- #1
- 15,964
- 6,246
- Author: Grant Fowles and George Cassiday
- Title: Analytical Mechanics
- Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0534494927/?tag=pfamazon01-20
- Prerequisities: Calculus-based intro physics and a year of calculus; differential equations and matrix algebra highly recommended before or concurrently with this course
Contents (from 5th edition)
- Fundamental concepts. Vectors
- Newtonian Mechanics. Rectilinear motion of a particle
- Oscillations
- General motion of a particle in three dimensions
- Noninertial reference systems
- Gravitational and central forces
- Dynamics of systems of particles
- Mechanics of rigid bodies. Planar motion
- Motion of rigid bodies in three dimensions
- Lagrangian mechanics
- Dynamics of oscillating systems
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