Molecular Definition and 582 Threads

A molecule is an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. Molecules are distinguished from ions by their lack of electrical charge.
In quantum physics, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, the distinction from ions is dropped and molecule is often used when referring to polyatomic ions.
In the kinetic theory of gases, the term molecule is often used for any gaseous particle regardless of its composition. This violates the definition that a molecule contain two or more atoms, since the noble gases are individual atoms.A molecule may be homonuclear, that is, it consists of atoms of one chemical element, as with two atoms in the oxygen molecule (O2); or it may be heteronuclear, a chemical compound composed of more than one element, as with water (two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom; H2O).
Atoms and complexes connected by non-covalent interactions, such as hydrogen bonds or ionic bonds, are typically not considered single molecules.Molecules as components of matter are common. They also make up most of the oceans and atmosphere. Most organic substances are molecules. The substances of life are molecules, e.g. proteins, the amino acids they are made of, the nucleic acids (DNA & RNA), sugars, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. The nutrient minerals ordinarily are not molecules, e.g. iron sulfate.
However, the majority of familiar solid substances on Earth are not made of molecules. These include all of the minerals that make up the substance of the Earth, soil, dirt, sand, clay, pebbles, rocks, boulders, bedrock, the molten interior, and the core of the Earth. All of these contain many chemical bonds, but are not made of identifiable molecules.
No typical molecule can be defined for salts nor for covalent crystals, although these are often composed of repeating unit cells that extend either in a plane, e.g. graphene; or three-dimensionally e.g. diamond, quartz, sodium chloride. The theme of repeated unit-cellular-structure also holds for most metals which are condensed phases with metallic bonding. Thus solid metals are not made of molecules.
In glasses, which are solids that exist in a vitreous disordered state, the atoms are held together by chemical bonds with no presence of any definable molecule, nor any of the regularity of repeating unit-cellular-structure that characterizes salts, covalent crystals, and metals.

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  1. H

    Hybridisation of SO3

    Since SO3 has an expanded octet structure, the central S should form three double bonds with O, meaning S forms 3 pi bonds in total. However, after hybridisation of S, there are less than three unpaired electrons in unhybridised p-orbitals of S. How can S form 3 pi bonds when there aren’t enough...
  2. S

    I What drives osmosis? (Statistics or Dynamics?)

    This letter in PhysRevLett describes molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the underlying factors that drive osmosis. Copy on Internet Archive ...
  3. P

    I Effective Hamiltonian to Rotational Term Values

    Hello, I am fairly new to the world of molecular spectroscopy, so I apologize for any ignorance on my part. For the last few months, I've been working on a diatomic spectral simulation tool and have reached a point where I want to incorporate more advanced theory to model complex interactions in...
  4. S

    Hexagon Patterns in Chemical/Molecular Makeup

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  5. zachary570

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  6. M

    A Nuclear moments in molecular spectroscopy

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  7. Lotto

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  8. S

    Understanding Molecular Vibration of HF: Equilibrium Distance and Binding Energy

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  9. Lotto

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  10. J

    Chemistry Why Does IF5 Exhibit a Square Pyramidal Shape Despite Exceeding the Octet Rule?

    I thought it was trigonal bipyramidal, with iodine forming 5 bonds with 5 fluorine atoms. Actually, iodine has another lone electron pair, making it square planar. Is there a reason why iodine has another lone pair when it has already exceeded the octet rule? And how would I predict how many...
  11. N

    I Exploring the Mysterious Acceleration Phase of Molecular Behaviour

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  12. guyvsdcsniper

    Vibrational Levels in Molecular Electronic State

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  13. Bernadette

    I Gas molecular attraction in the sense of Newton's law

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  14. Mayhem

    Where Can I Find Information on the Total Molecular Hamiltonian?

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  15. nomadreid

    Molecular covalent bonds across energy levels

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  16. B

    A Higher order PT terms in molecular parameters

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  17. B

    A Can we have molecular transitions that change multiplicity?

    Hello! Can we have molecular transitions (not restricted to electric dipole) that change the multiplicity of the electronic level i.e. ##2S+1##. For electric dipole that is strictly forbidden. For magnetic dipole, we have a term in the operator of the form ##S\cdot B## and assuming the B is...
  18. B

    A How to slow down a high energy neutral molecular beam

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  19. P

    A Molecular cloud collapsing and fragmentation

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  20. A

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  21. M

    A How Can Molecular Beams Be Slowed and Neutralized for MOT Trapping?

    Hello! If I have a beam of positively (single) charged molecular ions (they can be either bunched on continuous), and I want to end up with a decelerated (close to stationary) ensemble of neutral molecules (e.g. to trap them in a MOT trap), is there a way to reduce the velocity of the charged...
  22. B

    A Measuring new forces with molecular vibrations

    Hello! I noticed in several papers describing high resolution vibrational measurements in diatomic molecules, such as this one, in the conclusion section, that they mention that we can search for new forces (or deviation from gravity inverse square law) between the 2 nuclei by measuring well...
  23. Dario56

    I Why Does Molecular Potential Energy Curve Have That Specific Shape?

