Please help transistor amplifier

In summary: So, if you choose Ie=1mA, you only have 25Ω to play with, which means you want rl to be very large value, which means you want to use a Darlington transistor.In summary, if you want to design a CE amplifier with a gain of 50, you can use two stages, each with a gain of x10 and x5 respectively. Alternatively, you can use one stage with a gain of 50, but it may be more difficult to design and may not be as reliable. It is important to consider the input and output impedances of the circuit in order to achieve the desired voltage gain.
  • #211
NascentOxygen said:
You should run your simulation a number of times, testing that it works satisfactorily with hfemax and hfemin, and (for multi-transistor circuits) all combinations.

ah ok did you see the circuit was everything all right just type of transistor, which tell me Jony and he worked fine, because my software he tell me only hfe max not hfe min but i have to look i think in datasheet