Stuck in AM Radio Mode: Ranting and Raving on the Airwaves

In summary: I like him.In summary, Michael Savage was a commentator on AM radio who was very critical of Obama. He has made a number of inflammatory statements about Muslims, liberals, and same-sex marriage. His show has been dropped from several sponsors because of these comments.
  • #1
I accidently got into AM radio mode in my car for the last two days, and I can't figure out how to take it back into FM because there isn't a stupid AM/FM button. I had to have hit some funky combination of buttons to go into AM and now I am stuck. ANYWAYS, I've been stuck with this AM radio for the past few days now.


This stuff is intense. One bozo is Michael Savage. This guy is a real jerk. He was saying stuff like: "See that, those evil white men with slide rules built the golden gate bridge in the 30s. With just a slide rule, those evil white men (sarcastically)."

Then there was Sean Hannity talking about how Obama wants to make this country have currency that's part of the world economy (think euros) and how were turning into a socialistic nation. On and on and on hating Obama, these two.

Now, I don't mind the if republicans disagree, but the tone of what these guys are saying is really to the level of hate speech. It's pretty absurd. Frankly, I'm shocked they have an audience. That scares me.

They weren't just against Obama, they were nasty about it - and I mean nasty. This Savage bozo wouldn't even call him obama, he called him 'chuckles'.
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Physics news on
  • #2
You could just shut if off.
  • #3
Who gives a damn? They're on the vastly less-popular AM stations... for a reason.

- Warren
  • #4
Obama bashing will continue into the next presidency. This country is all proud of it's manly republican ways
  • #5
chroot said:
Who gives a damn? They're on the vastly less-popular AM stations... for a reason.

- Warren

I care because the level of hate they spout of should be sensored. It's way way over the line.
  • #6
What's so bad about being a Socialist? I'm a socialist.
  • #7
JasonRox said:
What's so bad about being a Socialist? I'm a socialist.

case in point!
  • #8
Hiyooo! :)

Savage and Hannity warned me about people like YOU jason.
  • #9
Cyrus said:
I care because the level of hate they spout of should be sensored. It's way way over the line.

By opening their mouths to breathe fire, they don't really change anybody's mind. They mostly just reinforce what people already think, whether they agree or disagree.
  • #10
I'm a bad ***. Better watch out!
  • #11
˙dn ʞɔnɟ ǝɥʇ ʇnɥs os 'lıʌǝ ɯ,ı
I censored it. Kind of.

You can swear upside down?
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  • #12
How the hell did you do that? :confused:
  • #13
We had that hook character, it took years to be rid of him, laws on preaching hate are to soft, if it were up to me they would have an island with their name on it.
  • #14
why does everyone keep spelling censored wrong? :(
  • #15
I sometimes think that I get a rather one sided view of America. First the war fiasco with more than half of the population believing that Osama was connected with Iraq, then the Kensas education board voting on what is science and what isn't and now this. Is it really as bad as it appears to me?
  • #16
Pythagorean said:
why does everyone keep spelling censored wrong? :(

What are you talking about?
  • #17
Michael Savage is the man! I love this guy. I don't necessarily agree with him but he is intelligent and amusing.
  • #18
drankin said:
Michael Savage is the man! I love this guy. I don't necessarily agree with him but he is intelligent and amusing.

Im curious, what do you like about this guy?
  • #19
Cyrus said:
Im curious, what do you like about this guy? )

I got good reasons not to like him:
and claims that liberalism and same-sex marriage are degrading American culture.

Savage was quoted as saying, Muslims, “need deportation”; and that adherents of Islam would do well to “take your religion and shove it up your behind” because “I’m sick of you.”[45] On his show and website, Savage has countered that CAIR is linked to terrorist organizations, and was an "unindicted co-conspirator in an anti-terrorist trial". On November 8, 2007, following a campaign orchestrated by CAIR meant to get Savage off the air by going after his sponsors, Citrix Systems, Inc. pulled its advertisements from his show.[46] On November 15, OfficeMax followed suit.[47] TrustedID also dropped their sponsorship of The Savage Nation, according to their CEO this was also due to lack of sales

On March 28, 2006, Savage encouraged his listeners to burn Mexican flags to counter a pro-immigration group that had burned American flags.[43]

Yes you are right that he promotes hate.
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  • #20
He sure sounds like a nut job. If I were a right winger, I would certainly not choose him to represent us. He represents people just like him, nut jobs.
  • #21
Cyrus said:
Im curious, what do you like about this guy?

