Write a matrix given the null space

  • #1

Homework Statement

Build the matrix A associated with a linear transformation ƒ:3→ℝ3 that has the line x-4y=z=0 as its kernel.

Homework Equations

I don't see any relevant equation to be specified here .

The Attempt at a Solution

First of all, I tried to find a basis for the null space by solving the homogeneous linear system:
\begin{cases} x-4y=0\\z=0\end{cases} \Leftrightarrow \begin{cases} x=4y\\z=0\end{cases}
The solutions are thus of the kind (4y,y,0)=y(4,1,0). A basis is hence given by the single vector (4,1,0).
Due to the rank-nullity theorem I know that dim(Im) = dim(ℝ3)-dim(ker(f))=3-1=2. Then, I need two more vectors in order to obtain a basis of 3 that is composed by (4,1,0).
If I chose two vector such as that the matrix of the coordinates has the wanted kernel, I've concluded. My problem is that I don't see how to consciously pick them.
Can anyone help me? Thank you very much!
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  • #2
Zero2Infinity said:

Homework Statement

Build the matrix A associated with a linear transformation ƒ:3→ℝ3 that has the line x-4y=z=0 as its kernel.

Homework Equations

I don't see any relevant equation to be specified here .

The Attempt at a Solution

First of all, I tried to find a basis for the null space by solving the homogeneous linear system:
\begin{cases} x-4y=0\\z=0\end{cases} \Leftrightarrow \begin{cases} x=4y\\z=0\end{cases}
The solutions are thus of the kind (4y,y,0)=y(4,1,0). A basis is hence given by the single vector (4,1,0).
There is another basis vector for the kernel: <0, 0, 1>
Zero2Infinity said:
Due to the rank-nullity theorem I know that dim(Im) = dim(ℝ3)-dim(ker(f))=3-1=2. Then, I need two more vectors in order to obtain a basis of 3 that is composed by (4,1,0).
If I chose two vector such as that the matrix of the coordinates has the wanted kernel, I've concluded. My problem is that I don't see how to consciously pick them.
Can anyone help me? Thank you very much!
  • #3
Sorry but I'm not convinced.
The basis of the kernel is found by solving the system I wrote, corresponding to the matrix
\begin{equation} \begin{pmatrix} 1&-4&0\\0&0&1 \end{pmatrix} \end{equation}
This system ha ##\infty^1## solutions of the type ##(4y,y,0)##, i.e. a basis is ##(4,1,0)## and the kernel is one-dimensional.
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  • #4
Why don't you use ##f(\vec{x})=A\vec{x} = \vec{0}\,##?
  • #5
Let's see: knowing the basis vectors I can write
\begin{pmatrix}4&a&b\\1&c&d\\0&e&f\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}1\\-4\\0\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}0\\0\\0\end{pmatrix}
Thus I get
from which ##a=1, c=\frac{1}{4}, e=0##. Repeating the procedure with
\begin{pmatrix}4&a&b\\1&c&d\\0&e&f\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}0\\0\\1\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}0\\0\\0\end{pmatrix}
I get
from which ##b=0, d=0, f=0##.
Concluding, I get the matrix
By doing so, though, the kernel becomes 2-dimensional with ##(0,0,1),(-\frac{1}{4},1,0)## as basis.
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  • #6
Of course. You have only one linear independent vector to span the image, but you need two. The matrix ##A'## of the linear equations in post #3 already had two (row) vectors to span the image. Why don't you expand it with a third row? What does ##A' x = 0## tell you? I mean, reread your own comment.
  • #7
fresh_42 said:
Of course. You have only one linear independent vector to span the image, but you need two. The matrix ##A'## of the linear equations in post #3 already had two (row) vectors to span the image. Why don't you expand it with a third row? What does ##A' x = 0## tell you? I mean, reread your own comment.

First of all, thank you for your patience.
If I add a vector linearly dependent to the other two I get a matrix which kernel is ##(4,1,0)##. For example
Then this is a solution for the excercise? As you might guess I'm not very sure about the conceptual meaning of what I'm doing...
  • #8
You get a matrix which kernel is ##\{(x,y,z)\,\vert \,(1,-4,0)\cdot \vec{x} = 0 \wedge (0,0,1) \cdot \vec{x} = 0 \}##, i.e. the linear equations you started with. I would have chosen ##0## as the last entry, but ##2## is o.k., too. The first two row vectors are now perpendicular to ##(4,1,0)##, which you were looking for in post #1, and also perpendicular to each other. Therefore together they build a nice little basis of orthogonal vectors in ##\mathbb{R}^3##: two in the image of ##f## and one in its kernel.
  • #9
Thank you again Sir!
Just to be sure: ##(1,-4,0),(0,0,1)## is a orthogonal basis of the ##Im(f)## subspace, ##(4,1,0)## is the basis for the one-dimensional nullspace of ##f## and so, by virtue of the rank-nullity theorem, I have an orthogonal basis of the domain of ##f##, i.e. ##\mathbb{R}^3##.
  • #11
Zero2Infinity said:

Homework Statement

Build the matrix A associated with a linear transformation ƒ:3→ℝ3 that has the line x-4y=z=0 as its kernel.

Homework Equations

I don't see any relevant equation to be specified here .

The Attempt at a Solution

First of all, I tried to find a basis for the null space by solving the homogeneous linear system:
\begin{cases} x-4y=0\\z=0\end{cases} \Leftrightarrow \begin{cases} x=4y\\z=0\end{cases}
The solutions are thus of the kind (4y,y,0)=y(4,1,0). A basis is hence given by the single vector (4,1,0).
Due to the rank-nullity theorem I know that dim(Im) = dim(ℝ3)-dim(ker(f))=3-1=2. Then, I need two more vectors in order to obtain a basis of 3 that is composed by (4,1,0).
If I chose two vector such as that the matrix of the coordinates has the wanted kernel, I've concluded. My problem is that I don't see how to consciously pick them.
Can anyone help me? Thank you very much!

You don't need to.

A linear transformation which does the trick is [tex]\mathbf{x} \mapsto \mathbf{x} \times (4, 1, 0)^{T}.[/tex] This can be written as [itex]\mathbf{x} \mapsto A\mathbf{x}[/itex] for some matrix [itex]A[/itex].