Are There More Zero Divisors in a Ring of 2x2 Matrices Than Initially Thought?

In summary, there are 9 zero divisors in the given ring of 2x2 matrices with entries from Z, where the operations are standard matrix addition and multiplication mod 2. The zero element (0,0),(0,0) is not considered a zero divisor. The definition of a zero divisor is a nonzero element a in a commutative ring R is a zero divisor if there exists a nonzero element b of R such that ab=0R. This means that b is also a zero divisor. It is possible to multiply two zero divisors together and get the zero matrix, as shown in the example given. However, a zero divisor cannot be a unit. In order to show that there are zero divisors,
  • #1
Let R be a the ring of all 2 X 2 matrices with entries from Z, where the operations are standard matrix addition and standard matrix multiplication, but the entries of the sum and product are determined by addition and multiplication mod 2.

Find all zero divisors.

The professor said there are 9 zero divisors. Below I list the ones I came up with.

The easy ones are (1,0),(0,0) ; (0,1),(0,0) ; (0,0),(1,0) ; (0,0),(0,1) ; (1,0),(1,0) ; (0,1),(0,1)

However my professor says there are three more. My question then becomes technical. Does the zero element (0,0),(0,0) count as a zero divisor? He stated that (0,0),(1,1) is another zero divisor. My problem with this is that it's idempotent. You could do (0,0),(1,1) * (1,1),(1,1) & get the zero matrix in Z mod 2. But by definition of a zero divisor ab=0R, does a & b have to be different? If we don't then we could do (1,1),(1,1) * (1,1),(1,1) would be the zero matrix. So we then just multiplied to zero divisors together & defeated the purpose. Again, it's a technical question.
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  • #2
No, the 0 matrix is not a "zero-divisor". No, a and b do not have to be different. I'm not sure what you mean by "defeated the purpose". What "purpose"? If you are referring to the "(0,0),(1,1)*(1,1)(1,1)" example, you didn't "multiply two zero matrices", in the you multiplied two zero-divisors- and that always happens. a is a "zero-divisors" if and only if it is a non-zero element such that there exist another non-zero element, b, such that ab= 0. And, of course, that implies that b is also a zero-divisor.
  • #3
Take the unit (0,1),(1,1) for example. If I do (0,1),(1,1) * (1,0),(0,0) = (0,0),(0,0). But by what you just said, then the unit would be a zero divisor, & I though that wasn't possible.

The definition given in the book of a zero divisor is "A nonzero element in a in commutative ring R is a zero divisor if there exists a nonzero element b of R such that ab=0R."

So I guess maybe I just read the definition incorrectly. I didn't realize multiplying two zero divisors together to get the 0 matrix was allowed to show that one or the other was a zero divisor. Namely because of the example I showed above.

*edit* yeah I think that's what it is, I didn't understand it fully & realize now (at least I think), you just not that a zero divisor can not be a unit. But let me finally ask this, if I multiply two matrices together & get the zero matrix, is that enough to show that we have zero divisors (granted we checked that one is not a unit)?
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  • #4
HallsofIvy said:
No, the 0 matrix is not a "zero-divisor".
Depends on the definition used. With the one he cites, 0 is a zero-divisor. I confess that I didn't realize some people excluded zero until a couple weeks ago!

FAQ: Are There More Zero Divisors in a Ring of 2x2 Matrices Than Initially Thought?

What are Zero Divisors of a Matrix?

Zero Divisors of a Matrix are elements in a matrix that when multiplied with another element, result in a product of zero. In other words, they are numbers that cause the matrix to lose its invertibility.

How do Zero Divisors affect the properties of a Matrix?

Zero Divisors can affect the properties of a Matrix in terms of its invertibility, rank, and determinant. If a matrix has zero divisors, it is not invertible and cannot be used to solve systems of equations. It also affects the rank of the matrix, as it can decrease the number of linearly independent rows or columns. Additionally, the determinant of a matrix with zero divisors is always zero.

Can a Matrix have more than one Zero Divisor?

Yes, a Matrix can have multiple Zero Divisors. In fact, most matrices have at least one zero divisor, unless they are diagonal matrices with all non-zero elements.

How do Zero Divisors relate to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors?

Zero Divisors have no relation to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. These are completely different concepts in linear algebra. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors are related to the diagonalizability and stability of a matrix, while Zero Divisors affect its invertibility.

How can Zero Divisors be identified in a Matrix?

To identify Zero Divisors in a Matrix, you need to multiply each element of the matrix with every other element. If the product is zero, then those elements are zero divisors. Another way is to check the determinant of the matrix, which will be zero if there are any zero divisors.
