Using a Spreadsheet to determine the Fourier Series

  • #1

Homework Statement

Use a spreadsheet to determine the F.S. of the data given in Fig 6

See attached for Fig 6

Homework Equations

N/A - Use the Fourier Series tool of MS Excel. Tools > Data Analysis > Fourier Series. If you don't have the Data Analysis tool loaded you can load it by going Tools > Add-ins > Analysis Tool Pack.

The Attempt at a Solution

My attempt at the solution is attached, but my results don't match the results in my course notes. I was wondering if someone could see where I am going wrong.

I open a new excel spreadsheet, enter the data of fig 6 in exactly the same cells.

Then I run the Fourier Analysis tool, my data range is cells A2-A9 and the output range is cell D2.


  • Fig 6 PDF.pdf
    63.2 KB · Views: 252
  • My Attempt.jpg
    My Attempt.jpg
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  • #2
Perhaps it has something to do with the format of your range specifications? Did you enter the ranges manually, or did you use the mouse to select them so they'd be automatically constructed?
  • #3
I selected them using the mouse, highlighting A2 and dragging down to A9, so that in the 'Input Range' cell on the Fourier analysis tool it reads: $A$2:$A$9
  • #4
Your data points are in column B, not column A. Fix your input data range.
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Likes berkeman
  • #5
You're correct.

In my defence I followed the example to the letter of the law, and that says "Next we enter the input data range (A2-A9)..."

  • #6
Gremlin said:
You're correct.

In my defence I followed the example to the letter of the law, and that says "Next we enter the input data range (A2-A9)..."

Ha! Glad it worked out.

This is a great example of why it's always a good idea to relate the original problem statement word-for-word. Sometimes the problem is the problem!