Nucleus Definition and 423 Threads

nuCLEus is a proposed mixed-used development complex planned for the Gateway District of downtown Cleveland, Ohio, United States. The project won unanimous approval from the Cleveland Planning Commission in November 2014, and recently received schematic design approval from the City of Cleveland in March 2019 after a thoughtful redesign to fit the city's growing population and needs in downtown Cleveland.Robert L. Stark of Cleveland-based Stark Enterprises is the lead developer on the nuCLEus.
The $300M mixed-use project will encompass approximately two million square feet in the heart of the city at the intersection between East Fourth Street, Prospect Avenue and Huron Road, connecting many of the venues in the Central Business District.
nuCLEus will serve as a mixed-use, vertically integrated space with a mix of Class A office space, retail, restaurants and residential living divided between two distinct, 24 floor towers.

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  1. T

    B Is it the Electrons that we actually see when looking at matter?

    If the nuclei are so small and they don't emit photons, aren't we just beholding the symphony of electrons?
  2. J

    Ag mass number 108+1 neutron (mass number 1) = Beta -1

    TL;DR Summary: Ag mass number 108+1 neutron (mass number 1) =Beta -1 does this equal Cadmium or Mercury? 'Chemistry An Atoms Based Approach' problem 2.97 (c) says the answer is Hg mass number 110 I came up with Cadmium is this a typo?
  3. Nik_2213

    Writing: Input Wanted Coagulating iceteroidal 'fines'

    As I understand it, a warmed comet nucleus or 'iceteroid' will out-gas as it crosses relevant 'ice lines', shed silicate dust ranging from cm-scale down to 'fines' unto electron microscopic. As 'fines' are generally near-fractal, porous and 'fluffy', it is not useful as-is. Worse, too much has...
  4. J

    Alpha particle close to the nucleus

    Hello everyone, while studying I found this task in my textbook. Solving this problem with the help of the formula seems quite straightforward. But I get a different result than the solution the textbook offers. I get: Around ##5∗10^{−15}m## (which is a typical solution for a radius of a...
  5. S

    Is my understanding of nuclear fusion and binding energy correct?

    Binding energy- the amount of energy required to dissemble the nucleus High binding energy means that the nucleus is very tightly bound, whereas a low binding energy means the nucleus is weakly bound. The nuclear strong force acts at a very short range whereas the Coulomb force is infinite...
  6. K

    I How experimentally robust is Giant Dipole Resonance in 88Be?

    I saw this paper, Observation of the X17 anomaly in the decay of the Giant Dipole Resonance of 88Be 2308.06473 I would like to know how robust and how established is experiments involving on Giant Dipole Resonance How easy would another research team to use on Giant Dipole Resonance...
  7. K

    A Electrostatic interaction inside and outside the source

    Hello! I want to get the electrostatic interaction (between and electron and a nucleus), while accounting for the fact that the electron can also be inside the nucleus (e.g. in an S##_{1/2}## state). I ended up with this double integral...
  8. M

    A When to use collective and when shell model?

    I am sorry if this is a silly question, but I am confused about it. When do I use a model over the other? I understand how they work separately, but I didn't understand from my readings when I should use one over the other and why. And when I look at an actual level scheme of a nucleus (for...
  9. mangofan

    I Electrostatic force exerted on an electron inside a nucleus

    This is SAMPLE PROBLEM 25-7 from "Physics" by Resnik, Halliday, and Krane, in the chapter "Electric Field and Coulomb's Law". After describing the behavior of uniformly charged spherical shells: follows a sample problem: The solution to (a) goes to say that the volume inside R/2 is 1/8 of the...
  10. Mustafa Bayram

    B The Mystery of Excited Electrons: Are They Moving Away from the Nucleus?

    when an electron is excited to the conduction band is it move further from the nucleus? Are free electrons in the conduction band further from valence electrons? I saw this picture that seems problematic to me. what do you think?
  11. M

    Electric field at surface of lead-208 nucleus

    For this problem, The solution is, However why is ## r = (208)^{1/3}(1.20 \times 10^{-15} m)## Many thanks!
  12. S

    I Movement of protons between orbital bands in the nucleus

    What would happen if the protons started to have orbital movements with energy gain and loss, changing orbital bands, at the same time as the electrons?
  13. S

    What causes the radioactive decay of an unstable nucleus?

