Recent content by cataldo

  1. C

    Misure magmetic field by hakìll probe

    Hi to all experts forums... I can ask you the follow question or problem... I determine the magnetic field on one ferromagnetic piece by hall probe meter...The magnetization of this piece is longitudinal and the tipology of current is alternative current and set up the istrument on AC...The...
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    Magnetic Field Around Finite Conductor: Questions & Answers

    Hi everybody... I have a simple question for you.. Where can i found the expression of the magnetic field around at the conductor which it has finite lenght? because i always found the megnetic filed in a conductor infinite length .. Sorry for the stupid question... tanks and best regard
  3. C

    Relation between wet ability and viscosity

    Hi everibody... I do not know is this question will be stupid... is there relation mathematical, phisics,etc..between wet ability and viscosity of one liquid type oil? Tanks and best regard
  4. C

    Hakk effect gauss meter practice

    tanks for your replay...Very intersting Best regards
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    Hakk effect gauss meter practice

    Hi everybody... I am studying the theory hall sensor for magnetic particle testing...It is a usually techinque non destructive for aeronautic application..In one paper i have read "the hall sensor respose is proportional to the sine of the angle between B and the plane of the hall sensor"..The...
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    What is the Tangential Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Materials?

    Tanks for your replay... and exuse me if i do not write a english correct... Best regard
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    What is the Tangential Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Materials?

    Tanks.. Exuse me if i do not draw the cartesian axial. Hence Ht1 = Ht2 along x-axsis and y-axsis. If instead surface current J because the ferromagetic material is trought by current is not true Ht1 = Ht2 but I can say che H1 about Ht2? tanks
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    What is the Tangential Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Materials?

    Hi everybody.. I have a question on tagential magnetic field. I have a ferromagnetic material in longitudinal magnetic field and i necessary to know the component tangential H (magnetizing force) of this field by probe hall effect in this material near at your inside surfice. If the probe hall...
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    Why have a minimum temperature

    tanks for your answers...can you ask if there is a mathematical proof on this matter especially at atomic and sub-atomic level? Best regards Aldo
  10. C

    Why have a minimum temperature

    Hi everybody...I have a sutupid questionf for you. Question is: Why have i a minimum temperature (-273 celsisus) and no maximum temperature in nature? Tanks...
  11. C

    Find Free Software to Calculate Definite Integrals

    I want numerical integration...I have necessary to calutate a define integral
  12. C

    Find Free Software to Calculate Definite Integrals

    Hi everybody.. I have a simple question...Is there a free software for to determinate a definite integral on internet? Tanks.. aldo
  13. C

    Does a Conductor's Diameter Affect Its Magnetic Field Strength?

    Tanks cleam.. Excuse me for the stupid question but i had one discussion with my friend which sayed that the magnetic field at the surface was higher on conductor with diemater 50mm ... Bye
  14. C

    Does a Conductor's Diameter Affect Its Magnetic Field Strength?

    I have two conductors in no magnetic material such as copper. One has diameter 20mm and other has diameter 50mm and both through by same current about 100A. Where do i have the maxi magnetic field on surface of conductor...I tinks on conductor with diameter 20mm..Is exactly ?
  15. C

    Integral Calculation - Get Help Solving Problems

    Hi nathaman..Tanks for your replay I understand your method but the software mathematica can not assess the definte integral because the fuction between 0 to 1 not converge...exist the indefinte integral indeed mathematica assess it... I think that is necessary assess it by numerical...