What Do You Do If You Were a Rock Star?

  • Thread starter Zargawee
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about a game where users ask and answer hypothetical questions starting with "What do you do if". The topics of the questions range from being a rock star, to being able to see the future, to living on Mars, and having control over the world. The conversation also includes some jokes and off-topic comments.
  • #456
Well, for starters, uhh, I dunno.

What do you do if you just don't know what to do?
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  • #457
Originally posted by megashawn
What do you do if you just don't know what to do?
Well, you consult your "I don't know what to do, for dummies" book, and if that fails, you then take a shot at using one of the "Eight Balls" that prognosticates the futur, and if that doesn't work, then you try the idea that, when all else fails, stop trying, by trying something else!

What do you do if while typing out your question, you suddenly realize that the question you were about to ask, became the answer that you really just wanted to hear so you couldn't ask the question, because it was the Answer? Huh?
  • #458
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if while typing out your question, you suddenly realize that the question you were about to ask, became the answer that you really just wanted to hear so you couldn't ask the question, because it was the Answer? Huh?

I think you pretty much anwsered it.

What do you do if you get completely confused in the What do you do if thread?
  • #459
Originally posted by Astrophysics What do you do if you get completely confused in the What do you do if thread?
If you think you are completely confused, be warned that there are depths of confusion in this thread that would make your current state seem like distilled water in a crystal wine goblet.What do you do if your sitting on a hot stove holding a pretty girls hand, but long before the expected average of 30 minutes is up, it already seems like an hour?
  • #460
Get yer ass off the stove fool!

Try not to drag the pretty girl over the hot stove, she probably will not go out for a second date (Assuming the sitting on a hot stove impressed her)

What do you do if you drag her across the hot stove?

edit: Figured I better add a smiley.
  • #461
Originally posted by megashawn What do you do if you drag her across the hot stove?
Interesting you should ask that quetion, because once, back before World War One, I was out in the barn at the anvil trying to bang a hot piece of iron into half of a massive hinge to replace the one on the barn door that had, after years of service, finally succumbed to all the natural forces at work bent on its oxidation, when I noticed my sturdy German Valkyrie-like farmmaiden helper backing away from something I couldn't see
toward the little forge where the coke was glowing beneath its layer of ash. What do you do if you notice your German Valkyrie-like farmmaiden helper backing toward a hot forge?
  • #462
Originally asked by zoobyshoe
What do you do if you notice your German Valkyrie-like farmmaiden helper backing toward a hot forge?
Funny, this actually happened to me, but it wasn't my German Valkyrie like farm maiden, it was my French Canadian Cleaning lady in that ooooh so short cleaning outfit of hers, backed right into the woodstove's side, and seared her backside right through her undies, heard that osculation is the best remedy for such occurances so I immedaitely offered to perform the healing on her, to great suckcess...Pardon me where was I?, oh yes a "What do you do if" quention...

What do you do if the hand that fed you, now slapping you across the face, repetitively, is covered with whipped cream and cherries?
  • #463
If the hand that fed me was the buxum German Valkyrie-like farmmaiden, I'd give the wench a hardy tongue bath and send her on her way.

Having finished dessert first, what would you order for the main course?
  • #464
Originally posted by Robert Zaleski Having finished dessert first, what would you order for the main course?
I'd like to try the Aida-like "brow of Egypt", in a seven veils sauce, with a side of belly dancing.What do you do if the master of the brain teaser thread turns out not to realize the difference between a stupid quetion and a what do you do if... question?
  • #465
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
[BWhat do you do if the master of the brain teaser thread turns out not to realize the difference between a stupid quetion and a what do you do if... question? [/B]

ask another stupid question.

What do you do if you got your finger stuck in your nose?
  • #466
Originally posted by dduardo
What do you do if you got your finger stuck in your nose?
Tell everyone your nose is "On Strike" and continue to Pick'it...

What do you do if while you are picking your nose, the pretty girl who had watched you hold your hand on a hot stove, comes over to ask you to dance?
  • #467
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if while you are picking your nose, the pretty girl who had watched you hold your hand on a hot stove, comes over to ask you to dance?
Clearly, then, she must have mistaken your antics for some kind of David Blaine style endurance test, so you agree to dance and thank her for the opportunity of putting an additional burden on your effort to hold your finger in your nose as long as possible. What do you do if, in fascination with your test of your own will, she decides to put her finger up your other nostril while you are dancing?
  • #468
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if, in fascination with your test of your own will, she decides to put her finger up your other nostril while you are dancing?

What do you do if while awaiting your slooooow computers inability to find a dictionary, in order for you to spell check your work, you give up looking, and just type the one you think it should be, and tell the story asking if it's really O.K. to do that?
  • #469
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if while awaiting your slooooow computers inability to find a dictionary, in order for you to spell check your work, you give up looking, and just type the one you think it should be, and tell the story asking if it's really O.K. to do that?
The pretty girl standing next to me with her finger up my nose handles all spell-checks in a book-form dictionary, so I don't know what to tell you.What do you do if you purchase a recording of the late, great Canadian Pianist, Glenn Gould, performing your favorite Bach, but, try as you might, you cannot hear him humming in the background as usual?
  • #470
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if you purchase a recording of the late, great Canadian Pianist, Glenn Gould, performing your favorite Bach, but, try as you might, you cannot hear him humming in the background as usual?
Turn up the volume to the point where your tuner and amplifier start to do the hummin for ya!

What do you do if you are out on a windswept night, having a pee in a blinding snowstorm, completely naked, snow melting on your warm back, and running down your backside because of it, a rabbit breaks out of the brush, and rushes you, and you have clearly been caught with, well, no pants, and now your feet are frozen to the icey surface and you've no place to run from the approaching KiLLer bunny?
  • #471
Roll up a big snow ball and kill that rabbit.