He always backs up his points. He tells hilarious stories about his childhood. He reminds us of how things were in America once upon a time. He gives a unique perspective on current events.

Listen to him for a few weeks and it doesn't matter if you hate or like him, you like him anyway. LOL.
  • #22
drankin said:
He reminds us of how things were in America once upon a time.

Ah, yes... the good old days of burning witches at the stake, lynching blacks, keeping the women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen... I can see the attraction.
  • #23
drankin said:
He always backs up his points. He tells hilarious stories about his childhood. He reminds us of how things were in America once upon a time. He gives a unique perspective on current events.

Listen to him for a few weeks and it doesn't matter if you hate or like him, you like him anyway. LOL.

I'm wondering what did he claim things were back in the day? I have a feeling its a rosy picture that doesn't reflect the reality of the time.
  • #24
drankin said:
He always backs up his points. He tells hilarious stories about his childhood. He reminds us of how things were in America once upon a time. He gives a unique perspective on current events.

Listen to him for a few weeks and it doesn't matter if you hate or like him, you like him anyway. LOL.

So, he likes hairy women?
  • #25
Cyrus said:
I care because the level of hate they spout of should be sensored. It's way way over the line.
What line?
  • #26
russ_watters said:
What line?

The line of being criticism and being hate speech. This kind of news broadcasting should have government regulation that enforces all factual information be (a) correct, and (b) respectful.

It's ok to disagree with solid facts and present it in a reasonable manner. Calling the president 'chuckels' while spewing all kinds of nonsense and making racist remarks shouldn't be allowed if it want's to be any form of a news program.

He's more than welcome to say those things provided he calls it a commedy show.
  • #27
Cyrus said:
The line of being criticism and being hate speech. This kind of news broadcasting should have government regulation that enforces all factual information be (a) correct, and (b) respectful.

It's ok to disagree with solid facts and present it in a reasonable manner. Calling the president 'chuckels' while spewing all kinds of nonsense and making racist remarks shouldn't be allowed if it want's to be any form of a news program.

He's more than welcome to say those things provided he calls it a commedy show.

Wow, so you want the government to come in and censor public radio? He can't be racist, the FCC would throw his *** off the air. He has an opinion and a large audience. I've listen to him for years and I never got that he was racist in any way. If you are going to call racism then you need to back that one up.

He definitely tells it how he sees it. Any censorship of that would simply be infringing on his right to free speech. And, you will need to define "hate speech", and even if one fell into that category, how would it be enforced without infringing on ones rights?
  • #28
Cyrus said:
The line of being criticism and being hate speech. This kind of news broadcasting should have government regulation that enforces all factual information be (a) correct, and (b) respectful.

It's ok to disagree with solid facts and present it in a reasonable manner. Calling the president 'chuckels' while spewing all kinds of nonsense and making racist remarks shouldn't be allowed if it want's to be any form of a news program.

He's more than welcome to say those things provided he calls it a commedy show.

I really don't want any government agency deciding what is "correct" and what is "respectful". I say let the jack***es be jack***es. Its the easiest way to show people who they are. When you censor people you martyr them. People will listen to them and stick up for them if they see them as an underdog being ill treated by the government. They won't listen to reason or facts in the face of a cause. There are still people out there that honestly believe in 9/11 conspiracies about bombs and such.
Besides, their liberal counterparts are hardly any better. They just target different people and take up different issues.
  • #29
drankin said:
Wow, so you want the government to come in and censor public radio? He can't be racist, the FCC would throw his *** off the air. He has an opinion and a large audience. I've listen to him for years and I never got that he was racist in any way. If you are going to call racism then you need to back that one up.

He definitely tells it how he sees it. Any censorship of that would simply be infringing on his right to free speech. And, you will need to define "hate speech", and even if one fell into that category, how would it be enforced without infringing on ones rights?

No, I clearly did not say that. I said the government should have the ability to fine, and take off the air news programs that give false information and don't do so in a professional manner.

