Recent content by Yarnzorrr

  1. Y

    Calculating Center of Mass: Xi & Yi for Statics

    Oh its okay I understand, you have to include the entire thing and not just the individual sections. ie. xi (1) = 40/2 = 20 xi (2) = 300/2 + 40 = 190 xi (3) = 20/2 + 300 + 40 = 350
  2. Y

    Calculating Center of Mass: Xi & Yi for Statics

    Ive been given this table in a lecture (attached) and I'm not sure what they're using to fill in the columns of Xi an Yi, it looks like it should just be half of each section in Yi, but that is not the case in Xi, can anyone please explain this to me. Thanks =)
  3. Y

    Electrical eng, my vectors for KVL and KCL aren't adding up - no errors in math

    and to get the current through R2 and Xc2: Itotal * (R2/(-jxc2+R2) = 1.956 < 49.97° * (1000 /-j1693+1000) then to get IXc swapped the value for R2 on the denominator for Xc got the following answers: IR2 = 0.999 <109.4° IXc2 = 1.68 < 19.4°
  4. Y

    Electrical eng, my vectors for KVL and KCL aren't adding up - no errors in math

    Forgot to mention that the AC voltage input value on the diagram is wrong, its actually 4.75 < 0° sorry! first found Z with: Ztotal = (R2*Xc2)/(√(R2^2+Xc2^2) + R1 + Xc1 Where R2 = 1000 Xc2 = -j 1693 R1 = 820 Xc2 = -j 1421 break it down to polar form to get 861 < 30.57° +...
  5. Y

    Electrical eng, my vectors for KVL and KCL aren't adding up - no errors in math

    I've been asked to prove KVL and KCL using this circuit, but my vectors don't add up. ei Vr1+ Vr2 + Vc1+Vc2 ≠ Vtotal, same goes for Current, but I at least got the correct angle for the current Tried using vector addition, using addition of the vectors in complex form and even tried using this...
  6. Y

    Engineering AC circuit with dependant current and voltage source and open circuit element

    So I just find the current through the 2 and 1 KΩ on the left, ignoring the dependant voltage source?
  7. Y

    Engineering AC circuit with dependant current and voltage source and open circuit element

    I've been given the following problem (attached), not sure how to tackle this one, do I use mesh/node analysis and super node analysis, or can I find the v in the loop with the dependant voltage source then use that as the supply to the second and third loops? Not sure, any help would be...
  8. Y

    Two ideal dc sources and a resistor with lengths involved

    Ive been given an assignment with the question being question 13of the following pdf: (note this isn't my actual assignment i just found this one on the internet that happened to be the same question that i was looking for) Im...
  9. Y

    Finding Active & Reactive Power: Possible Error in Lecture

    here is a screenshot from one of my lectures talking about how to find active power (P) and reactive power (Q) He calculates P using 100*10 Cos (30-(-30), which I understand, though the answer he gets is 200W, but whenever I calculate it I get 500 because cos60 = 0.5 and 0.5*1000 is 500...
  10. Y

    Sine Wave measurements vs equations

    I have the equation E(t)=7*sin(11000t+∏/3) and I measured the following: E(.22ms) = .422V Frequency = 1.751kHz Period = 572.0 μs Peak = 7V Peak-Peak = 14V E(rms) = 4.8V E(average) = 105mV I've calculated the following to compare E(.22ms) = .422V Frequecy = 1.75 kHz Period...
  11. Y

    AC Circuits question verification

    Hi there, in this youtube tutorial about AC circuits at about 4:08 It's supposed to be z=√(R^2+(XL-Xc)^2)) but in the example she does Xc-XL, is there a reason for this or is it a mistake in her working??