Recent content by Lamented_Soul

  1. L

    Programs Is it possible to double major in Astro & Quantum Physics?

    You didn't think I meant majoring in Astrophysics and QM literally, did you? I know they're sub-divisions. But, Astrophysics (So far as I know) mainly deals with GR. And GR & QM are at odds. Hence the main need for M Theory to work. So, I didn't know if it would be an... "Intelligent" decision...
  2. L

    Programs Is it possible to double major in Astro & Quantum Physics?

    I want to double major in AstroPhysics and Quantum Mechanics. But considering the two work on different scales (Sizes of matter- One Celestial, the other, Sub Atomic), is it an unrealistic goal? The two fields are at odds at the moment, so I'm starting to have doubts as to whether or not it's a...
  3. L

    What if the universe is not a bubble, but a sponge?

    So is there anywhere I can go that actually supports independent thought? Because it seems that this site discourages creative thought spawned from a "what-if" kind of theme. It seems to me, that "You better have supporting evidence, or just shut up and don't bother anyone around here" kind of...
  4. L

    What if the universe is not a bubble, but a sponge?

    Well, if I were to explain this "notion", as you so eloquently put it, in more detail, it does use or "borrow" many ideas from different models. I tried to type the whole explanation out the other day, but it took so long that by the time I had finished, the site had logged me out due to...
  5. L

    What if the universe is not a bubble, but a sponge?

    Is it possible that a Type III Parallel Universe theory could accommodate the idea of universes being bubbles, with a semi-permable outer membrane, that sits in a hyperspace made of dark energy. During it's cyclic inflations and deflations, it could absorb (and expel, respectively) dark energy...
  6. L

    Slowing Light Down to Photograhable Speeds?

    Thanks for the replies. But, I have another question. Is it possible to shoot a beam of light into a BEC, hold it there for a pre-determined amount of time, then release it? And if it is, could the same be done with sensory light (I.E Developing a special mirror to "trap" an image, then release...
  7. L

    Slowing Light Down to Photograhable Speeds?

    I was talking to my brother the other day, and he asked me a question that completely threw me off guard. He asked "Do you think it's possible to see beams of light, and actually be able to track their movements, and translate it to a macroscopic scale?". At first, I said that it was impossible...
  8. L

    Quantum computing (Why is it important?)

    Meh, alright, nvm then. Then if that's all it is used for (In general), then why is it important? I mean computing equations at faster speeds doesn't exactly seem all that important to me. (But, I'm still a noob when it comes to physics, so yeah.)
  9. L

    Quantum computing (Why is it important?)

    So, using Quantum comptuing, would it essentially be possible to compute the entire atomic make-up of a human being without using a massive amount of space to store the data? I've heard that the individual paths that electrons, protons, and neutrons take when revolving around the Nuclei, is...
  10. L

    Quantum computing (Why is it important?)

    Alright, I'm just getting my feet wet in the world of physics, but, I've taken a particular interest in quantum mechanics/physics. And, my first question is, what is the point of quantum computing? It's my understanding (Though it's probably seriously flawed) that quantum computations are used...
  11. L

    Faster than light time travel through controlled, spatial distortion

    Some theories state that tachyons are most likely the actual fabric of space. Their properties are FTL. And by general physics' laws, the only thing moving faster than 180,000Mp/s, is the expansion of existence itself. And because they are the only FTL particle in the universe, they do not...
  12. L

    Is D+D Nuclear Fusion Possible in the Next 50-60 Years?

    Do you think D+D Nuclear Fusion will be possible within the next 50 or 60 years? Although the Z machine reportedly reached temperatures of over 2,000,000,000 Degrees (F), I doubt we will be able to output enough energy and pressure to make a self-sustaining D+D fusion reaction anytime within the...
  13. L

    Faster than light time travel through controlled, spatial distortion

    Well, I don't get how you can make that statement considering we don't know if tachyons exist. But thanks for the clarification regardless. Lol, well, I'm still getting the hang of this forum, so, just bear with me please.
  14. L

    Is there life in the universe, and if so has it visited Earth?

    The Statistics used to state the probability of intelligent life elsewhere are based on what we know about life here on earth. Basically, science (Generalization of it, anyways.) deems life in conditions different than our own, impossible, until a discovery that proves otherwise is made. So...
  15. L

    Is there life in the universe, and if so has it visited Earth?

    I do believe that "Aliens" have visited earth. There are Architectual Wonders that absolutely cannot be explained logically. I believe in the Ancient Astronaut Theory. But then again, the evidence for anything can be interpreted a lot of different ways. Idk, I do believe that there is...