Angular Momentum: Constant Axis & Non-CM Axis

In summary: I'm not quite sure I understand it all yet.In summary, the angular momentum about an axis that passes through the center of mass is parallel to the angular velocity.
  • #1
Well, this is only a theoretical question that attacked me when I'm studying the rigid body mechanics:

When you have a rigid body rotating about an axis that passes through center of mass and the angular velocity is constant vector then the angular momentum is parallel to angular velocity. Well, but if the body rotates about other axis that don't passes through CM, what's the angular momentum? and definitely what's the angular momentum when the axis is not changing (in other words when angular velocity has a derivative non null almost)?
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  • #2
What's the definition of angular momentum...?For a rigid body,of course...

  • #3
well. I have another question:

Is there a relation between the angular momentum about an axis passing through CM and other angular momenta passing through other points of the rigid body, like the Parallel axes theorem for moments of inertia?
  • #4
That's exacly what it is.But how do you prove it...?You didn't give me the definition of angular momentum...

  • #5
the angular momentum L is L=rxmr.

for a discrete system is only the summation to all particles. but I have used then the equation of movement for rotation, that says the variation with time of angular momentum is equal to the torque.

d/dt(sum(rxmv))=sum(rxF), d(L)/dt=T

If I take a transformation of coordinate systems from the original inertial to the CM reference I could write:

d/dt(sum(r(respect CM)xmv(respect CM)))=sum(r(respect CM)xF)

the left member is the variation of L respect CM and the other is the torque respect CM.

Then the question is if I know the L about CM, there is a relation to get L about any point with the knowledge of L about CM?
  • #6
Nope,i specifically said RIGID BODY.The definiton is another one...Keep searching.

  • #7
L=Iw with w the angular velocity
  • #8
Yes,in simplest form...Now,have you gotten an answer to your question...?

  • #9
yes...partially. because that ecuation states that angular momentum is parallel to angular velocity, and I know it's only valid when the rigid body is rotating around a principal axis. Then, what's the most general eq?
  • #10
The first assertion is very true.It is proven by the general relation
[tex] \vec{L}:=\hat{I}:\vec{\omega} [/tex]

,where [tex] \hat{I} [/tex] is the moment of inertia tensor,and the ":" mean contracted tensor product.(:= is the definition symbol)

  • #11
thanks for the help

FAQ: Angular Momentum: Constant Axis & Non-CM Axis

1. What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a measure of an object's rotational motion. It is the product of an object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity.

2. What is a constant axis?

A constant axis refers to an object's rotation about an axis that does not change its direction or orientation. This means that the object's angular momentum remains constant as it rotates around the axis.

3. What is a non-CM axis?

A non-CM (center of mass) axis refers to an object's rotation about an axis that is not passing through its center of mass. In this case, the object's angular momentum is not constant as it rotates around the non-CM axis.

4. How is angular momentum conserved in a system?

According to the law of conservation of angular momentum, the total angular momentum of a system remains constant unless an external torque acts upon it. This means that the sum of the individual angular momenta of all objects in the system remains constant.

5. What are some real-life examples of angular momentum?

Some common examples of angular momentum include the rotation of a spinning top, the motion of a spinning wheel, and the orbit of a planet around the sun. Angular momentum is also important in sports, such as figure skating and gymnastics, where athletes use rotational motion to perform tricks and stunts.
