Research Assignment Ideas for Astrophysics Student

In summary, a student is seeking suggestions for a research topic for a chemistry project. They have considered rocket fuel and medicines, but are open to other ideas. The project should take at least 30 hours and previous projects in the class have focused on food and creating life in a lab. The class is for chemistry and the student apologizes for forgetting to mention that. They are still open to suggestions and thank everyone in advance.
  • #1
At school we have been given a very important research assignment, but my team-mates (we work in groups) and I don't have a subject to research on. Does anyone have any ideas? My team-mates and I would really appreciate it. We were thinking about researching something on rocketfuel (or just fuel) or medicines, but that's the best we've got so far.

I thank you in advance,

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  • #2
You're going to have to narrow down the search criteria.

What are the eligible ranges of topics? What kind of class is it for? What grade / year are you in?
  • #3
Originally posted by Astrophysics
At school we have been given a very important research assignment, but my team-mates (we work in groups) and I don't have a subject to research on. Does anyone have any ideas? My team-mates and I would really appreciate it. We were thinking about researching something on rocketfuel (or just fuel) or medicines, but that's the best we've got so far.

I thank you in advance,

How about Zero Point Energy? There's an interesting thread here in the forums (I think it's in the Theoretical Physics section) to help get you started! It'll probably get you and your teammates a Nobel prize if you can pull it off! :wink: GOOD LUCK - whatever you choose!
  • #4

Originally posted by Tsunami
It'll probably get you and your teammates a Nobel prize if you can pull it off! :wink:

It's a little bit late for this year's prizes, but there's always next year...
  • #5

Originally posted by Sonty
It's a little bit late for this year's prizes, but there's always next year...

Details, details...
  • #6
thanks guys, I don't think I could really pull it of but a research on absolute zero isn't that bad (unfortunately my team-mates won't think highly of this, but it was a great idea).
Does anyone also have any other suggestions?

p.s. I'm in the last grade of high school (If I graduate I'll hopely be in the university next year, I'm not familiar with the american system of educations so I don't know which grade that would be...I think I heard it's the 12th grade...but I'm not sure)
  • #7
How long is the project supposed to be?

You mentioned rocket fuel... there is a little info on that, but there is a ton on related subjects.

You could do an overview of different types of jet and rocket engines, including why each is shaped the way they are.

You haven't given us much in the way of what your constraints are, so we can't really give the best advice.
  • #8
yeah sorry about that, but my teacher hasn't given us much info either, so I'm not sure. But I do know that it should take at least 30 hours. And he also mentioned we could develope devices like a watercleaningdevice (is that a word? what I mean is a machine that makes clear drinkable water from, dirty water)
  • #9
It's called a 'water purifier' or a 'water filter' depending on the level of cleaning required.

Did your teacher give any examples of what previous classes did for their projects? It might give some insight into what he/she is looking for.
  • #10
yes he did, but unfortunately most of them were on food...and I don't like to research food. Some original one was trying to make life in the labratory, with lightning and gasses.
  • #11
Is the class a biology class?

The teacher had to have given SOME sort of restrictions on what the research needs to be on... Otherwise you could research 16th century French art or something...
  • #12
First in public good will next do your like

The success is multi factor result. but there is important something,
good will in public will make you future ease in society.
to like and like to success is life value.
Value in kind ,but achievement from nature.
  • #13
Oops...sorry everyone I thought I had already mentioned that it was for my chemistry class, but it seems that I had forgotten about that part, since I was in a hurry typing it down.

Again I apologize for my mistake.
Suggestions are still welcome.

I thank you in advance,

  • #14

Originally posted by
The success is multi factor result. but there is important something,
good will in public will make you future ease in society.
to like and like to success is life value.
Value in kind ,but achievement from nature.

sorry, I don't understand what you mean.
Are you trying to give me a hint for finding a subject?

FAQ: Research Assignment Ideas for Astrophysics Student

1. What are some current hot topics in astrophysics research?

Some current hot topics in astrophysics research include gravitational waves, dark matter and dark energy, exoplanets, and the search for life beyond Earth.

2. How can I come up with a unique research idea in astrophysics?

To come up with a unique research idea in astrophysics, you can start by reading current literature and identifying gaps in knowledge or areas that have not been extensively studied. You can also attend conferences and seminars to learn about new developments in the field. Collaborating with other researchers or discussing ideas with your mentor can also help generate new and unique research ideas.

3. What are some useful tools or technologies for conducting astrophysics research?

Some useful tools and technologies for conducting astrophysics research include telescopes, spectrographs, computer simulations, and data analysis software. Additionally, collaborations with other researchers and access to large databases of astronomical data can also be beneficial.

4. How can I ensure the validity and accuracy of my research in astrophysics?

To ensure the validity and accuracy of your research in astrophysics, it is important to follow rigorous scientific methods and protocols. This includes properly documenting your methodology, conducting thorough data analysis, and replicating your results. Peer review and collaboration with other researchers can also help ensure the accuracy of your findings.

5. What are some ethical considerations to keep in mind when conducting astrophysics research?

Some ethical considerations to keep in mind when conducting astrophysics research include obtaining informed consent from human subjects, protecting the welfare of research animals, and properly citing and giving credit to the work of others. Additionally, researchers should adhere to ethical guidelines and regulations set by their institution and funding agencies.
