Hi. I have to solve: y''+xy'-2y=e^x
Using series. So, this is what I did:
y(x)=\sum_0^{\infty}a_n x^n
y'(x)=\sum_1^{\infty}n a_n x^{n-1}
y''(x)=\sum_2^{\infty}n(n-1) a_n x^{n-1}
And e^x=\sum_0^{\infty}\frac{x^n}{n!}
Then, using that m=n-2 for y'' and then replacing in the diff. eq...
Homework Statement
Suppose we try find a solution of the form<br />
Show that if r=2 and s=1 then there is only one possible value of \lambda for which there is a formal solution in the form...
Homework Statement
I am trying to find the power series solution to y' = 4 x y + 2, with the initial condition of y(0)=1. Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Simple enough, I say, as I arrange the equation so I have 0 on one side. I get something like this:
y' - 4 x y - 2 = 0
I then...
Homework Statement
Find a recurrence formula for the power series solution around t = 0 for the differential equation:
d^2 y/dt^2 + (t - 1) dy/dt + (2t - 3)y = 0
Homework Equations
y = Σn=0 to inf (a_n * t^n)
and formula to differentiate polynomials.
The Attempt at a Solution
Homework Statement
x(2 - x)y'' - (x - 1)y' + 2y = 0
Find the general solution in terms of a polynomial and a series in powers of x - 1.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Does the question basically ask for a series solution of the ODE at the regular point x = 1?
Then y(x) =...
Homework Statement
(1 - x)y'' + xy' + xy = 0
Find the first 3 nonzero coefficients of the power series expansion about x = 0 if y(0) = -1 and y'(0) = 0Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
y = \sum^{∞}_{n = 0}c_{n}x^{n}
From above, I can say that y(0) = 1 = c_{0} and y'(0) = 0 = c_{1}...
Homework Statement
Given the ODE y''-ty'+y=0 where y(0)=1 and y'(0)=0
Assume y(t)=Ʃn=0 ( a(n) t^n ) (power series centered at 0)
find the general form of the solution ( an=f(n) )
The Attempt at a Solution
I used the initial conditions to determine the values a0=1 and a1=0...
Hello, I've been working on solving the equation y''-2xy'+2py=0. where p is a positive integer.
I've assumed y=\sum a_{n}x^{n} for n=0 to inf
I'm getting two formulas for a_{n}
One is for odd n, the other for even n, related to a_{0} and a_{1}
However, the relation involves something that...
Homework Statement
Solve the fluxional equation (y with a dot on top)/(x with a dot on top) = 2/x + 3 - x^2 by first replacing x by (x + 1) and then using power series techniques.Homework Equations
dy/dx = 2/x + 3 - x^2
The Attempt at a Solution
First, I believe the fluxional (y with a dot...
Homework Statement
Determine a series solution to the following ODE about x0 = 0:
xy'' + y' + xy = 0
The Attempt at a Solution
I'll try to keep this concise.
I first divided through by x and made the usual guesses for the form of the series. Subbing those in gave...
Homework Statement
consider the initial value problem (1-x)y,,+xy,-2y=0 find the series solution up to the term with x6
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
assuming the answer has the form \Sigmaanxn
that gives y,,=\Sigmananxn-1 and...
Homework Statement
Find 2 independent solutions which are power series in x of y'' + xy =0 and find the radius of convergence of each solution.
The Attempt at a Solution
\sum_{n=2}^{\infty} n(n-1)a_n x^{n-2} + x\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}a_n x^n = 0
\sum_{n=-1}^{\infty} (n+3)(n+2) a_{n+3}...
Homework Statement
Chebyshev's Equation is (1-x^2) y^{\prime\prime} - xy^{\prime} + c^2 y =0
where c is a real constant.
(a) Find 2 linearly independent power series solutions of Chebyshev's Equation at x=0: an even one and an odd one.
(b) Hence, using the ratio test, find the radius...
Homework Statement
The Attempt at a Solution
Making the substitutions y= \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n x^n and y^{\prime} = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}na_nx^{n-1},
Homework Statement
I just can't figure out this one term in the series. For a linear equation, one of the the terms is xy. So I need to find a series expansion of this starting at n = 0.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Assume y = sum(anx^n) n = 0
dy/dx =...
Homework Statement
Using a power series solution, what is the solution to:
(x^2-1)y" + 8xy' + 12y = 0
Homework Equations
Normally these questions specify (about x0=0) but this one doesn't specify about which point. So if I use the power series equation, what am I supposed to plug in...