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  24. R

    Get the mass of an argon atom and its molecular weight from Cv

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  25. B

    I Effective molecular Hamiltonian and Hund cases

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  26. P

    Molecular weight of lead(ii) nitrate Pb(NO_3)_2

    Hello everyone I am trying to solve the following question from the book Analytical Chemistry 7th edition by Gard D. Christian - Page 164 Example 5.17 My problem is when I calculate the molecular weight of Pb(NO_3)_2 I get 331.2 g/mol but in the book they get 283.2 g/mol . Could you explain...
  27. P

    Molecular Weight Surprise: N2 Bigger Than O2 & CO2

    So, doing an experiment with my daughter (making similar size balloons filled with carbon dioxide and air), and verifying that the CO2 balloon fell quite noticeably faster due to higher molecular weight; I later noticed that the CO2 balloon shrank clearly faster than the air balloon. This was...
  28. Helena Wells

    Energy differences of molecular orbitals

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  29. curiously new

    A Calculating noise of a transducer from molecular vibration

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  30. I

    Chemistry Finding the molecular formula of a hydrocarbon

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  31. I

    Molecular Bio/Genetics YouTube playlist needed for Genomic Data Scienc

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  32. E

    Chemistry Molecular orbital theory book reccomenations

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  33. F

    Exactly how do pressure waves work at the molecular level?

    I've searched high and low for an answer to my question and I can't find a thing. Let's say I blow into the end of a tube. The opposite end is connected to a reed; when the air hits the reed, the reed vibrates and I can hear a sound. The harder I blow, the louder the reed sounds. I've tested...
  34. M

    I Molecular Ratchet -- Feynman's explanations

    Hi all. Feynman writes: Does emerging of temperature differences supposedly violate the 2nd law? (yes?) As soon as a temperature difference occurs, e.g. a Carnot process could work...
  35. WMDhamnekar

    MHB Molecular orbital theory question about energy level diagrams

    Hello, The sigma $(\sigma)$ molecular orbitals are symmetrical around the bond-axis while pi $(\pi)$ molecular orbitals are not symmetrical. For example, the linear combination of 1s orbitals centered on two nuclei produces two molecular orbitals which are symmetrical around the bond-axis. Such...
  36. LCSphysicist

    Chemistry Is the Calculation for Additional Moles of D2 Correct?

    mx remets to mass in gram of the compost x nx remets to moles of the compost x nTot remets to the total moles x remets to the additional moles of D2 I considered the molar mass: MH2 = 2u MHD = 3u MD2 = 4u 10 = mH2 + mHD + mD2 10 = nH2*2 + nHD*3 + nD2*4 10 = nTot + 0.9nTot + 0.8nTot nTot =...
  37. Yokoko

    Chemistry How to Identify HOMO and LUMO in an Sn2 Reaction?

    The equation can be seen in the picture. I was assuming it was an Sn2 reaction given the polar aprotic solvent and strong nucleophile. For b), I assumed that the question asked me to draw the orbitals as shown above (as opposed to orbital diagram) because it asked me to identify the HOMO and...
  38. M

    I Fitting rovibrational molecular data

    Hello! I have some data for rovibrational transitions between a ##X^2\Sigma^+## and ##A^2\Pi_{1/2}## and I need to extract the molecular parameters (e.g. B, D, ##\gamma## etc) for the 2 levels. I tried pgopher for a while, using Hund case B and A for the 2 states, respectively. However it...
  39. patric44

    Perturbation treatment of hydrogen molecular ion

    hi guys i am a the third year undergrad student and in this 2nd semester in my collage we should start taking quantum mechanics along with molecular physics , our molecular physics professor choose a book that we are going to take which is " molecular physics by wolfgang Demtroder " when i...
  40. new90

    How to Calculate Molecular Diameter?

    How can I calculate diameter of a molecule
  41. BillTre

    Molecular Mechanism for Bacterial Sliding

    This article from Science Advances (probably not open access, an AAAS publication) has described a complex and interesting molecular mechanism (a nano-bio-molecular machine). A rotary motor in the cell membrane (driving mechanisms unknown) spins a gear that pushes a "tread" along a track imbeded...
  42. B

    Thermodynamics: calculate thermodynamic derivative from data?

    I don't understand how to use output from an NPT molecular dynamics simulation to compute a thermodynamic derivative. I need to compute this (where "d" is a partial derivative, "T" is a subscript that means, "at constant temperature," and "E" is internal energy): -(dE/dV)T I have a simulation...
  43. despues18

    Programs Seeking advice on how to search for a Graduate School in Molecular Biology

    Will finish B.S. in molecular biology in May. Have found asking vague questions about where to go/apply to next are pretty unhelpful. I believe that going through indexes of interesting research is the closest I can get to finding a place to advance myself and be happy in. here is an example...
  44. K

    Best software to fit molecular spectroscopy data

    Hello! I have some data from a molecular spectroscopy experiment, containing vibrational and rotational spectra, and I want to fit the peaks with Voigt profiles (one for each peak) in order to obtain the centers of the peaks. Do you know any software suitable for this kind of fit? I usually use...
  45. S

    Periodic Boundaries in Molecular Dynamics Simulations

    In molecular dynamics people use periodic boundaries to confine particles being simulated. I read here that they are used to simulate large "infinite" particle systems. How can I know that the periodic boundary is simulating actual molecular outcomes for a finite particle system that had a large...
  46. A

    A Visualizing water molecular dynamics in an electromagnetic field

    I am interested in showing a visualization of water molecules in a time-varying electric/magnetic field as part of my PhD work. I would like something like this visualization: , but with an external time-varying field applied. At first, I thought of simply animating water molecules...
  47. D

    Chemistry Molecular Shape of BF3: Trigonal Planar or Pyramidal?

    Answer given is " The molecule could be trigonal pyramidal or T shaped, but could not be trigonal planar." I am confused as the shape of BF3 is trigonal planar...
  48. r12214001

    Chemistry HF MO: Why F Uses 2P for Bonding in HF Molecular Orbital Model

    In figure. Why F use 2P rather than 2S to bonding in HF MO model.
  49. K

    I Molecular Bond in H2+: Explained

    The ## {H_2^+}## molecule consists of two hydrogen nuclei and a single electron.What kind of molecular bond do you think holds this molecular together? Explain.