Finding the Right Wife: Struggling with Adapting to Married Life Again

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the speakers in this conversation discuss the possibility of finding a wife and the challenges and reservations they have about marriage. They also mention the idea of buying a wife from Russia and the potential drawbacks of such a decision. Some suggest trying to find a partner through dating or getting a pet instead.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
It has been a long time, but i feel having a wife would be the crowning
glory to a rather jaded life, i am set in my ways ,and not sure if i could
adapt to married life again, but there is this emptiness, want, need, maybe
selfish thought, that a person could fit my ideal, and adapt/fit to my life style,
i could change a little i guess, but not much, i mean if she did not like old
motorbikes there would be no chance, but there again if she loved some
girly thing i would support it, cobblers i do not know how to explain further.
Physics news on
  • #2
I hear Russia sells nice wives, HIGH FIVE!

At your age, I'd say yes. Find yourself a second wife. You're not starting a family, you just want someone to be close to. If it doesn't work out, just divorce her. Its no consequence to any kids, so who cares.
  • #3
My opinion is that you get out there and maybe start having a look around, meet some new woman and if something clicks then great.. you really can't plan these things to much, there arent calculations you can do because something unexpected always happens. I'd say follow your heart and do what you think is best for you

"As you pursue your dreams,
Remember to take time to help and serve others even if doing so slows you down a little
As you explore and develop your unique talents,
Remain humble, realizing that your special abilities are gifts from God.
As life hands you challenges, welcome them as ways to become smarter and stronger.
As you acquire material things, know that your most important possessions
Are honesty, integrity, and the desire to make a difference.
May your new path take you where you want to go but also bring you pleasant surprises"
  • #4
I didn't know just how much I missed haveing a partner, until I got re-married. I don't think I would of married if, he expected me, or I expected him to change. Yet I notice, somethings have changed as we learned to work together.
I think you will do just fine.
  • #5
If you want to get women interested in marrying you, get a black leather jacket and cruise around on the bike playing yourself up as a rogue womanizer who refuses to be caught in marriage.
  • #6
zoobyshoe said:
If you want to get women interested in marrying you, get a black leather jacket and cruise around on the bike playing yourself up as a rogue womanizer who refuses to be caught in marriage.

That only works if you want to hook up with the most retarded women on the planet :wink:
  • #7
ShawnD said:
That only works if you want to hook up with the most retarded women on the planet :wink:
It worked for the former warden of the Maine State Prison (who was president of the United Bikers of Maine at the time) and she was quite a cutie and a smart and sweet lady, to boot. He put out a personal ad that said in effect, "I won't change for you and I don't want you to change for me." Thanks to him, we got Malcolm Forbes to come to our "Toys for Tots" charity ride one year and bring hot-air balloons to give captive rides to the kids (the balloons were captive, not the kids) and arrange helicopter rides and fly-overs of his private and corporate jets. Malcolm was a hell of a nice guy, and his presence at our annual fund-raiser spurred the attendance of local politicos (Gov, Senators, etc) that elevate biker's causes to the point where they cannot be ignored.
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  • #8
  • #9
I hope you're not looking for a wife just to bring life to your life.

Because if it is, it's guaranteed to fail... again.
  • #10
Hey, first things first...get out on some dates! :biggrin: I used to be jealous of my 80-something neighbor at my old house...she had a better social life and more boyfriends than I did. Women who have been widowed often feel those same needs. I think my mom actually has had more fun in her second marriage than her first. There was no pressure the second time around to raise a family or get through the lean years starting out in life together, just enjoying being themselves together and keeping each other company.

Or, get a cat. That's what I did when it started feeling too lonely around here. :biggrin:
  • #11
Moonbear said:
Hey, first things first...get out on some dates! :biggrin: I used to be jealous of my 80-something neighbor at my old house...she had a better social life and more boyfriends than I did. Women who have been widowed often feel those same needs. I think my mom actually has had more fun in her second marriage than her first. There was no pressure the second time around to raise a family or get through the lean years starting out in life together, just enjoying being themselves together and keeping each other company.

