Enthalpy Definition and 67 Threads

Enthalpy (listen) is a property of a thermodynamic system, and is defined as the sum of the system's internal energy and the product of its pressure and volume.
It is a state function used in many measurements in chemical, biological, and physical systems at a constant pressure, that is conveniently provided by the large ambient atmosphere. The pressure–volume term expresses the work required to establish the system's physical dimensions, i.e. to make room for it by displacing its surroundings. As a state function, enthalpy depends only on the final configuration of internal energy, pressure, and volume, not on the path taken to achieve it.
The unit of measurement for enthalpy in the International System of Units (SI) is the joule. Other historical conventional units still in use include the calorie and the British thermal unit (BTU).
The total enthalpy of a system cannot be measured directly because the internal energy contains components that are unknown, not easily accessible, or are not of interest in thermodynamics. In practice, a change in enthalpy is the preferred expression for measurements at constant pressure, because it simplifies the description of energy transfer. When matter transfer into or out of the system is also prevented, at constant pressure the enthalpy change equals the energy exchanged with the environment by heat.
In chemistry, the standard enthalpy of reaction is the enthalpy change when reactants in their standard states (p = 1 bar, T = 298 K) change to products in their standard states. This quantity is the standard heat of reaction at constant pressure and temperature, but it can be measured by calorimetric methods in which the temperature does vary, provided that the initial and final pressure and temperature correspond to the standard state. The value does not depend on the path from initial to final state since enthalpy is a state function.
Calibration of enthalpy changes requires a reference point. Enthalpies for chemical substances at constant pressure usually refer to standard state: most commonly 1 bar (100 kPa) pressure. Standard state does not strictly specify a temperature, but expressions for enthalpy generally reference the standard heat of formation at 25 °C (298 K). For endothermic (heat-absorbing) processes, the change ΔH is a positive value; for exothermic (heat-releasing) processes it is negative.
The enthalpy of an ideal gas is independent of its pressure, and depends only on its temperature, which correlates to its internal energy. Real gases at common temperatures and pressures often closely approximate this behavior, which simplifies practical thermodynamic design and analysis.

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  1. Z

    Chemistry How to determine whether a single reaction is better than multi-stage reaction?

    The above question is the final part of a problem in Silbey, Alberty, and Bawendi's Physical Chemistry. The main part of the problem had to do with various calculations of changes in enthalpy at 500K, which I completed successfully. The single reaction is endothermic with reaction enthalpy...
  2. Z

    Chemistry How do we use enthalpy of formation in this calculation?

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  3. Mardonio

    Enthalpy derivation differential equation

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  4. A

    Is enthalpy just the sum of internal energy and work against external pressure?

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  5. FoFi_Olli

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  6. aquastor

    Thermodynamics Question Regarding Gibbs Free Energy, Enthalpy, Entropy

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  7. R

    Calculating heat released from excess enthalpy

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  8. Sailor Al

    I Is Enthalpy a Valid Concept Despite Dimensional Mismatch?

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  9. hjkdmdmf

    High Temp γ-Fe Enthalpy > Low Temp α-Fe Enthalpy: Why?

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  10. samy4408

    Question about the rules of thermodynamics

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  11. M

    Enthalpy Explained: All You Need to Know

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  12. Sonim

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  13. C

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  14. cooldudeachyut

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  15. komarxian

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  16. I

    Comparing delta(PV) vs P(deltaV)

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  17. J

    Unsure Regarding Temperature Model for an Open System

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  18. J

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  19. J

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  20. G

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  21. U

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  22. i_hate_math

    What is enthelpy for combustion of glucose?

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  23. V

    A problem in finding enthelpy of metal oxides

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  24. I

    Hess's Law Explained | Simple Explanation for Enthalpy Change

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  25. Benjamin Crump

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  26. J

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  27. Aafia

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  28. A

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  29. A

    Exploring Enthalpy: Magnesium Reactivity in Hydrochloric Acid Lab Results

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  30. Thales Costa

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  31. G

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  32. C

    What is Enthelpy Conceptually?

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  33. MZ1K

    How is enthelpy different than heat?

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  34. B

    Constant Volume Calorimetry - Why does (ΔnRT)=(Δn)RT

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  35. Apoorv3012

    What is enthelpy of a system, Macroscopic thermodynamics.

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  36. K

    Calculating Enthalpy ΔH of H2O at 101 kPa: Detailed Process & Equations

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  37. A

    Need Help understanding energy and enthelpy please

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  38. Ariel Jo

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  39. leafjerky

    Designating States of Water [Thermo]

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  40. Titan97

    Why is electron affinity positive?

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  41. Dong Aleta

    What is the Correct Way to Determine the Enthalpy of Subcooled Water?

    Hi! I was looking at some problems in Geankoplis' book on Transport Processes and Unit Ops and I came across this problem involving water at 85°C, atmospheric pressure. The problem required the enthalpy of the water and so the book used the enthalpy of saturated water at 85°C from a steam...
  42. MexChemE

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  43. mertzi

    Ice added to water at 273K, calculate new ice mass

    Hi! I'm new here and I can't find anything helpful through google so I thought I'd give PF a try. Sorry for not using the template fully but I have no ideas on how to solve this problem. 1. 0.1kg ice at 263K is added to 1kg water at 273K. Calculate new mass of the ice. 2. I know how to do this...
  44. T

    Is the difference of two state functions a state function?

    Hello everybody, For my thermodynamics test I have to tell whether or not a quantity is a state function, which is obviously not all too difficult when regarding entropy, enthalpy etc. on their own. However there are a lot of questions where it is about "H-S" or "G-H". Are these not always...
  45. C

    Enthelpy of reaction calculation?

    Limestone stalactites and stalagmites are formed in caves by the following reaction: Ca2+(aq) + 2HCO3-(aq) --> CaCO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) . If one mol of CaCO3 forms at 298 K under 1 atm pressure, the reaction performs 2.48 kJ of P - V work, pushing back the atmosphere as the gaseous CO2 forms...
  46. Teemo

    Internal Energy Change: Homework Solutions

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  47. R

    Entropy change in irreversible processes

    The equation for entropy S=delta(Q)/T is derived from reversible processes such as Carnot cycle. The delta(Q) in the equation is the reversible heat added or taken out from the system. So, why is this equation valid in the case of processes like cooling of a body which is irreversible?
  48. U

    Thermodynamics: Enthelpy vs. Gibbs Free Energy usage

    I'm currently taking a Biophysics lecture. There's a vast usage of the terms Enthalpy and Gibbs Free Energy. I understood that most of the time, we're dealing with the Gibbs Free Energy, because our experiment is at constant Temperature (e.g. room temperature) and constant Pressure (e.g. 1 atm)...
  49. MexChemE

    Exothermic reaction in adiabatic reactor

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  50. MexChemE

    Internal energy, enthelpy and heat capacity

    Hello PF! I have some questions regarding these concepts. First of all, are the following expressions valid for any case? i.e. any kind of process, like isochoric, isobaric. \Delta U = \int C_v \ dT \Delta H = \int C_p \ dT Or is the ΔU expression only valid when dV = 0, and ΔH when dP = 0...