Recent content by n.a.s.h

  1. N

    Confirming structure of aspartic acid at PH 4

    Homework Statement Draw the structure of aspartic acid at PH 4. I calculated the PI and based on that, drew the charged structure. If anyone can confirm that this is the correct structure. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I attached the structure. Thanks for any assistance.
  2. N

    What is the Wittig reaction mechanism?

    Can anyone please walk me through the mechanism as this question does not make sense to me. I do have some understanding of the general mechanism. The answer is B) but I don't understand how to get there. The confusing aspect to me, is the structure of the ylide.
  3. N

    Grouping Molecules: Urea, Thiourea, Ethanol, etc.

    Homework Statement How would these substances be grouped into families of molecules? 1. Urea 2. Thiourea 3. ethanol 4. ethylene glycol 5. glycerol 6. dextrose 7. saccharose 8. Bi-Distilled Water 9. Triton X-100 ( a detergent) Homework Equations n/a The Attempt at a...
  4. N

    Decide if this compound has any enantiomers

    Homework Statement i have to decide if this compound has any enantiomers or not ch3ch2ch(ch2ch3)ch3 I think it does not because its mirror image is the same compound and that it does not have any chiral i right? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  5. N

    What is the lowest energy conformation for 3-methyl-2-butanol?

    Homework Statement Draw 3-methyl-2-butanol in its lowest energy conformation Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution ok i know its the staggered conformation and I have the skeletal drawing down but i just do not know where to put the groups...
  6. N

    Autonomous Differential Equation

    yes i think its the general equation...
  7. N

    Autonomous Differential Equation

    Homework Statement solve the following... dy/dt= 0.5(100-y) with initial condition:y(0)=20 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i found the general equation to be I=0.5Ln |100-y|+c but I am stuck as to what to do with the initial condition...
  8. N

    Solving Divergent Integral: -infinity Correct?

    Homework Statement I had to solve the integral...After all my work i got -infinity 3 integral sign 1/ [(t-3)^4/3] 1 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution this correct? and would this be divergent?
  9. N

    How do you solve the differential equation dy/dx = xe^-x?

    Homework Statement solve the diferential equation: dy/dx = xe^-x Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution dy/dx = xe^-x dy = xe^-x dx ∫dy = ∫(xe^-x) dx u = x and v ' = e^-x That is all i really know to do I'm really confused and any help is appreciated.
  10. N

    Derivative of e^x with Exponential Functions - Homework Question and Solution

    Homework Statement what is the derivative of e^[(-X^2-2x+1)/2] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Is this right? = -(x+1)e^[(-x²-2x+1)]
  11. N

    Which Anion Precipitates First in a Pb(NO3)2 Solution?

    Homework Statement A solution is 1.5×10−2 M in both CrO4^2-and SO4^2-. To this solution, 0.55 M Pb (NO3)2(aq) is slowly added. Which anion will precipitate first from solution? a) CrO4^{2-} b) SO4^{2-} What is Pb^{2+} concentration at the point at which the second anion begins to...
  12. N

    How to Simplify the Derivative of a Cosine-Sine Product

    Homework Statement Find the derivative: F(x)= cos (x)* sin(5x^2 +7) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I used the power rule and the chain rule and wound up with this: but i don't know how to simplify it... = -sin(x)*sin(5x^2+7)+(10x)*(cos x)*(cos (5x^2+7)
  13. N

    How Much Glucose Does a Person Metabolize Climbing a Mountain?

    Homework Statement The metabolism of glucose, C6H12O6, yields Co2(g) and H2O(l) as products. Heat released in the process is converted to useful work with about 70% efficiency. Calculate the mass of glucose metabolized by a 59.0-kg person in climbing a mountain with an elevation gain of...
  14. N

    How Do You Determine Critical Points from a Derivative?

    Homework Statement find the derivative and critical points of the function f(x)= x^3-x^2+5 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I tried to find the derivative: 3x^2-2x but I am not sure how to find the critical points from here...