The problem is these people call themselves commenators or pundits, so there technically not a news source. That being said, I would still like to see some form of a check in place so these people shut the hell up. :smile:

The man is a racist. I've heard him with my own ears talking about how the 'white man' built the golden gate bridge. He's bonkers.
  • #30
Michael Savage is a complete idiot. Here are a few quotes from one show that I caught.

Liberals are all fascists and perverts

Young people have their minds polluted by college

The raid on the [so called] Mormon complex [they're not really Mormons, but he meant the child abuse case] recently was done to prevent Romney from getting back into the race.

Perhaps the close race between Hillary and Obama is really a conspiracy to overshadow McCain. [at least he only presented this as a theory]

Fear Obama! I think he will, by executive order, legalize gay marriage

Obama will make appointments such as: Al Sharpton as Secretary of Labor, and Jessie Jackson as Supreme Court Judge

Fear Obama! Fear what he will do! [he said this many times, he said this many times, he said this many times]

Al Sharpton was protesting and arrested today because he is jealous of Obama

The white race is dying out and it’s all because of the liberal agenda. Gays, boys who only want sex and don’t want to make babies and become men, and Hollywood whores, are the reason. [As near as I could tell]

Hate crime laws only apply to whites

White people who support Obama are just liberals who feel guilty [about slavery, apparently]

Chroot, I wouldn't underestimate the influence these idiots have. Recall that the pill-popping donut Limbaugh is the defacto leader of the Republican party. Much of working class America listens to these empty shells every day.

Cyrus, I completely understand how you feel, but we would be better served to discredit these clowns and silence them through education, rather than legislation.

I don't know if the fact that they have an audience is more terrifying, or pathetic.
  • #31
TheStatutoryApe said:
I really don't want any government agency deciding what is "correct" and what is "respectful". I say let the jack***es be jack***es. Its the easiest way to show people who they are. When you censor people you martyr them. People will listen to them and stick up for them if they see them as an underdog being ill treated by the government. They won't listen to reason or facts in the face of a cause. There are still people out there that honestly believe in 9/11 conspiracies about bombs and such.
Besides, their liberal counterparts are hardly any better. They just target different people and take up different issues.

Which gets to the other program on AM radio. Some dude was talking about this bank in france controlling all the money and the US government and how the luminati controls the world.

<Smacks forehead>

Come on people, this is 2009. We should be past this kind of ignorance.

At least CSPAN radio isn't quite so bad. But sometimes the callers are pretty stupid too.
  • #32
Cyrus said:
I accidently got into AM radio mode in my car for the last two days, and I can't figure out how to take it back into FM because there isn't a stupid AM/FM button.
"Double-click" your pre-set station buttons.
  • #33
From the thread linked; from Gokul.

Approximate weekly audience (in millions):
Rush Limbaugh - 13.5+
Sean Hannity - 12.5 +
Michael Savage / Dr Laura Schlessinger - 8.0+
Glenn Beck / Laura Ingraham - 5.0+
Neal Boortz / Mark Levin / Dave Ramsey - 4.0+
Mike Gallagher / Michael Medved - 3.75+
  • #34
Cyrus said:
Which gets to the other program on AM radio. Some dude was talking about this bank in france controlling all the money and the US government and how the luminati controls the world.

<Smacks forehead>

Come on people, this is 2009. We should be past this kind of ignorance.

At least CSPAN radio isn't quite so bad. But sometimes the callers are pretty stupid too.

I listen to Coast to Coast (Ufology, conspiracy theories, ect.) all the time. Its entertaining! lol
And also a good example of people who make themselves popular by claiming to be censored and harassed by the government.
  • #35
Cyrus said:
The line of being criticism and being hate speech. This kind of news broadcasting should have government regulation that enforces all factual information be (a) correct, and (b) respectful.

It's ok to disagree with solid facts and present it in a reasonable manner. Calling the president 'chuckels' while spewing all kinds of nonsense and making racist remarks shouldn't be allowed if it want's to be any form of a news program.

He's more than welcome to say those things provided he calls it a commedy show.
Ok... so you think that line makes or should make that kind of speech illegal? It might be detestable, but you're on the wrong side of the acceptable free speech line.
Cyrus said:
The man is a racist. I've heard him with my own ears talking about how the 'white man' built the golden gate bridge. He's bonkers.
Racism isn't illegal.

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