What would you do when you threw the snowball, the rabbit dodged it and snapped its jaws tight on your "member"?
  • #472
Originally posted by Rockdog
What would you do when you threw the snowball, the rabbit dodged it and snapped its jaws tight on your "member"?
Resign that "member"ship, and sign on under a new name.

What do you do if you find a sleeping rabbit, a stewing pot, a fireplace with fuelings and starter, some select vegetables, a bottle of your favorite French/Californian(HUH??) Red wine with corkscrewer, Elmer Fudd's cookbook, and a ravinous hunger?
  • #473
I'd hire a cook to make me a stew, then refuse to pay by stating, " There's a hare in my stew".

What is the name of the cook that cooked the hare stew?
  • #474
Originally posted by Robert Zaleski
What is the name of the cook that cooked the hare stew?
"Stew Hairris"

What do you do if you are sitting at home with a match, a book, a TV remote control, but no TV, A stereo blasting Acid rock out of six speakers, four police handcuffs sets, and not a clue what to do?
  • #475
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if you are sitting at home with a match, a book, a TV remote control, but no TV, A stereo blasting Acid rock out of six speakers, four police handcuffs sets, and not a clue what to do?
Back on my home planet of Zoobonia this would be considered a perfect time to make some crank phone calls. Once I called the President of Zoobonia and, mimicking his wife's voice, told him to get home because our brush nest was on fire. Then I called his wife and, mimicking his voice, told her to set the brush nest on fire because I'd found lice in my body hair. I hid and watched what happened when he got there and asked her how the fire started. It was better than "I Love Lucy".What do you do if you're lying in bed and a large, hairy arm comes in through the window and starts groping around near your head?
  • #476
What do you do if you're lying in bed and a large, hairy arm comes in through the window and starts groping around near your head?
ask the arm peacfull to move ... or object in the security consle.

What do you do if you have more than 2 hands ?
  • #477
Play the piano very fast

What would you do if you had one more day left to live?
  • #478
Originally posted by einsteinian77
Play the piano very fast

What would you do if you had one more day left to live?
Depends on how I expect to die.
  • #479
What do you do if all the king's horses and all the king's men can put you back together again, they do, but then make you the love slave of the obese Queen?
  • #480
Originally posted by einsteinian77
Play the piano very fast

What would you do if you had one more day left to live?

Try to run as fast as I could, maybe that way death can't catch up with.

What do you do if Death suddenly comes riding in his ferrari and you're out of breath?
  • #481
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if all the king's horses and all the king's men can put you back together again, they do, but then make you the love slave of the obese Queen?

Be greatful and live happely ever after

What do you do if someone posted an anwser without a question and someone else posted a question without an anwser?
  • #482
Originally posted by Astrophysics
What do you do if someone posted an anwser without a question and someone else posted a question without an anwser?
Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and time how long it seems.What do you do if you're trying to outrun Death, but he's driving a Ferrari?
  • #483
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and time how long it seems.

What do you do if you're trying to outrun Death, but he's driving a Ferrari?

Ask him to stop over, since he was driving to slow.

What do you do if you read a question and suddenly it seems u're having a deja-vu?
  • #484
What do you do if you read a question and suddenly it seems u're having a deja-vu?
Tell Neo and friends about this , so that we don't get uncovered.

What do you do if what you have in life was just a used pen, dirty toothbrush, the colthes you're wearing and 2 US Dollars ?
  • #485
Originally posted by Zargawee
What do you do if what you have in life was just a used pen, dirty toothbrush, the colthes you're wearing and 2 US Dollars ?
Use the pen to write out a smiling (means brush your teeth) movie script, sell that to a "Wealthy Movie Mogel", and then, live happily on two dollars a day! for the rest of your life!

What do you do if you have a headless pumpkin??
  • #486
What do you do if you have a headless pumpkin??

I'd send the headless pumpkin to the patch up on the hill.

After the pumpkins been patched up where would you find the headless horseman?
  • #487
Originally posted by Robert Zaleski
After the pumpkins been patched up where would you find the headless horseman?
At home with the headless wife, Claire, and headless kids watching headless TV, or polishing up the Plymouth Satellite.What do you do if you're strolling around casually on the wing of a jumbo jet in flight, and you notice there's a passenger staring out the window at you in horror?
  • #488
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if you're strolling around casually on the wing of a jumbo jet in flight, and you notice there's a passenger staring out the window at you in horror?
Quickly write them a note explaining that, as soon as the plane uses enough of it's fuel, you are going to jump into the fuel tank, to ride out the rest of the trip, in comfort!

What do you do if the guy next to you in the fuel tank, pulls out a half piece of a 'stoggie' and then asks you for a light!??
  • #489
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if the guy next to you in the fuel tank, pulls out a half piece of a 'stoggie' and then asks you for a light!??
I would explain to him that you've never enjoyed a cigar so much as one smoked in freefall and then toss him out.

What do you do if, when you arrive home you find a flat corpse in your yard with a stogie in its mouth?
  • #490
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if, when you arrive home you find a flat corpse in your yard with a stogie in its mouth?
Offer them a light!

What do you do if while lighting the cigar butt of the corpse in your front yard, it explodes, ending pieces of the person, flying about the street, people come out of their houses, see the blood, and declare it a "State of EmErgency" (due to the related blood disease rates/possiblities) which in turn causes a panic to occur as people try to do everything possible to avoid all of the blood you spattered everywhere, so because of 'The Threat' the State Troopers come to arrest, you charging you with "Inciting A Riot", how do you plead??

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