When is Translational Momentum Conserved

In summary, translational momentum is a physical quantity that describes an object's motion based on its mass and velocity. It is conserved in a closed system, meaning the total momentum remains constant. An example of this is seen in a game of pool, where the cue ball loses momentum and the other balls gain momentum. External forces do not affect this conservation, as stated by the law of conservation of momentum. Translational momentum conservation is important because it helps us understand and predict the motion of objects and analyze various physical interactions.
  • #1

Homework Statement

When is Translational Momentum Conserved and when is Angular Momentum Conserved?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

When no net external force acts on the system...or a net change in the content of the system (essentially an isolated system...or closed system...I forgot the difference between the two if there is any). Think of it in terms of p = mv...changes in p may occur from changes in m (mass) or v (velocity). The same applies to angular momentum.
  • #3

Translational momentum is conserved when there is no external force acting on a system. This means that in a closed system where there is no net external force, the total momentum of the system will remain constant. This is known as the law of conservation of momentum.

On the other hand, angular momentum is conserved when there is no external torque acting on a system. Similar to translational momentum, this means that in a closed system where there is no net external torque, the total angular momentum of the system will remain constant. This is known as the law of conservation of angular momentum.

In summary, translational momentum is conserved when there is no external force and angular momentum is conserved when there is no external torque. Both of these conservation laws are fundamental principles in physics and are used to analyze and predict the motion of objects and systems.

FAQ: When is Translational Momentum Conserved

1. What is translational momentum?

Translational momentum is a physical quantity that describes the amount of motion an object has, taking into account both its mass and velocity. It is often referred to as simply "momentum".

2. How is translational momentum conserved?

Translational momentum is conserved in a closed system, meaning that the total momentum of all objects in the system remains constant. This means that if one object gains momentum, another object in the system must lose an equal amount of momentum.

3. What is an example of translational momentum conservation?

A classic example of translational momentum conservation is a game of pool. When the cue ball strikes the other balls on the table, the total momentum of the system remains the same. The cue ball loses momentum while the other balls gain momentum, resulting in the same overall momentum before and after the collision.

4. How do external forces affect translational momentum conservation?

In a closed system, external forces do not affect the conservation of translational momentum. This is known as the law of conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant in the absence of external forces.

5. Why is translational momentum conservation important?

Translational momentum conservation is important because it is a fundamental law of physics that helps us understand and predict the motion of objects. It allows us to analyze and explain the outcomes of various physical interactions, from simple collisions to more complex systems.

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