Recent content by EIGHTSIX7

  1. E

    Area as a function of side w/ relation to cost

    So, aside form my mistake of A= 2x+2y, replaced with A=xy, my answer should be correct?
  2. E

    Area as a function of side w/ relation to cost

    What did I do wrong? Can I get a hint? So, I am inputting y=125-1.5x into A= length*w, as w right?
  3. E

    Area as a function of side w/ relation to cost

    Homework Statement A security fence is to be built around a rectangular parking lot. The front side of the fence costs $60 per meter and the other three sides cost $30 per meter. The total cost of the fence is budgeted to be $7500. Part a). Express the area of the lot enclosed by the...
  4. E

    Domain and Range of a function

    Wow, I'm embarrassed and you are great. Thanks a lot.
  5. E

    Domain and Range of a function

    Which step are you doing from A(d)=d^{2}+\frac{\pi d^{2}}{4} to A(d)=d^{2}(1+\frac{\pi}{4})
  6. E

    Domain and Range of a function

    Area of cross section is (Area of Square=s^2)+(2 Semi-circles, which is equivalent to one circle, so Area=(Pi)(r^2)) Area of Square + Area of Circle = Area of Cross section Since ,d, in diagram is also the sides of the square I have accounted for the area of a square. So area of a...
  7. E

    Domain and Range of a function

    Homework Statement If the maximum allowable width, w, of the wall is 100 cm, what are the domain and rand of the function? Remember to include units for both the domain and range. Homework Equations w(d)=2d w(d)=100, so 100=2d, there fore d=100/2 The Attempt at a Solution...
  8. E

    Moment of a Distributed Load on Beam, Scanned work and Diagram.

    Homework Statement Determine the forces of reaction.Homework Equations SUM of Y forces=0 SUM OF FORCES ABOUT POINT B = 0 The Attempt at a Solution My attempt is in the link, I scanned the diagram along with my work. Thanks for the feedback, appreciated. <----- Link
  9. E

    Moment of Forces about Point A help.

    Homework Statement Determine the moment of forces about point a. Homework Equations Sum of Forces of X Sum of Forces of Y Ma=0? cos(<)(force downwards) sin(<)(force downwards) The Attempt at a Solution Countless times, keep getting an answer x10^3 too big. Attached is a...
  10. E

    Half-Life real life application question

    Homework Statement To determine volume of blood in a patient's body, a nuclear medicine technologist is injected a small amount of a radioactive isotope (T(1/2)= 45 min) into the patient's blood stream. The activity of this isotope is at the time of injection was ( 2.8x10^4 decays/second...
  11. E

    Diffraction with two wavelengths?

    Homework Statement "White light contains wavelengths from 4.00 x 10^-7 metres to 7.00 x 10^-7 metres. This white light is directed on a diffraction grating ruled with 5.50x10^4 lines/metre. How wide is the first-order spectrum on a screen that is 1.25m away from the grating? Homework...