Arab Coalition: Uniting to Defend Against Bush Regime

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  • Thread starter omin
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In summary, the conversation revolved around the involvement of various countries in the Iraq war and the perception of the US military and government's actions. Some participants argued that the US military is struggling to handle the insurgency in Iraq, while others defended the military's capabilities. There was also discussion about the events of 9/11 and whether or not Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the attacks. Some participants believed that the evidence was clear that Bin Laden was responsible, while others questioned the validity of that evidence. Overall, there were differing opinions on the actions and motivations of the US military and government in the Iraq war.
  • #1
Just because our military is made up of people that are not soley from New York, where 911 occured(which no one has proven who did it, not even Bin Laden), doesn't mean everyone else who is in the military is a terrorist. This is not natural fundamental the Bush regime likes to observe for those Arabs who have went to Iraq to defend Arabs in general being murdered by the Bush regime. Since they ignore this superior fact, they are ignorant in a superior way on this issue.

All the Arabs states are like our many states and band together for a common goal in this terrible situation created by bush regime. Brave Arabs have volunteered, whereas American soldiers only joined because of the finantical safety they get from military pay and now are being called up.

Those in Iraq, a small percentage who are not Iraqi's who fight against the terrorist regime Bush are honorable defenders of Arabs in general and are no different from people from any society who band together from neighboring states to help defend against a murdering, theiving occupier.
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  • #2
I'm sorry...but which Arab "state" has sent it's armed forces to Iraq?
  • #3
kat said:
I'm sorry...but which Arab "state" has sent it's armed forces to Iraq?
Lucky they didn't. The mighty US army has problems enough with boys on running shoes and with old fashioned rifles.
  • #4
Mercator said:
Lucky they didn't. The mighty US army has problems enough with boys on running shoes and with old fashioned rifles.

..and explosives they walked off with while the US Army was guarding it.
  • #5
omin said:
Brave Arabs have volunteered, whereas American soldiers only joined because of the finantical safety they get from military pay

You are a person with a skewed bias view of reality.
I wish I could say you were just a troll, but the sad fact is that you probably believe this.

omin said:
Those in Iraq, a small percentage who are not Iraqi's who fight against the terrorist regime Bush are honorable defenders of Arabs in general and are no different from people from any society who band together from neighboring states to help defend against a murdering, theiving occupier.

Yep, they cared when Saddam was in power too, right?
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  • #6
Mercator said:
Lucky they didn't. The mighty US army has problems enough with boys on running shoes and with old fashioned rifles.

Yes, that is right, we are just losing everything:
As the battle for Falluja goes on, the American military estimates 600 people, whom they describe as insurgents, have been killed as well as 18 US soldiers.

I am so sick of people who know nothing of the military or our political landscape making these ridiculous assertions. The military won the Iraq war in no time. They could have implemented martial law and locked the place down. Instead we half assed it for political correctness. In my opinion a bad move, but your statement that implies the 'mighty' (**** your sarcasm) US army (it's actually military, not army that is in Iraq) can't handle the insurgents ("boys on running shoes and with old fashioned rifles", nice job minimalizing this) is completely lacking any understanding of the situation.

Watch Falluja. It's the first assault we've had publicized since the amazingly quick defeat of the Iraqi guard, and the supposed elite Iraqi guard (remember, the ones that were supposed to be battle hardened and kill so many of our guys).
So far, Falluja is under US control except one strip, in 5 days, and 18 lost. That's a city large enough to hold a population of 300,000 taken over with 18 lost!
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  • #7
Just because our military is made up of people that are not soley from New York, where 911 occured(which no one has proven who did it, not even Bin Laden),

Er...Bin Laden made many, many threats against New York and Washington D.C, not to mention his bombing in 1993 at the World Trade Center...are you seriously not convinced he did it? And if I am not mistaken I believe he admitted to doing it in a few of his infamous videos.
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  • #8
Political Prodigy said:
Er...Bin Laden made many, many threats against New York and Washington D.C, not to mention his bombing in 1993 at the World Trade Center...are you seriously not convinced he did it? And if I am not mistaken I believe he admitted to doing it in one of his infamous videos.

He's admitted it over and over.
  • #9
I thought so, but then what is Omin talking about saying it has not been proven. A confession should be more than enough evidence.
  • #10
phatmonky said:
He's admitted it over and over.
"Admitted" is the wrong word: he bragged and continues to brag. For someone to assert that he didn't do it means no reasonable conversation can be had here.
  • #11
russ_watters said:
"Admitted" is the wrong word: he bragged and continues to brag. For someone to assert that he didn't do it means no reasonable conversation can be had here.