    A philosopher whose work I'm using in a paper uses a radium atom's decay as an example of a "spontaneous power," or an uncaused event. My professor, though, says "quantum fluctuations" cause radioactive decay. What are these fluctuations, and do we know what causes them? It's a college paper, so...
  14. Marioweee

    Nuclear shell model of double magic nucleus 132Sn

    The independent particle energies for protons and neutrons around the exotic doubly magic core 132Sn are shown in the figure below, where π refers to protons and ν to neutrons. Using the nuclear shell model and using this figure as a guide, answer to the following questions: a)Estimate Jπ...
  15. B

    I Separation of Plasma into positive nucleus and negative electrons

    Im wondering if plasma is possible to be separated into a positive nucleus and negative electrons and contained within a magnetic bottle ? If possible, what is the most efficient method of achieving it ?
  16. M

    The density of a proton (hydrogen nucleus)

    First of all i want is to check if my answer is right or not because i am really not sure about my answer. Because the length is given in the form of a diameter we will divide that by 2 so we get it in the form of radius, 2.4fm / 2 = 1.2fm = r Then we will convert the radius from "fm" to "m" so...
  17. guyvsdcsniper

    Probability of electron in hydrogen nucleus for 1s and 2s wave-functions

    For this problem, Is it as simple as using the probability density function, P = Ψ2 and plugging in the radius value given to me? So essentially I am just squaring the wave function and plugging in?
  18. R

    B Is it the nucleus or a proton at the center?

    Which one is closer to reality, is it this picture or this The reason why I asked the question is according to the picture of hydrogen atom at Wikipedia, which is the...
  19. P

    I Shooting an electron past a positive nucleus (trajectory)

    An electron is shot horizontally. There is a proton located somewhere else, but not in the horizontal path of the electron. Is there a distance of closest approach, and how do you derive it? A physical explanation would be appreciated too.
  20. P

    I Do nucleons have a lower energy state when bound in a nucleus?

    But when I look at the definition of binding energy that doesn't make seem to make sense. It looks as though they had more energy when they were together and when they were separated that energy turned to mass (the mass defect)? Am I looking at this right? I also don't understand this...
  21. SimranPaudel

    Engineering How Do You Calculate the E-field in an Electron Cloud Using Gauss's Theorem?

    I tried to use the formula for electric field intensity but I feel like something is missing.
  22. leminn

    Binding energy per nucleon of the nucleus

    How exactly would it then be calculated? Here's what I have tried: proton mass: 1.007276 amu Neutron mass: 1.008665 amu Sulphur-34 mass: 33.9678668 amu Calculation: 1.##(16\cdot1.007276)+(18\cdot1.008665)+(16 \cdot0.000549)=34.28117## 2.##34.28117-33.9678668=0.3133032## 3. 1 atomic mass...
  23. R

    How to find electromagnetic force between nucleus and electron?

    Hello, I'm new here and honestly I'm not a physics student. I'm studying engineering and so, understand little of physics. I am trying to find the bond force of graphene's free electron. That means, the electromagnetic force by which the electron is bound to the nucleus. I can only calculate it...
  24. A

    Energy transferred to nucleus in pair-production

    In most textbooks, the recoil energy of the nucleus is ignored as it absorbs so little energy, and since its main role in the reaction is to absorb some of the photon's momentum without absorbing much energy. I'm tempted to say that the nucleus gets the maximum energy when the kinetic energy of...
  25. Adams2020

    What is the recoil energy of a nucleus produced in its first energy level?