Homework Statement
[PLAIN]http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/5241/recurrenceq.gif Homework Equations
The Attempt at a SolutionThis is my attempted solution:
1) i got a recurrence relation (n+2)(n+1)a_(n+2)=a_(n-1)
2) i also used the matching coefficients method to get a2=0, a5=0, a7=0, but...
I would like to simplify this series as much as possible
f(m)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{m^n (2n)!}{(n!)^3}
Approximates would also be fine.
One can easily notice that
(2n!) / (n!)^2 > 2^n
hence I figured out that f(m) > \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{(2m)^n}{n!}=\exp(2m)
but this is not the best...
(URGENT) Power series solution for ODE
Homework Statement
Supose there is an infinite series solution\sum b_{n}x^{n} for
u''+4(x-(1/4))^2*u+C(x) = 0 where C(x) is a function (I get it in another problem, I'll put it in the relevant equations area), determinate the coefitients b_{0} b_{1}...
Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution
I did the "show that" part. But what is throwing me off is the x(0)=0 part. What is "x" a function of? Using the series in the square brackets,
I found that when
n=0, a_1 = a_0 ^2
n=1, a_2 = (a_1 * a_0)/2
n=2, a_3 = (a_0*a_2 + a_1^2 + a_2*a_0)/3...
Homework Statement
Solve x^2y'' - y = 0 using Power Series Solution expanding about xo = 2.
The Attempt at a Solution
First I expand the coefficient of y" (i.e. x2) about xo:
TS[x^2]|_{x_o=2} = 4+ 4(x - 2) + (x - 2)^2
Assuming the solution takes the form:
y(x) = \sum_0^{\infty}a_n(x -...
Homework Statement
I am following along in an example problem and I am getting hung up on a step. We are seeking a power series solution of the DE:
(x - 1)y'' + y' +2(x - 1)y = 0 \qquad(1)
With the initial values y(4) = 5 \text{ and }y'(4) = 0. We seek the solution in the form
y(x) =...
Homework Statement
Find a basis of solutions.
Homework Equations
(1-x^2)y''+(1-x)y'-3y = 0
The Attempt at a Solution
Using the series approach, having:
I ended up with an equation representing the coefficients for x^0
2a_2+a_1-3a_0 = 0
Homework Statement
Obtain solution valid near x=0
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
In representing the solution in series notation, I'm not sure how deal with the rational function because I know I need to have all of the x...
Homework Statement
Find the solution to the ODE via the power series:
y = \Sigma_{i=0} a_j x^{2j + m}
Homework Equations
y' - y^3 = 0 The Attempt at a Solution
I get
\Sigma_{i=0} a_j (2j+m) x^{2j+m-1} - \Sigma_{i=0} (a_j)^3 x^{3(2j + m)} = 0
I don't know how to deal with the cubic...
Homework Statement
Find the complex Fourier series for:
f(t)=t(1-t), 0<t<1
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I solved...
ODE Series Solution Near Regular Singular Point, x^2*y term? (fixed post body)
Homework Statement
Find the series solution (x > 0) corresponding to the larger root of the indicial equation.
5x^{2}y'' + 4xy' + 10x^{2}y = 0
Homework Equations
Solution form:
y =...
I am having trouble getting to a solution for this differential equation
2(x^2+2x)y' - y(x+1) = x^2+2x -------- 1
for a series solution, we have to assume y = \sum a_{n}x^n ---------- 2
if we divide equation 1 by x^2 + 2x , we get (x+1)/(x^2+2x) for the y term, which is where my problem...
Homework Statement
y' = \sqrt{(1-y^2)
Initial condition y(0) = 0
a) Show y = sinx is a solution of the initial value problem.
b) Look for a solution of the initial value problem in the form of a power series about x = 0. Find coefficients up to the term in x^3 in this series.
Homework Statement
Obtain the Taylor series solution up to and including order 3 of the following non linear ode
y'=x^2+\sin y,y(0)=\frac{\pi}{2}
Homework Equations
After substituting the power series form of sin(y) I get:
Homework Statement
Find the series solution to the initial value problem.
xy\acute{}\acute{} + y\acute{} + 2y = 0
y(1) = 2
y\acute{}(1) = 4
Homework Equations
t = (x-1), x = (t+1)
y = \sum^{\infty}_{n=0}c_{n}t^{n}
Homework Statement
Find two non-zero terms of the power series solution of
y' = 1 + y^2 ,y(0) = 0
by using series substitution y(x) = sum (k=0 to inf) [a][/k] *x^k
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
First take the derivative of the power series to get
y' =...