There's tons more of evidence than just that : Most of the hijackers were terrorists known to belong to Al Qaeda. Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, arrested in Pakistan last year, was involved in the planning of 9/11 and has revealed much about the operation. And more recently, the capture of the Al Qaeda operations chief, Abu Zubaydah (and his computer files) have revealed several planning and operational details of 9/11.

Have you been hibernating, omin ?
  • #12
phatmonky said:

(it's actually military, not army that is in Iraq)
Oh, your linguistic accuracy will surely impress Iraqis after the "liberation". Finaly they will know the difference between an army and the military. Which one kills more innocent people according to you?
  • #13
phatmonky said:
He's admitted it over and over.
Why don't you get him then, instead of attacking a country that had nothing to do with him?
  • #14
If I'm not mistaken, Omin if FROM Iraq (or Jordan?). His point of view is just a little bit different than most of ours.

I don't know about any of the rest of you, but I'm very interested in his view point. If you ask any two Americans about what is going on in America, chances are you will get two completely opposing points of view. This does not mean one is right and one is wrong. They are just different points of view. Why does Omin have to be any different than us just because he's an Arab? We just might learn something from him.

Why doesn't Bush go after Bin Laden? Well, sheesh. HE doesn't have any oil, now, does he? :biggrin:

edit: well, actually I guess his FAMILY might have some oil but Shrub Sr. is already talking to Bin Laden's brother about THAT... :rolleyes:
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  • #15
Is that right Omin? I also would be very interested in hearing your point of view.
But it has been proven, and admitted by several people that Osama is responsible, there were televised trials where some of the terrorists involved would go on about it. They didn't care about the sentence they were 'bragging' as Russ said (although it sounded more like preaching to me though).

On another note:
WE KNOW SADDAM IS OUT OF POWER! and yes thank you for that, we realize it, we don't need to be reminded, we still think it wasnt right to go into Iraq.
  • #16
Arab unity and resistance

During Palestine war (1948) thousands of Arab fighters from Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon joined the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist-English occupation armies. The Iraqi fighters succeeded to save several Palestinian cities from ‘’ethic cleansing ‘’ and for this reason many Palestinian admire the Iraqi people and wish to join the liberation of their country.

From historical point, if one of ME countries under attack, all the other nations give urgent support to stop the attack.

For example, the leaders of the Palestinians revolution against British occupation in 1936 were from Syria (Al Qassam) and from Iraq (Qaweqji). Thos leaders became heroes in the eyes of the Palestinian generations.

If we return back to check other historical wars, during Crusaders war, A Kurdish leader (Salleddin) from Iraq who united Egypt and Syria then liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders in 1187.

Currently, every Palestinian town has many graves of Arab fighters who did well to stop the Zionist project in Palestine. People believe that those fighters who left their countries and families to fight with Palestinian deserve all honor and respect.

In fact more than 90% of Arab still believe in Arab unity.


OBL and terrorism

OBL is leader of small extremist unpopular group. In fact most of people of ME only hear about this man after 11/9 by American media! May be NeoNazi in Germany and KKK is more popular than Alqaeda in ME.

Historically, USA supported ALqaeda in 80s to fight the communism in Afghanistan (as they did with Saddam against Iran). OBL never and will never win any election in any country I Islamic world, so nobody can claim that he representing Arab or Muslims. Unfortunately, people are tired from the dirty politics of USA in ME; supporting the crimes of Israel and creating corrupted puppet dictators regimes.

If there are real democracy in ME, people will NEVER vote for pro USA government, therefore nobody believe that American want to create real democracy I the region, which will be against their strategic interest.
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  • #17
We Chinese are of course a pragmatic people, we don't raise our head until we are sure about our chips, and that is why we have been taking this American crap all these years (yeah, their "humanistic" interest in our human right blah blah). But it doesn't mean we don't know what is going on or that we are not seething with rage. For the time being we will let them run themselves to the ground.
  • #18
I wish we could do as chinese doing. ANyway, it is our bad luck to have such people, who gave some reasons to AMerican to detroy our nations.

Good luck for china, prepare for the next global war , after the end of the current American Crusade against Arab and Muslims. We hope you will learn a lot in the meantime.

Polly said:
We Chinese are of course a pragmatic people, we don't raise our head until we are sure about our chips, and that is why we have been taking this American crap all these years (yeah, their "humanistic" interest in our human right blah blah). But it doesn't mean we don't know what is going on or that we are not seething with rage. For the time being we will let them run themselves to the ground.
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  • #19
Thank you Bilal, our leader knows, and he is the second good leader we have had in the past 300 years. The first one is Deng Xiao Ping in the 70's to 80's. We all have our share of bad luck.
  • #20
I don't really understand the last 3 posts but Bilal your opinion is very interesting, do you think the majority of palestinians share your views?
  • #21
If you refer to OBL, he has no support in Palestine for several reasons:

- He belong to Jihadi-Salfai Islamic school, which exist only in some parts of the Gulf and Yemen ... this school has no followers in Palestine. (Its followers are less than 1% of Muslims in the world, many of them do not support OBL ideology)

- Palestinian believes in democracy, we have 15 political parties from extreme left to extreme religious parties. Even the Islamic parties in Palestine (e.g. Hamas) are big supporters of democracy. We have every year election in our universities, so every political party tries to show that they are protectors of freedom. No wondering that Hamas won the election in Beir Zait University (40% of students are from high class Christian), because they show high respect for them.

