How Does Adding Mass Affect the Angular Momentum of a Rotating System?

  • Thread starter luckylauren
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In summary, the conversation discusses a device with eight balls attached to low-mass spokes, mounted in a vertical plane with a nearly frictionless axle. A clay falls and sticks to one of the balls at a specific angle, with a given speed. The conversation then poses multiple questions about the angular momentum and velocity of the device and clay before and after the impact. The answers to the questions can be found by using the equation for angular momentum.
  • #1
A device consists of eight balls each of mass 0.8 kg attached to the ends of low-mass spokes of length 1.2 m, so the radius of rotation of the balls is 0.6 m. The device is mounted in the vertical plane. The axle is held up by supports that are not shown, and the wheel is free to rotate on the nearly frictionless axle. A lump of clay with mass 0.20 kg falls and sticks to one of the balls at the location shown, when the spoke attached to that ball is at 45 degrees to the horizontal. Just before the impact the clay has a speed 9 m/s, and the wheel is rotating counterclockwise with angular speed 0.28 radians/s.

(a) Which of the following statements are true about the device and the clay, for angular momentum relative to the axle of the device?

Just before the collision the angular momentum of the wheel is 0.
The angular momentum of the device is the same before and after the collision.
The angular momentum of the device is the sum of the angular momenta of all eight balls.
The angular momentum of the device + clay just after the collision is equal to the angular momentum of the device + clay just before the collision.
The angular momentum of the falling clay is zero because the clay is moving in a straight line.

(b) Just before the impact, what is the angular momentum of the combined system of device plus clay about the center C? (As usual, x is to the right, y is up, and z is out of the screen, toward you.)

(c) Just after the impact, what is the angular momentum of the combined system of device plus clay about the center C?

(d) Just after the impact, what is the angular velocity of the device?

i understand the purpose of using the equation for L but not for this case =[
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  • #3

a) The following statements are true about the device and the clay for angular momentum relative to the axle of the device:

- The angular momentum of the device is the same before and after the collision.
- The angular momentum of the device is the sum of the angular momenta of all eight balls.
- The angular momentum of the device + clay just after the collision is equal to the angular momentum of the device + clay just before the collision.

b) Just before the impact, the angular momentum of the combined system of device plus clay about the center C is zero. This is because the system is not rotating about the center C at this point and the angular momentum is defined as the product of the moment of inertia and angular velocity.

c) Just after the impact, the angular momentum of the combined system of device plus clay about the center C is not zero. This is because the clay has now become a part of the system and is rotating along with the device.

d) Just after the impact, the angular velocity of the device can be calculated using the conservation of angular momentum. The moment of inertia of the system has increased due to the addition of the clay, but the angular momentum must remain the same. Therefore, the angular velocity of the device will decrease to compensate for the increase in moment of inertia. The exact value of the angular velocity can be calculated using the equation L = Iω, where L is the angular momentum, I is the moment of inertia, and ω is the angular velocity.

FAQ: How Does Adding Mass Affect the Angular Momentum of a Rotating System?

1. What is the purpose of 8 Spokes with balls attached?

The purpose of 8 Spokes with balls attached is to create a structure that can support weight and distribute it evenly. The balls act as points of contact to evenly distribute the weight and provide stability.

2. How does the design of 8 Spokes with balls attached work?

The design of 8 Spokes with balls attached works by evenly distributing the weight of an object or structure across the spokes and balls. This allows for a sturdier and more balanced support system.

3. What materials are used to make 8 Spokes with balls attached?

The materials used to make 8 Spokes with balls attached can vary, but typically they are made from strong and durable materials such as metal or plastic. The balls are often made from a hard material like rubber or metal.

4. How is 8 Spokes with balls attached different from other support structures?

8 Spokes with balls attached is different from other support structures because it uses a unique design of spokes and balls to evenly distribute weight and provide stability. This design allows for a more efficient use of materials and can be more lightweight than other support structures.

5. What are the applications of 8 Spokes with balls attached?

8 Spokes with balls attached can be used in a variety of applications, such as supporting structures in buildings, bridges, or even in furniture design. It can also be used in machinery or equipment that requires a stable and evenly distributed weight support system.
