Average velocity= displacement/time

In summary, velocity is a vector quantity that includes direction and magnitude, while speed is a scalar quantity that only represents magnitude. The formulas for average velocity and average speed are displacement/time and total distance/time, respectively. However, this is a simplified explanation and more may need to be considered when defining velocity and speed. Additionally, in certain scenarios, a person may have a zero average velocity but a non-zero average speed.
  • #1

I just some clarification for kinematics:
am i correct to say that:

average velocity= displacement/time
average speed=total distance/time

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
jen333 said:
average velocity= displacement/time
average speed=total distance/time

The difference between velocity and speed is just that velocity is a vector and speed is a scalar. That is, velocity has a direction and magnitude, while speed is just the magnitude. For example, you might say that your speed is 2 m/s, while your velocity is [2,0,0] m/s (or 2 m/s in the x direction).
  • #3

Your statement is perhaps "correct enough" if you just want a general distinction between velocity and speed. As a whole what you say is not incorrect, I would rate it as incomplete if this was offered as the definitions for velocity and speed.
  • #4
jen333 said:

I just some clarification for kinematics:
am i correct to say that:

average velocity= displacement/time
average speed=total distance/time

yes that is absolutely correct.

a person that runs around a circular track and stops where he began has zero average velocity but non-zero average speed.
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FAQ: Average velocity= displacement/time

What is average velocity?

Average velocity is a measure of an object's overall displacement over a given time period. It takes into account both the direction and magnitude of an object's movement.

How is average velocity calculated?

Average velocity is calculated by dividing the total displacement of an object by the total time taken for the displacement to occur. It is represented by the formula v = Δx/Δt, where v is average velocity, Δx is the change in position, and Δt is the change in time.

What is the difference between average velocity and instantaneous velocity?

Average velocity is a measure of an object's overall displacement over a given time period, while instantaneous velocity is a measure of an object's velocity at a specific moment in time. Average velocity takes into account the entire journey, while instantaneous velocity only looks at a single point on that journey.

How is average velocity affected by changes in displacement and time?

If the displacement of an object increases while the time remains constant, the average velocity will also increase. Similarly, if the displacement decreases while the time remains constant, the average velocity will decrease. If both displacement and time increase or decrease at the same rate, the average velocity will remain the same.

Why is average velocity an important concept in physics?

Average velocity is an important concept in physics because it helps us understand how objects move and how their motion can be described and analyzed. It is also a fundamental concept in the study of kinematics, which is a branch of physics that deals with the motion of objects without considering the forces that cause the motion.
