Vertically oscillating spring-mass system

In summary, a mass hanging freely from a spring, oriented vertically downwards, experiences simple harmonic motion. If we pull it down by a distance from its equilibrium position and then release it, the amplitude of the motion is the same on either side of equilibrium because this is how it is defined.
  • #1
Consider a mass hanging freely from a spring, oriented vertically downwards. We know that because the restoring force acting on the mass is directly proportional to the displacement of the mass from the equilibrium position, i.e. the extension of the spring (F=kx), the system exhibits simple harmonic motion.

Suppose that we pull it down by a distance of a from its equilibrium position, and then release it. Using energy considerations, and letting b be the maximum displacement of the mass from the equilibrium position during the upward portion of its motion,

(1/2)ka2 - mga = (1/2)kb2 + mgb, and solving,
a - b = 2mg/k

So, a must be greater than b.

Is this analysis correct, and if so, does this mean that systems executing SHM need not have equal amplitudes in the different oscillation directions? (e.g. during the upward motion, its amplitude is different from that of its downward motion)
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  • #2
No. Try solving the equation again, and don't cancel out factors.

The amplitude is the same on either side of the equilibrium because this is how it is defined. It is the position with minimum potential energy so greatest kinetic energy.
  • #3
(k/2) (a2 - b 2) = mg(a+b)

(k/2)(a+b)(a-b) = mg(a+b)

Cancelling a+b and rearranging, a-b = 2mg/k

I don't see what's wrong with cancelling the a+b factor. It's not zero, so unless my initial equation was wrong, what's wrong with the analysis? In any case, at the amplitude position the system has greatest potential energy, not kinetic energy as you said.
  • #4
Here's the catch: the equilibrium position of the mass is not at [itex]x = 0[/itex]. Of course, you could define your coordinate system such that [itex]x = 0[/itex] corresponds to the equilibrium position of the mass, but then the potential energy is not
[tex]U = \frac{1}{2}kx^2 + mgx[/tex]
but rather
[tex]U = \frac{1}{2}kx^2 + mgx + Cx + D[/tex]
where [itex]C[/itex] and [itex]D[/itex] are constants. I leave it to you to figure out what their values would be.

EDIT: actually, I thought about it some more, and maybe some more detail is in order. There are really two equilibrium positions involved in this problem: (1) the equilibrium position of the spring itself, with no mass on it, and (2) the equilibrium position of the spring with the mass on it. When you define the potential energy of the system as
[tex]U = \frac{1}{2}kx^2 + mgx[/tex]
you're implicitly deciding to measure distances from equilibrium position #1. But when the mass is on the spring, that position is no longer an equilibrium. That's why you get a difference between the maximum height and the minimum height, because you're measuring from a point which is not an equilibrium point of the weighted spring.

If you are careful about defining your distances and reference points, you should find that equilibrium position #2 is in fact equidistant from the highest and lowest points of the motion.
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  • #5
Ah. That explains everything perfectly. So that's what I was missing.

If the spring extension at equilibrium is A, then if we define x to be the displacement from the equilibrium position, we have
U = (k/2)(A+x)2 - mgx, assuming x to be positive in the downward direction.

Expanding this expression gives the constants C and D.

I followed through my earlier analysis using a and b as the amplitudes in the upward and downward directions, and did manage to obtain a result showing a and b are equal. Thanks for your help, diazona!
  • #6
You're welcome :wink: That's a surprisingly tricky situation when you think about it in detail - it took me a while to come up with my last post.
  • #7
I was trapped in this same tricky oscillation and I'd like to show you my" to the problem, which is grounded solely on Newton's Second Law and Hook's Law, with no calculus at all.
I found this discussion really helpful.
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  • #8
my apologizes for resurecting this old thread, but this concept has confused me for much of my high school and undergraduate years!

i've browsed dozens of pf threads and this one has the best answer!

FAQ: Vertically oscillating spring-mass system

What is a vertically oscillating spring-mass system?

A vertically oscillating spring-mass system is a physical system consisting of a spring attached to a mass that is able to move up and down due to the force of the spring. This system is often used to model the motion of objects in real-world situations, such as a car suspension or a person jumping on a trampoline.

What is the equation for the motion of a vertically oscillating spring-mass system?

The equation for the motion of a vertically oscillating spring-mass system is given by Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is proportional to the displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position. This can be written as F = -kx, where F is the force, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement from equilibrium.

How does the mass affect the oscillation of a vertically oscillating spring-mass system?

The mass affects the oscillation of a vertically oscillating spring-mass system in two ways. First, a larger mass will require a greater force to displace it from its equilibrium position, resulting in a slower oscillation. Second, the period of the oscillation (the time it takes for one complete cycle) is directly proportional to the mass, so a larger mass will have a longer period of oscillation.

What factors can affect the behavior of a vertically oscillating spring-mass system?

There are several factors that can affect the behavior of a vertically oscillating spring-mass system. These include the spring constant, the mass of the object, the amplitude (maximum displacement), the initial velocity, and any external forces acting on the system (such as friction or air resistance).

How is energy conserved in a vertically oscillating spring-mass system?

In a vertically oscillating spring-mass system, energy is conserved because the spring and the mass constantly exchange potential and kinetic energy. As the mass moves up, it gains potential energy due to its increased height and loses kinetic energy. As it moves down, it gains kinetic energy and loses potential energy. This process continues, with the total energy remaining constant throughout the oscillation.