    Table: To solve, using the conservation of energy: E0=(m(deutron)+m(16O)-m(17O)-m(p))c^2 so: E0=(2.014+15.994-16.999-1.008)931.5=0.93 MeV. so using the conservation of energy: 14.95+0.93=16.62+0+E' E'=- 0.74 MeV But the energy sign has become negative. I also calculated for the first excited...
  26. Kostik

    A Distribution of protons inside a large nucleus

    For medium to large nuclei, common sense suggests that protons should not be uniformly distributed inside the nucleus. Assuming the protons inside the nucleus are mobile (but supposing that it doesn't make sense to consider the nucleus a "conductor", in which case all charge would reside on the...
  27. M

    Understanding Nuclear Stability: The Role of Binding Energy

    This is an example from my textbook that I am having trouble understanding. So the binding energy of Beryllium-8 is positive 56.6 MeV, so it means the nuclide is stable, right? My textbook seems to use the reference of positive binding energy as being stable. And so that means alpha decay for...
  28. PainterGuy

    B Why does the nucleus become unstable as the number of nucleons increases?

    Hi, I'd appreciate it if you could help me with the queries below. Please try to keep it as simple as possible because I have only basic understanding. Source: Source...
  29. F

    B Why don't electrons fall into the nucleus?.

    The first result to this question in Google gives this: "An electron in an atom spreads out according to its energy. The states with more energy are more spread out. All electron states overlap with the nucleus, so the concept of an electron "falling into" or "entering" the nucleus does not...
  30. jaumzaum

    I Can an electron in the 1s orbital be indefinitely far from the nucleus?

    Is it possible for an electron in the 1s orbital of an hydrogen atom to be indefinitely far from the nucleus in a given instant? From the Schrodinger equation we can see that the radial probability is NEVER zero, so it would be possible to see an electron in the moon, for example. But if I...
  31. A

    B Why are protons allowed in the nucleus?

    Feynman said in one of his lectures that electrons can't just fall down into the nucleus since the uncertainty principal wouldn't let them have a known position and momentum at the same time. The problem I have with this is that protons seem quite happy in the nucleus. Is my objection fair...
  32. Rakshitgarg1709

    Understanding How to Scale an Atom's Nucleus

    Actually i was solving a basic physics problem that says : an atom has nucleus size 10^-15m and it is scaled upto the tip of pin 10^-5m . tell the size of atom. I saw this ques already solved here but i just can't understand how size of nucleus can be increased,...
  33. A

    I Nucleus energy levels, neutron energy

    From what I read I see that for example a radioactive nucleus is a nucleus in an excited state and when it transitions back to it's stable state (changes from one element to another due to radioactive decay) one of the ways this happens is that the nucleus emits a energetic photon with a...
  34. C

    B Neutron Decay Outside of a Nucleus Near Absolute Zero

    Does neutron decay outside of the nucleus occur faster, slower, or at the same speed when the environment it is in is near absolute zero? Do any external factors affect the speed of a neutron decaying?
  35. NoctusPartem

    How can I calculate the smallest speed of a proton in a nucleus?

    My approach: Assuming non-relativistic velocity: $$p = mv$$ $$mvL = \frac{\bar{h}}{2}$$ $$v = \frac{\bar{h}}{2mL} = \frac{h}{4\pi mL}$$ $$v = (6.626*10^-34) / (4pi * 1.67*10^-27 * 4.3*10^-15)$$ $$v = 7.34*10^6 = .0245c$$ This answer is incorrect. What have I done wrong? --- Edit: My...
  36. F

    I Why can we not produce a "giant" nucleus?

    In Condensed Matter Physics there are "giant" molecules that are macro bodies(e.g crystals).But why in Nuclear Physics we can not produce a "giant" nucleus?
  37. JD_PM

    Why Does the Rotational Energy Formula Give Different Results for E(2+)?