-Concerning the Arab unity, it is fact that we feel as one body, From Jenin to Falluja ; there are one resistance and one enemy.

- Do not forget; more than 90% of Palestinian are educated ... 60% of Universities students are females. Our education system is combination of American-European education systems (English is used in scientific, engineering and medical sciences). Lebanon, Syria and Jordan (beside pre war Iraq) have similar situation to Palestine concerning the education.

- There are many Christian living in Palestine (30% in 1948) , Syria (18%), Lebanon (30%) and Jordan (9%). They are well educated (due to their ancient relations with Europe) and they are proud by their culture and countries. We can not let person as OBL to touch hair from them.
If you heard about Prof. Edward Saeed , who is good example of Palestinian Christian.

-Most of people admire the western civilization, and want to have good relation with the West, it seems the situation is hopeless with American (who REALLY have bad image after occupation of Iraq; raping, murdering, looting …), but it is still a lot of hope to build bridges of respect with Europe, especially France.

- Palestine (beside Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt) was strong secular societies in 60s and 70s ... after that Islamic awake started in 80s due to the upset from secularism and nationalism. This means, people know well about the Western culture. It could be similar to Turkey, which was extreme secular country toll 90s ... Every society afraid from external enemy start to return to religion as the situation in USA after 11/9.

Smurf said:
I don't really understand the last 3 posts but Bilal your opinion is very interesting, do you think the majority of palestinians share your views?
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  • #22
Smurf said:
I don't really understand the last 3 posts

:smile: Haha, if I understand you correctly, the answer must be what has been keeping us together as a nation for five thousand years.
  • #23
Tsunami said:
If I'm not mistaken, Omin if FROM Iraq (or Jordan?). His point of view is just a little bit different than most of ours.

I don't know about any of the rest of you, but I'm very interested in his view point. If you ask any two Americans about what is going on in America, chances are you will get two completely opposing points of view. This does not mean one is right and one is wrong. They are just different points of view. Why does Omin have to be any different than us just because he's an Arab? We just might learn something from him.
While differing opinions are an interesting thing, Tsunami, I have a very low tolerance for people who argue things that are factually wrong.
  • #24
Polly said:
:smile: Haha, if I understand you correctly, the answer must be what has been keeping us together as a nation for five thousand years.
Let's not get hyperbolic, Polly: China is a very different nation today than it was even 100 years ago and bears little resemblence to the nation it was 1000 years ago.
  • #25
Polly said:
We Chinese are of course a pragmatic people, we don't raise our head until we are sure about our chips, and that is why we have been taking this American crap all these years (yeah, their "humanistic" interest in our human right blah blah). But it doesn't mean we don't know what is going on or that we are not seething with rage. For the time being we will let them run themselves to the ground.

I know what you mean.You don't have to be sorry or ashamed of your country current politicall system, even worst awaits if you follow American way of live.
Western powers were meddling in China's affairs and utterly humiliating your peoples in 19 century,now China is independent and relativelly powerfull its people are much different(stronger) than American weaklings,the day will come when China will repay its debt to the American parasites ie, exterminate.
  • #26
tumor said:
I know what you mean.You don't have to be sorry or ashamed of your country current politicall system, even worst awaits if you follow American way of live.
Western powers were meddling in China's affairs and utterly humiliating your peoples in 19 century,now China is independent and relativelly powerfull its people are much different(stronger) than American weaklings,the day will come when China will repay its debt to the American parasites ie, exterminate.
Even I don't support that Idea.
  • #27
russ_watters said:
While differing opinions are an interesting thing, Tsunami, I have a very low tolerance for people who argue things that are factually wrong.
You see Russ that's the very problem, what you believe to be fact is not what they believe to be fact. You should listen to what they have to say instead of emediatly discounting it as unfactual.
  • #28
*boggle* I feel like I've been walked through a scene comparable to something in Alice in Wonderland... ew, head hurts...
  • #29
Yes Kat and Russ, sometimes even I go away after talking with the PRC people with a feeling that they are from another planet. But then do you remember a few years ago when the Chinese embassy in Isreal (?) was accidentally bombed by the USA there was massive protest in Beijing outside the US embassy? Do you remember the angry look on their faces? Can you reconcile that sight with what you believe the Chinese to be?