Or, get a cat. That's what I did when it started feeling too lonely around here. :biggrin:

Well i have had no luck catching a sister ,so it is a huge drop to go for
anything else, it just seems the local women are so not interested in
anything i am.
Cyrus the Russian women are so easy to talk to, but far to young.
  • #12
Nothing beats a mail order Russian Bride Wolly, Da?
  • #13
cyrusabdollahi said:
Nothing beats a mail order Russian Bride Wolly, Da?

I find the Russian women i have had email contact with are inteligent, but
unrounded, (to young), the photos i have had sent to me would blow your mind.
But one knows these (girls) only want a ticket out of Russia, i do feel sorry
for them, but not enough to put my hand in my pocket.
  • #14
Yeah, stay away from them...but I know what you mean. In high school my friend and I saw those russian wives on one of those websites and some of them are model quality...yowzas.
  • #15
cyrusabdollahi said:
Yeah, stay away from them...but I know what you mean. In high school my friend and I saw those russian wives on one of those websites and some of them are model quality...yowzas.

It is strange, but when these girls communicated with me, their posts were almost identical in content, i am sure their last year in education dealt only in (how to hook a westerner) and may be model classes, but as they say in
the motor industry, all show and no go, or the supercar will make you super poor.
  • #16
Sir, givethe women around you a chance! Who knows ? Perhaps you get to like 1 even if she'd not interested in motorbikes.

ShawnD said:
That only works if you want to hook up with the most retarded women on the planet :wink:

It worked on me!:wink:
  • #17
cyrusabdollahi said:
Yeah, stay away from them...but I know what you mean. In high school my friend and I saw those russian wives on one of those websites and some of them are model quality...yowzas.
A bachelor friend of mine responded to one of those Russian brides. It turned out to be a racket - the picture was that of a Russian actress and the photo had been used under several different names.

If one wanted a Russian bride, one would have to go to Russia and meet one in person.

wolram said:
their posts were almost identical in content
Yes, apparently there is a common script that various organizations use.

Apparently there are legitimate organziations, but how to tell which is or is not legitimate, I don't know.

Like Moonbear suggested, get out there and look locally.
  • #18
Maybe try a dating website? I have never tried it but I have a relative who met someone online, a few years later they were married, and they are still a very happy married couple.

I think you usually have to pay some fee per message you send but its pretty affordable. I wish you good luck in your search!
  • #19
wolram said:
It is strange, but when these girls communicated with me, their posts were almost identical in content, i am sure their last year in education dealt only in (how to hook a westerner) and may be model classes
Last year in education?!?

Sorry to be cynical, but I would think that the Russian bride/email thing is massive business -- ie. a load of ex-farmhands knocking off these emails and attaching a glamourous photo of...

Don't you watch Eastenders at the moment? Libby and Darren are pulling the scam -- if it's hit Albert Square, it must be more public than the old Nigerian email scam thing :wink:

Still, good luck with the cause :smile:
  • #20
Lisa! said:
Sir, givethe women around you a chance! Who knows ? Perhaps you get to like 1 even if she'd not interested in motorbikes.

It worked on me!:wink:

Most confusing, but who noes :smile: maybe i need lessons on chat up
lines that work on inteligent women, and wear my leather jacket and pants.
  • #21
Woolie, you need to meet ladies in a neutral environment. Even if you have a washer and dryer at home, start doing your wash (or at least some of it) at a coin-op laundry. Go on a weekend when the working ladies have a little free time to do their laundry, and use the opportunity to ask questions and socialize a bit. You don't need a pickup line to break the ice - "Do these bigger machines do a better job drying the clothes than those smaller ones?" or something similar will do the trick. It's a pretty neutral non-threatening environment, and it's pretty boring waiting for your clothes to dry so you might find yourself talking to some nice ladies if only to kill time. I'd give you better odds with a woman that you get to know in a laundromat than one that you meet in a tavern.
  • #22
I think Wolram is quite a catch. A haunted cottage in England. :!)
Wolram, do you have any pictures of the cottage? Is this one near the ruins or was that your old place?

