Recent content by kostantina

  1. K

    Calculating Torque & Power of a Rotating Disk

    Thank you for the response. It makes sense now. Will do further research on this to make sure I understand.
  2. K

    Calculating Torque & Power of a Rotating Disk

    Homework Statement So I am calculating torque and power for a disk of radius 0.5 m that is subjected to a force of 50 N at its periphery and is rotating at angular velocity of 100 rad/s. Find torque and power.[/B]Homework Equations Torque= radius x Force = 0.5m *50N = 25Nm Power= dW/dt=...
  3. K

    How is the equation given for v_b tangent to it?

    Thank you, makes sense now. Wish I'd asked earlier.
  4. K

    How is the equation given for v_b tangent to it?

    Homework Statement I'm trying to follow a solved example in the book. I understand everything except one "trivial" (for most of you) analysis of the tangent velocity vector v_b. Because v_b is unknown it is written as its magnitude times the direction it follows constrained in a circular...
  5. K

    Exploring Oscillations in Mechanical Systems

    Homework Statement Oscillation in mechanical structures can often be described by the function: y(t)=(e^(-t/τ))*sin(ωt+θ) Where t is time , ω is oscillation frequency in radians per unit time. The oscillations have a period of 2*π/ω and their amplitudes decay in time at a rate...
  6. K

    Engineering Sinusoids- Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

    Yes, we were told in class that result will be negative. And the most negative leads. So everything just contradicts here. This approach solved all the previous examples I tried. Now it all gets negated? Graphically how can you tell which one leads and which one follows? Its an angle 210...
  7. K

    Engineering Sinusoids- Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

    I did and according to my lectures i_2 should lead. +x axis is the +cos(wt) and the -y axis is the +sin(wt) So i_1 = cos(377t+145) is in the II quadrant, and i_2=5cos(377-65 is in the IV quadrant). we start from the cos(wt) axis which is the + x-axis and go counterclockwise for polar angle so...
  8. K

    Engineering Sinusoids- Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

    Find the phase angle between i_1= - 4 sin(377t+55) and i_2= 5 cos(377t-65) The Attempt at a Solution Ok, so I converted i_1= 4 cos(377t+145) and i_2=5cos(377t-65) According to lectures in class the 'most' negative leads. So in this case i_2 leads by -65-145=210. However, if you look at the...
  9. K

    Why Does Adding Resistors Change the Calculation in Circuit Analysis?

    Thank you. I m new to this topic so I appreciate your feedback on something that may seem simple to most of you in here.
  10. K

    Why Does Adding Resistors Change the Calculation in Circuit Analysis?

    I am trying to follow examples solved by the publisher of my book in order to understand the problem. However, I can't understand why he is solving it like this. What is confusing me, is why v1=(12+8)*1/8 why is v1 not 12*(1/8). Why is he adding the 8ohm resistor in there? Any help would be...