How Can I Calculate Tension and Amplitude in Standing Wave Problems?

In summary, the two waves have the same amplitude and frequency, but they have a phase shift of 90 degrees.
  • #1
Hi I was wondering if someone could tell me if I am heading in the right direction with these Thanks in advance

Q1 In an experiment on standing waves, a string 90 cm long is
attached to the prong of an electrically driven tuning fork that oscillates
perpendicular to the length of the string at a frequency of 60 Hz. The
mass of the string is 0.044 kg. What tension must the string be under if it
is to vibrate in four loops?

I used the formula L=4(λ/2) giving 2λ=L L=1.8m
V=fλ v=108m/s then using the formula v=sq root(T/μ) giving me a tension of 279.936N Is this correct

Q2 Two sinusoidal waves with the same amplitude, frequency and
speed, travel in the same direction along a string and interfere with one
another to produce a resultant wave with a displacement
y = (3.0 x 10-3) sin(20x - 4.0t + 0.6) cos(0.6) m. What is (a) the amplitude
and (b) the wavelength of the waves and (c) the phase difference
between them?

Wave is in the form y'(x,t)=[2ym(cos(tetha/2)sin(Kx-wt+1/2(tetha)tetha/2

answer 1.13mm is this correct?

k=20 rad/m
w=4 rad/s


I know this is wrong please lead me in the right direction
Physics news on
  • #2
for Q1: The standing wave has an antinode at the position of the tuning fork and a node at the fixed end. This means that the length of the string will be two and a quarter wavelengths long for four loops. The rest of the approach is correct.
  • #3
Resistivity vs. Resistance

Hi,could you be so kind to explain me differences between resistance and resistivity?
I think the resistance is constant for each material.But we use resistivity to differentiate between various materials.
  • #4
ramino said:
Hi,could you be so kind to explain me differences between resistance and resistivity?
I think the resistance is constant for each material.But we use resistivity to differentiate between various materials.
As far as I understand>>> Certain materials oppose current flow more than others. Even the same material allows current to flow at different rates depending upon shape. This property is called resistance. Resistivity is a physical property of a material to resist or oppose the movement of charge through the material.

So from that, resistance is not constant for each material.
[tex]R = p\frac{L}{A}[/tex]

p = resistivity of conductor
L = length
A = area
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  • #5
Superdreamer, you were right about there being a node almost at the tuning fork. If the wave is actually in resonance, without great amounts of damping, the tuning fork oscillation will be less than about 1 mm, while the string wave will have amplitude of about 100mm . (Andrevdh is incorrect)

your wavelength and frequency look okay.
the decomposition into 2 waves with same amplitude but a phase shift
does NOT have a unique solution.

FAQ: How Can I Calculate Tension and Amplitude in Standing Wave Problems?

1. What is a standing wave?

A standing wave is a type of wave that forms when two waves with the same frequency and amplitude travel in opposite directions and interfere with each other. This results in a pattern of nodes (points of no displacement) and antinodes (points of maximum displacement) that do not move, unlike a traveling wave.

2. How is a standing wave different from a traveling wave?

Unlike a traveling wave, a standing wave does not move through space. Instead, it oscillates in place, with certain points along the wave having no displacement while others have maximum displacement. Standing waves also have distinct nodes and antinodes, whereas traveling waves do not.

3. What are some examples of standing waves in everyday life?

Standing waves can be observed in many different situations, such as in musical instruments like guitars and violins, in microwave ovens, and in earthquake waves. They can also be seen in the patterns formed by vibrating strings, such as in jump ropes or guitar strings.

4. How do you calculate the wavelength of a standing wave?

The wavelength of a standing wave can be calculated by dividing the distance between two consecutive nodes (or antinodes) by the number of segments between them. This can be represented by the equation λ = 2L/n, where λ is the wavelength, L is the distance between nodes, and n is the number of segments.

5. What are some real-world applications of standing waves?

Standing waves have numerous practical applications, such as in musical instruments, where they determine the pitch of a note. They are also used in engineering and architecture to reduce vibrations and resonance in buildings, bridges, and other structures. Additionally, standing wave patterns are utilized in medical ultrasound imaging and in particle accelerators for scientific research.

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