Recent content by labinojha

  1. L

    Voltage Fluctuations: How Lightning Affects Power Supply

    How Does Lightning cause Voltage fluctuations in house's power supplies?
  2. L

    Is ∫(1/(x²+25))dx² Correctly Evaluated as log(x²+25)?

    Thanks for the replies :smile:. My teacher also did the same substitution process when i asked him about this. These integrations and differentiations are done in with respect to the x-coordinate which is a straight line . I was wondering if we could carry out these operations with respect...
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    Is ∫(1/(x²+25))dx² Correctly Evaluated as log(x²+25)?

    My friends were discussing about this problem (which they made up themselves). ∫\frac{1}{x^{2}+25}dx^{2} They were substituting x^2 for y (x^{2}=y) and thus the answer would come to be log(y+25) that is log(x^{2}+25) I don't think this is the case , i guess that we would be...
  4. L

    Proof of V-E+F=2-2p (Euler's 2nd formula).

    Hi. This post is about general topology and is Euler's second formula . Can you people help me by finding a proof for V-E+F=2-2p. :smile: Where, p=genus of the surface. F=number of regions the surface is partitioned into. V=number of vertices. E=number of arcs. I'm currently reading...
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    What are the equations for finding common tangents between two curves?

    Homework Statement Finding the equations of common tangents of y^{2}=4ax and x^{2}=4by Homework Equations Equating both curves' derivatives : \frac{2a}{y}=\frac{x}{2b} The Attempt at a Solution Calculated both of the curves' derivatives and equated them . Used the...
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    Derivative of e^(x^x) with respect to x

    Hi Bruce! The other way i used to do it was to take the natural logarithm of both the sides(one side of the equation being y to suppose it as the function) two times in a row and then differentiating them both sides . Is this what you were talking about ? :)
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    Derivative of e^(x^x) with respect to x

    \frac{\partial}{\partial x}u^{v}=\frac{\partial}{\partial x}u^{v}.\frac{\partial}{\partial x}u+\frac{\partial}{\partial x}u^{v}.\frac{\partial}{\partial x}v Can i get any reason or possibly a derivation for this ? Hi tiny-tim! I had been writing so your answer came before I questioned...
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    Derivative of e^(x^x) with respect to x

    Homework Statement Derivative of e^(x^x) with respect to x Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Computed using wolframalpha. I have attached the image . Would anyone explain to me the part I have highlighted with the blue box.
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    What career/major is best for an intuitive thinker?

    I had similar poblems as cybershot but i found your explanation helpful. Thanks:approve:
  10. L

    Dissociation of Acids & Bases into Ions

    why do acids and bases dissociate into ions while in water?
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    Reaching for the Stars: Exploring Anti-Gravity Physics

    (it's just an imagination) Maybe we could surf over the space time fabric.We could pull it up. The depressions are supposed to have created gravity. the pulled up fabric may be antigravity.