Understanding laws of thermodynamics

In summary, the system has potential energy in the form of the spring and one clock, wound to have energy for ten revolutions for the second hand. The system has energy at the beginning and final stages. Work is done to convert potential energy into kinetic energy, which is then dissipated as heat.
  • #1
say we have closed system (box) consisting vacuum and one mechanichal clock, wound to have (potential) energy (within spring) for say ten revoluntion for second hand in the begining.
now when watch is allowed to have ten revolution of second hand and then it stops at the same location at it started,
In the system, we should be having some heat energy released due to friction of mechanism and one dead clock.
now is the energy of the system at the initial stage and final stage is same?
has some energy lost in doing mechanical work, as not all energy is converted into heat?
what is the disorder in system?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
No the at the final stage you don't have the energy that you did at the start in this configuration as the mechanical work has been done and you cannot reverse it so energy has been lost in it.
Now the heat energy will be there as heat depending on how tight and perfect the box is in a theoretical scenario all the heat energy generated by frictions should remain as heat in the perfectly sealed box.
  • #3
Under the assumption of absolutely no energy loss from the box, the system will have the same energy at the end as in the beginning. All of the mechanical energy from the spring will be converted to heat and, for a while, mechanical energy due to vibrations of the clock frame (and these will slowly be converted to heat).

The 'disorder' in the system comes from its higher temperature. The atoms in the clock will increase their random thermal motion. You should know, though, that 'disorder' is an inexactly defined, subjective term, and the laws of thermodynamics apply to entropy rather than disorder. It is just that the common notion of disorder maps relatively well onto the exact definition of entropy when you take a molecular level view of things, so people talk about disorder in introductory treatments. But keep in mind that it only works reasonably well when you look at the molecular level.

There are a few sources of loss in a real system like this, though. First, there is thermal radiation, which is a bigger source of heat loss than most people realize. Just like if you heat metal hot enough, it will glow red, things at room temperature are already hot enough to glow infrared (which the human eye cannot see). You could reduce this with mirrors on the inside of the box between the vacuum and the clock. Secondly, if this is on Earth where there is gravity, there will be something connecting the clock to the box and the box to the ground. This could carry vibrations away or conduct heat away.
  • #4
@ crazymechanic
when potential energy is 'consumed' in mechanical work and apart from heat energy no other energy is conserved can we say part of potential is 'destroied', thus violating first law of thermodynamics.
if all the potential energy is converted to heat then what made the mechanical work?
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  • #5
apurvmj said:
@ crazymechanic
when potential energy is 'consumed' in mechanical work and apart from heat energy no other energy is conserved can we say part of potential is 'destroied', thus violating first law of thermodynamics.
if all the potential energy is converted to heat then what made the mechanical work?

Be careful. Potential energy is not converted into work. Work is a force times a distance, and you can talk about the amount of work done over a certain time period, but not about the amount of work in the system at a certain point in time. Potential and kinetic energy are things where you can talk about the amount in the system at a certain time.

The potential energy gets converted first into the kinetic energy in the clock hand moving. Most of that is dissipated as heat when the clock hand stops. Some of it causes the clock to vibrate. The vibration is a combination of potential energy (in the form of the distortion of the clock frame) and kinetic energy (in the motion of the frame).

I would not have said what crazymechanic said in the first sentence about not having the same energy at the end and at the start due to mechanical work being done.
  • #6
is the energy of the system at the initial stage and final stage is same?
has some energy lost in doing mechanical work, as not all energy is converted into heat?
No. All the energy is converted into heat.

if all the potential energy is converted to heat then what made the mechanical work?

You can't say the PE was converted to "mechanical work done" AND "friction". The mechanical work done was due to the friction. You have double counted it.
  • #7
don't we need energy to overcome the inertia of components of watch? and is it all that PE converted to heat after mechanical work beeing done?

one more question (apart from previously discussed one), does energy is required to convert one form of energy to another or is it spontanious.

FAQ: Understanding laws of thermodynamics

1. What are the three laws of thermodynamics?

The three laws of thermodynamics are:

  • The first law, also known as the law of conservation of energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transferred or converted from one form to another.
  • The second law, also known as the law of entropy, states that the total entropy of a closed system will never decrease over time.
  • The third law, also known as the law of absolute zero, states that it is impossible to reach absolute zero temperature through a finite number of processes.

2. How do the laws of thermodynamics apply to everyday life?

The laws of thermodynamics apply to everyday life in many ways. For example, the first law explains why we need to eat food to fuel our bodies and why we need to use energy-efficient appliances to save on our electric bills. The second law explains why things tend to become more disordered over time, such as a messy room becoming messier if left untouched. The third law helps explain why it is difficult to reach absolute zero temperatures, and why it is important to keep things at certain temperatures for preservation purposes.

3. What is the relationship between thermodynamics and energy?

Thermodynamics is the study of energy and its transformations. The laws of thermodynamics help us understand how energy is conserved and how it flows through systems. Without the laws of thermodynamics, we would not have a clear understanding of how energy works and how it affects our world.

4. Can the laws of thermodynamics be violated?

No, the laws of thermodynamics cannot be violated. They are fundamental principles that govern the behavior of energy and matter in the universe. While some processes may seem to violate the laws, they are actually following the laws in a more complex way that we may not fully understand yet.

5. What are some real-world applications of the laws of thermodynamics?

The laws of thermodynamics have many real-world applications, including:

  • Power generation: The laws of thermodynamics are used to design and improve power plants, such as coal-fired or nuclear power plants.
  • Chemical reactions: The laws of thermodynamics are used to predict and control the outcomes of chemical reactions in industries such as pharmaceuticals and food production.
  • Heating and cooling systems: The laws of thermodynamics are used to design and improve heating and cooling systems to increase efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
  • Climate science: The laws of thermodynamics play a crucial role in understanding and predicting climate change and global warming.

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