To solve the 2nd order ode:
(3x^4+4x^2+1)y'' + (6x^3-2x)y' -(6x^2-2)y=0
I used a Taylor series expansion around x=0, and I got the general solution:
from the recurrence relation...
Homework Statement
Evaluate the sum 2009^{2} - 2008^{2} + 2007^{2} - 2006^{2} + ... + 3^{2} - 2^{2} + 1^{2}
Homework Equations
I think that the equivalent series representation of this sum is:
The Attempt at a Solution
I vaguely remember in one...
when using the power series to solve an ODE, is it always necessary to shift the index to 2 and 1 when taking the second and first derivatives of the power series respectively?
i noticed that if i don't shift the index at all and leave them at n=0, it still works out fine?
also, how...
I'm trying to read through Griffiths' QM book, and right now I'm on the series solution to the harmonic oscillator (ch 2). I'm having a hard time following the math (especially after equation 2.81) in this section, so if anyone has read this book, please help.
My first question is about the...
Find a power series sol'n: (x2-1)y'' + 3xy' + xy = 0
Homework Equations
let y = \Sigma (from \infty to n=0) Cnxn
let y' = \Sigma (from \infty to n=1) nCnxn-1
let y'' = \Sigma (from \infty to n=2) n(n-1)Cnxn-2
The Attempt at a Solution
I wrote the differential eq as...
Homework Statement
I am studying some issues on the differential equation issues.
Currently I am involved with a non-homogeneous Chebyshev differential equation. The problem is to find power series solution to equation below:
in which the x will be in...
Homework Statement
Find the first four non-vanishing terms in a series solution of the form \sum from 0 to infinity of akxk for the initial value problem,
4xy''(x) + 6y'(x) + y(x) = 0, y(0) = 1 and y'(0) = -1/6
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Taking the second...
Homework Statement
Find the first six nonvanishing terms in the Maclaurin series solution of the initial value problem (x^2 - 3)y''(x) + 2xy'(x) = 0 where y(0) = y0 and y'(0) = y1.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Should with just something like Φ(x) such that Φ(x) =...
Homework Statement
Find the terms up to x^5 in the power series solution of the following equation
Homework Equations
Power series, sum from 0 to infinity
y=\sum a_{n}x^{n}
The Attempt at a Solution
At first I just differentiated each term separately and...
infinite series solution for NON-linear ODEs?
Is it possible to use the infinite series method (Frobenius) to obtain general solutions of non-linear ODE's, I want to try a second order equation. Any good references where I can see how that goes exactly?
[SOLVED] !Power Series Solution to a Diff EQ!
Homework Statement
Find the first 5 term of a Power series solution of
y'+2xy=0 (1)
Missed this class, so please bear with my attempt here.The Attempt at a Solution
Assuming that y takes the form
For the fun of it, my DE book threw in a couple of problems involving nonhomogenous second order DE's in the section I'm currently going through. Although I have solved for the complementary solution, any suggestions on how to find the particular solution?
For example, the one I'm looking at...
y''+(x^2)y = 0
I tried to solve this problem using Power Series.But i can't make the solution in the form of series that have only two constants(a0,a1)that is, there are a0,a1, a2, a3. So i just wonder how can i make it has two constants.
Homework Statement
Find the indicated coefficients of the power series solution about x = 0 of the differential equation:
y'' - (sinx)y = cosx, y(0) = -5, y'(0) = 3.
y = _ + _x + _x^2 + _x^3 + _x^4 + O(x^5)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
This is going to be a tad...
some help with series solutions
I'm needing help on series solutions. It's been a while since I worked on them.
y"+xy'+y=0; y(0)=1. y'(0)=0
y_{1} = _____________
I have to solve the above equation using power series.. but I am stuck. What I have so far is:
y=\sum_{m=0}^\infty a_{m}x^{m}
y'=\sum_{m=1}^\infty ma_{m}x^{m-1}
y''=\sum_{m=2}^\infty m(m-1)a_{m}x^{m-2} = \sum_{m=0}^\infty...
I solved the differential equation for theta portion of the hydrogen wave function using a power series solution. I got a sub n+2 = a sub n ((n(n+1)-C)/(n+2)(n+1)). I then truncated the power series at n = l to get
C= l(l+1).
I know need to use the recursion formula I found to find the l =...