Tumour, as the biggest factory in the world now we wish each and every one of our customers a long and happy life and hope that they come back for more of our products, so please no extermination whatsoever :biggrin: . Chinese are capable of colossal folly and are renouned for greed and insidious infighting, we are responsible for our history. All we ask for is respect for our choice of our own course and peaceful co-existence of different values.
  • #30
Polly said:
…Chinese embassy in Isreal (?) was accidentally bombed by the USA…

That would have probably upset :mad: the Israelis. Think Belgrade.

Kat said:
*boggle* I feel like I've been walked through a scene comparable to something in Alice in Wonderland... ew, head hurts...

I'm guessing the "Mad Hatter" has returned.
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  • #31
Polly said:
Chinese are capable of colossal folly and are renouned for greed and insidious infighting, we are responsible for our history. All we ask for is respect for our choice of our own course and peaceful co-existence of different values.
I believe the word 'humans' could replace the word 'Chinese' and be just as true.
I also believe your last sentence should be every individuals birthright in every country of the world.
  • #32
Bilal said:
Arab unity and resistance

During Palestine war (1948) thousands of Arab fighters from Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon joined the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist-English occupation armies. The Iraqi fighters succeeded to save several Palestinian cities from ‘’ethic cleansing ‘’ and for this reason many Palestinian admire the Iraqi people and wish to join the liberation of their country.

From historical point, if one of ME countries under attack, all the other nations give urgent support to stop the attack.

For example, the leaders of the Palestinians revolution against British occupation in 1936 were from Syria (Al Qassam) and from Iraq (Qaweqji). Thos leaders became heroes in the eyes of the Palestinian generations.

If we return back to check other historical wars, during Crusaders war, A Kurdish leader (Salleddin) from Iraq who united Egypt and Syria then liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders in 1187.

Currently, every Palestinian town has many graves of Arab fighters who did well to stop the Zionist project in Palestine. People believe that those fighters who left their countries and families to fight with Palestinian deserve all honor and respect.

In fact more than 90% of Arab still believe in Arab unity.


OBL and terrorism

OBL is leader of small extremist unpopular group. In fact most of people of ME only hear about this man after 11/9 by American media! May be NeoNazi in Germany and KKK is more popular than Alqaeda in ME.

Historically, USA supported ALqaeda in 80s to fight the communism in Afghanistan (as they did with Saddam against Iran). OBL never and will never win any election in any country I Islamic world, so nobody can claim that he representing Arab or Muslims. Unfortunately, people are tired from the dirty politics of USA in ME; supporting the crimes of Israel and creating corrupted puppet dictators regimes.

If there are real democracy in ME, people will NEVER vote for pro USA government, therefore nobody believe that American want to create real democracy I the region, which will be against their strategic interest.
Thank you, Bilal. If I may ask, where in Palestine are you located?
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  • #33
Polly said:
Can you reconcile that sight with what you believe the Chinese to be?
I really can't even begin to grasp through your commentary what you think I might "believe the chinese to be" with the exception of my own perception that it has nothing whatsoever to do with reality.
  • #34
Mercator said:
Oh, your linguistic accuracy will surely impress Iraqis after the "liberation". Finaly they will know the difference between an army and the military. Which one kills more innocent people according to you?

I'll be impressed when you start stating something besides rhetoric and hyperbole, and respond to my post rather than my corrections to your wrong word usage.

Mercator said:
Why don't you get him then, instead of attacking a country that had nothing to do with him?

I guess you and Omin can't figure out that this coversation is about Iraq, not Bin Laden. Again, try to respond to something besides the corrections to you guys stating falsities.
  • #35
Tsunami said:
If I'm not mistaken, Omin if FROM Iraq (or Jordan?). His point of view is just a little bit different than most of ours.

I don't know about any of the rest of you, but I'm very interested in his view point. If you ask any two Americans about what is going on in America, chances are you will get two completely opposing points of view. This does not mean one is right and one is wrong. They are just different points of view. Why does Omin have to be any different than us just because he's an Arab? We just might learn something from him.

Why doesn't Bush go after Bin Laden? Well, sheesh. HE doesn't have any oil, now, does he? :biggrin:

edit: well, actually I guess his FAMILY might have some oil but Shrub Sr. is already talking to Bin Laden's brother about THAT... :rolleyes:

I never knew he was Arab, and I find it fairly insulting that you say things like "Why does Omin have to be any different than us just because he's an Arab? " Who said he was different because of it?

You'll notice I said nothing about his post's merit towards his opinion about the fighters in Iraq. I attacked in innaccuracies and disgusting skewing of the US military. He made generalizations that you and he can't back up, and are nothing more than rude demeaning statements towards people who go out in harms way in our country's name.

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