Did you ever get that ton of soot that exploded out of the chimney cleaned up?
  • #23
I don't have any suggestions, but I wish you good luck.
  • #24
I don't know about the social circuits in the UK, but in the US, there are all sorts of groups people can join as an excuse to get out of the house and meet other people. Some just sit around playing cards, while others have dances, or arrange trips to see interesting places that you might not bother going to see by yourself (or that are more affordable because they get group rates).

I think it's easier to do if you don't set out looking for a girlfriend or wife, but just go out to meet new friends, and then maybe one of those friends will decide to start popping by to cook dinner because they don't like eating alone, or maybe she'll just bring by the leftovers since it's too much for one person, and before you know it, you're engaged in a night of lovely conversation, and then she's cooking breakfast for you too. :wink:
  • #25
Moonbear said:
...and then she's cooking breakfast for you too. :wink:

Why not just come over in the morning? :rolleyes:
  • #26
about the social circuits in the UK
Well, there is the local pub. One could put up an ad in the pub, with permission of the proprietor of course.

Or how about the local library or church or perhaps a gardening club?

Or go browse the local ASDA or Tesco. :biggrin: Try the produce section first.
  • #27
Evo said:
I think Wolram is quite a catch. A haunted cottage in England. :!)
Wolram, do you have any pictures of the cottage? Is this one near the ruins or was that your old place?

Did you ever get that ton of soot that exploded out of the chimney cleaned up?

I can see this from my bederoom window
The cottage is a disaster, i am sure it hates me, or the guy that died there does.
The chimney will have to be rebuilt, no pics yet i will have buy a camara.
  • #28
dontdisturbmycircles said:
Maybe try a dating website? I have never tried it but I have a relative who met someone online, a few years later they were married, and they are still a very happy married couple.

There was a time when I would have scoffed at this, but over the past year I've known two people who have had very positive experiences using one of these sites.
  • #29
Moonbear said:
just go out to meet new friends

From time to time I read somewhere a survey on how married couples met. Always the most common response is 'through friends.' Networking is what it's all about. Not to be cynical, but sometimes romance is a numbers game. If there are no potential prospects among the women you know, then ask a new friend who he or she knows. Now you have new potential prospects. Ask twenty new friends and now your pool of prospects has increased substantially! A social club would give you instant access to twenty or more new friends. And socializing is their raison d'etre, so don't be shy about asking.
  • #30
Here is a site with stories of how couples met.
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FAQ: Finding the Right Wife: Struggling with Adapting to Married Life Again

1. How do I know if I've found the right wife?

Finding the right wife is a personal and subjective experience. It's important to consider factors such as compatibility, communication, and mutual respect in your relationship. Ultimately, you should feel happy and fulfilled in your marriage and have a strong connection with your partner.

2. What are some common struggles with adapting to married life again?

Some common struggles when adapting to married life again may include adjusting to living with someone else, managing finances as a couple, and balancing individual needs with those of your partner. It's also common to experience conflicts and disagreements as you both navigate your new roles as spouses.

3. How can I effectively communicate with my wife during this transition?

Effective communication is key in any relationship, especially during a transition like adapting to married life again. It's important to actively listen to your wife, express your feelings and needs clearly, and work together to find solutions to any challenges that arise. Seeking the help of a couples therapist can also be beneficial in improving communication.

4. What are some ways to maintain a strong and healthy marriage?

Maintaining a strong and healthy marriage takes effort from both partners. Some ways to do this include regularly expressing appreciation and gratitude for each other, making time for quality time and shared activities, and actively working on resolving conflicts and improving communication. It's also important to prioritize self-care and individual interests to maintain a sense of balance in the relationship.

5. How can I cope with the stress and challenges of adapting to married life again?

Adapting to married life again can be stressful and challenging, but there are ways to cope with these difficulties. It's important to communicate openly with your wife, seek support from friends and family, and practice self-care. Additionally, setting realistic expectations and being patient with yourself and your partner can help alleviate some of the stress and make the transition smoother.
