When Will the Asteroid Reach the Sun?

In summary: Earth's Orbital radius to the Orbital Radious of Venus (given as 3/4 of Earths). So I'm going to mark traveled distance as s, which is of course: s=\int^{t}_{0}v(t)dtDo you understand the gravitational constant on "grav"? Yes, you get the gravitational potential energy at a distance R from the sun by integrating the force of gravity from R to infinity. If you integrate with respect to r, the limit should be also distance, not some other quantity. And you know what is the integral of 1/r^2, don't you?ehildThe integral of
  • #1

Homework Statement

A asteroid is approaching our solar system from a great distance (r->infinity) and is headed straight for the Sun. Because of the gravitational pull of the Sun the asteroid is constantly accelerating.

Radius of Earth's Orbit around the Sun ([tex]R_{e}[/tex]) 1.5*10^11
Venus is given as 3/4 of this.
Sun's mass (M) 2.0 * 10^30kga)What is the speed (v) of the asteroid, which was originally stationary at a very great distance, as it comes as close to the Sun as the Earth orbits?

b)How long does the asteroid take to travel from crossing the orbit of the Earth around the Sun to crossing Venuse's orbit.

Homework Equations

[tex]F= \frac{G*mM}{r^2}[/tex]
[tex]Work=\int F ds[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

a) Energy is conserved. The sum of potential and kinetic energy is constant. noting that g of course changes with r (distance from the Sun)

g=grav. const. m*M/r^2

[tex]\frac{m*v^2}{2} = \int^{\infty}_{0}\frac{G*m*M}{r^2}dr - \int^{R_{e}}_{0}\frac{G*m*M}{r^2}dr[/tex][tex]v^2 = 2*(\int^{\infty}_{0}\frac{G*M}{r^2}dr - \int^{R_{e}}_{0}\frac{G*M}{r^2}dr)[/tex]

[tex]v^2 = 2*G*M*(\int^{\infty}_{0}\frac{1}{r^2}dr - \int^{R_{e}}_{0}\frac{1}{r^2}dr)[/tex]

[tex]v^2 = 2*G*M*r_{E}^-1[/tex]

v=4,22 m/s?

I'm posting this because the units don't add up so I must have made a mistake either in the set up or in the integration itself (which I don't think I did). I translated the text from my own language to English so if the instructions or notation doesn't make sense please ask. Thanks for your help and patience! :)

b) Hm this one proved to be more difficult. Its no trouble at all to see that I more or less basically have a function of v(r).


r obviously changes from Earth's Orbital radius to the Orbital Radious of Venus (given as 3/4 of Earths).

So I'm going to mark traveled distance as s, which is of course:
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  • #2
Do you understand the gravitational constant on "grav"? Yes, you get the gravitational potential energy at a distance R from the sun by integrating the force of gravity from R to infinity. If you integrate with respect to r, the limit should be also distance, not some other quantity. And you know what is the integral of 1/r^2, don't you?

  • #3
ehild said:
Do you understand the gravitational constant on "grav"?

Yes, sorry about that I wasn't sure if you guys use G or perhaps Chi for the constant so I just put grav. for gravitational constant.

ehild said:
If you integrate with respect to r, the limit should be also distance, not some other quantity.


I should change the notation. E in the integral limit was supposed to be the radius of Earth's orbit. Which could be confused as energy. I'll edit the opening post and mark it as [tex]R_{e}[/tex].
ehild said:
And you know what is the integral of 1/r^2, don't you?


The integral of r^-2 is r^-1/-1 or -1/r right?
Are you saying the solution for a) is basically correct? I tried to check the units twice and they don't match.
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  • #4
SimpliciusH said:
Are you saying the solution for a) is basically correct? I tried to check the units twice and they don't match.

Yes it is basically correct. But there is no sense to integrate from r=0. The potential energy of a body in a force field is defined at a point P as the work done by the force when the body moves from point P to the place where PE=0. It is infinity for gravity.

[tex]PE(R_E) = \int^{\infty}_{R_E}{-\frac{GmM}{r^2}}=-\frac{GmM}{R_E}[/tex]

At infinity, both PE and KE are 0. So the total mechanical energy PE+KE=0 everywhere in the space, far away from other planets.

The gravitational constant is G=9.6743 E-11 m3 kg-1s-2 . Multiply it by kg2 and divide by meter, the result is Nm = joule, isn't it?ehild
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  • #5
Thank you. I see now that it was pointless to have two integrals, but my tought process went: "Oh cool the difference between the potential energy at infinity and at Earth distance is equal to the total kinetic energy of the asteroid". And I didn't think about it much further.

Also It seems that in my notes I had left off ^-1 from kg^-1, which explains why the units didn't match. :blushing:

Thanks again for you help! :smile:

After I do some other exercises I'll get to b).
  • #6
SimpliciusH said:
Thank you. I see now that it was pointless to have two integrals, but my tought process went: "Oh cool the difference between the potential energy at infinity and at Earth distance is equal to the total kinetic energy of the asteroid".

After I do some other exercises I'll get to b).

You did think it well, but the potential is counted from infinity, where it is zero, and not from r=0, where it is infinite.

As for b), it seems a bit more tricky.

  • #7
Can anyone give me a hint on b)?
  • #8
The asteroid travels straight towards the Sun. How do you define v with time derivative of r?

  • #9
ehild said:
The asteroid travels straight towards the Sun. How do you define v with time derivative of r?


Did I completely misunderstand you or is this what you are referring to?

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  • #10
Not quite. r is the distance from the Sun. According to your formula, the distance will increase with time.

  • #11
ehild said:
Not quite. r is the distance from the Sun. According to your formula, the distance will increase with time.



  • #12
Yes! A nice separable DE. Solve.


FAQ: When Will the Asteroid Reach the Sun?

1. What is an asteroid?

An asteroid is a small, rocky object that orbits around the Sun. They are remnants of the early solar system and can vary in size from a few feet to hundreds of miles in diameter.

2. How often do asteroids approach the Sun?

Asteroids can approach the Sun at any time, as they are constantly orbiting around it. However, it is more common for them to approach the Sun during a close approach to a planet, such as Earth.

3. What happens when an asteroid approaches the Sun?

When an asteroid approaches the Sun, it may experience changes in its orbit and trajectory due to the Sun's gravitational pull. Some asteroids may also heat up and release gases, creating a tail similar to a comet.

4. Is there a risk of an asteroid colliding with the Sun?

The chances of an asteroid colliding with the Sun are very slim. Most asteroids that come close to the Sun will either be pulled into orbit around it or flung out into space due to its strong gravitational pull.

5. Can we predict when an asteroid will approach the Sun?

Yes, scientists use telescopes and mathematical models to track and predict the orbits of asteroids, including their approach to the Sun. This allows us to better understand and prepare for any potential risks posed by these objects.