    Summary: I want to show by using the rotational energy formula that ##E(2^+) = 92 KeV##? But I got ##E(2^+) = 3096KeV##. Below is what I've done. There must be something I am missing. [Moderator's note: Moved from a technical forum and thus no template.]
  38. JD_PM

    Finding a method to compute the magnetic moment of an even-odd nucleus

    I am having difficulties computing the magnetic moment for an even-odd (proton-neutron) nucleus. The formula is: $$\mu_J=g_J\times j\times \mu_N$$ I checked this helpful post...
  39. T

    I Electric dipole moment of the nucleus of an atom

    Summary: Why is the electric dipole moment of the nucleus of an atom equal zero? Summary: Why is the electric dipole moment of the nucleus of an atom equal zero? I read about the hyperfine interactions that cause the altering of the energy levels of the nuclues of an atom. Under the...
  40. nmsurobert

    The Density of a Nucleus: A Question About Steps in Calculating Nuclear Density

    I have the solution to the problem but I think I found either a typo or steps that were not included. I think I have made sense of the problem but I would like to double check that I'm doing this right. Thanks. ρn = mn/Vn mn ≈ ma Rn = 10-5Ra This is were I am having issue. The solution says...
  41. M

    Momentum transfer between d-electrons and the nucleus in ferromagnetism?

    If a copper wire is wound around a piece of iron, nickel or cobalt, and a voltage is applied to the wire, it takes a longer amount of time for the current to reach its maximum value, than if the iron were replaced with a different material, such as glass— a phenomenon known as inductance. My...
  42. patric44

    The volume of the nucleus to the volume of the electron

    i'am trying to find the ratio between the volume of the nucleus for the hydrogen atom to its electron , but when i try to use the previous equations it seems wrong as i'am getting a low number like if the electron is bigger . i used the the classical electron radius as it was the only thing that...
  43. JD_PM

    I Angular momentum of an Odd-Odd nucleus (in its ground state)

    What I know is the following: The total angular momentum of the nucleus is just the total sum of the angular momentum of each nucleon. If the nucleons are even the total angular momentum in the ground state will simply be ##0+##. If the odd number of nucleons is close to one of the magic...
  44. J

    Possible spins and parities of an odd-odd nucleus

    I'm actually not even 100% sure about the formulas, as in my book they explain j, s and l quite unclearly. Could anyone give me a proper explanation as how to see these and if I'm using them correctly. What i tried to do was determine the proton and neutron angular momentum, spin and parity...
  45. A

    Calculate the mass defect of a carbon-12 nucleus

    My attempt: Proton 1.00728ux6+ Neutron 1.00866ux6=12.09564u 12.09564u-11.9967u=0.09894u E=mc^2 E=0.09894x(3.00x10^8ms-^1)^2
  46. M

    I Energy Levels: Why Do Spacings Get Smaller as Excitation Increases?

    Hi All. For the above energy level diagram, why do the energy levels spacings proceed to get smaller and smaller as the excitation energy increases?
  47. B

    I Why is there a limit to the number of neutrons in a nucleus?

    Hello! Why can't we have as many neutrons as we want inside a nucleus? I understand that for protons you have the Coulomb repulsion, but what leads to an increase of energy when adding more neutrons (which in turns lead to beta decay or fission)?
  48. A

    What happens/takes place in the molybdenum nucleus

    This is not so much of a problem as I'm just interested If anyone knows what happens. It does relate to my homework problem tho because I had to write what Molybdenium decays into from beta which is Molybdenum-99/42Technetium-99m/43
  49. B

    Binding energy and excited nucleus question

    this is from a website on why gamma rays are released what i don't understand is, why is the mass defect lead to a gamma radiation to be formed. If the nucleus is excited and dexcites the change in energy levels would cause a photon to be released. yet here it says the mass defect is the source...
  50. S

    Does an Electron Have Its Own Nucleus?

    Hi does an electron by itself have a nucleus?