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i am writing this message after a short consultation with kuruman. if there are two waves emitted by the same source then with the same direction, but these waves are in counterphase link: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/lookaside/crawler/media/?media_id=100325080043803&imgrefurl=https://www.facebook.com/counterphase/about/&docid=OpDdx0c440xCIM&tbnid=ol8qNK1IvHWYVM&vet=1&source=sh/x/im. when these two waves affect a conductive material they do not produce any electron displacement ?? This is new link https://www.google.com/imgres?imgur...eLM&tbnid=HntqSYCn1_AiZM&vet=1&source=sh/x/im