work?

A pendulum is a weight suspended from a fixed point that swings back and forth under the influence of gravity. The time it takes for the pendulum to complete one full swing is called its period, which is dependent on the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity.

3. How do pendulums relate to the Oxford admissions questions?

The first Oxford admissions question involves calculating the period of a pendulum on different planets, testing a student's understanding of gravity and mathematical concepts. The second question involves a more complex pendulum scenario, testing a student's problem-solving skills.

4. What is the difference between an aircraft's airspeed and groundspeed?

An aircraft's airspeed is its speed relative to the air it is flying through, while its groundspeed is its speed relative to the ground. Airspeed is affected by wind, while groundspeed is not.

5. How do aircrafts maintain stability and balance while flying?

Aircrafts maintain stability and balance through the use of control surfaces such as the rudder, ailerons, and elevators. These surfaces are controlled by the pilot and help the aircraft to maintain its desired flight path. Additionally, the design of the aircraft's wings and body also contribute to its stability and balance.
