Balancing a Cube on its Corner

  • Thread starter amcavoy
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In summary: , so therefore the angle between v and the x axis is just 1/2* arctan(\frac{|v|}{|w|})=\frac{\theta}{2}
  • #1
Say that you have a box with mass "M." The base is given by vector "v" and height by "w." If you want to balance it on the corner, what should the angle between "v" and the surface be (image attached)?

I tried to write this out, but not sure if I did it correctly.

I figured the torque must be the same (v and w).


I figured out that the mass exerted on each is as follows:



Solving for [tex]\theta[/tex], I came up with:


Is this correct? Does my reasoning make any sense?

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  • #2
Well, first off, a cube has 3 dimensions, so if your talking about rectangles that's a different thing. Also, I'm guessing you mean a uniform rectangle. If so, then the diagonal of the rectangle from the pivoting corner to the opposite corner is given by the vector sum of v and w. From here, the torques on either side of this diagonal must be equivalent and in opposite directions. The only way the torques would balance is if the center of mass is above the pivot point. By symmetry, the center of mass will be at the center point of the rectangle, so the center of the rectangle must be directly above the pivot point.

By realizing the diagonal goes through the center, you can see that only when the diagonal is perpendicular to the x-axis will this occur, or

[tex] (\vec{v} + \vec{w}) \cdot \hat{x} = 0 [/tex]
  • #3
I realize I didnt answer your question, to find the angle between v and the x axis, draw the vector sum triangle between v and w, name the resultant vector (which is the diagonal) Z.

The angle between Z and X must be 90 degrees, as we showed earlier, but the angle between Z and V is just the arctangent of W/V.

Angle ZX is 90 degrees, and is comprised by angles ZV + VX, where ZV = arctan W/V, so VX is just

[tex]VX = ZX - ZV = 90 - arctan\left(\frac{|W|}{|V|}\right) [/tex]
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  • #4
how i'd do it:

we know two things, we have two angles [tex]\phi[/tex] and [tex]\theta[/tex], [tex]\phi[/tex] being the (small) angle between x and w, and we know these two angles sum together to equal 90 degress. then because of the symmetry and that the center of gravity lies on the diag, we know that there's an equal amount of stuff in the x direction on each side of the diag... or that [tex]|v| cos\theta= |w| cos \phi[/tex] so, we substitute in [tex] cos\phi= sin\theta[/tex] and then solve to get [tex] \frac {|w|}{|v|} tan\theta = 1. [/tex] and then [tex]arctan(\frac{|v|}{|w|})=\theta[/tex]
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  • #5
Our answers are equal

FAQ: Balancing a Cube on its Corner

What does it mean to "balance a cube on its corner"?

"Balancing a cube on its corner" refers to the act of positioning a cube in such a way that only one of its corners is in contact with a surface, while the other corners are suspended in the air.

Is it possible to balance a cube on its corner?

Yes, it is possible to balance a cube on its corner. However, it requires precise positioning and balance to achieve this feat.

What factors affect the stability of a cube when trying to balance it on its corner?

The stability of a cube when attempting to balance it on its corner is affected by several factors, including the weight distribution of the cube, the surface it is being balanced on, and external forces such as air currents or vibrations.

What are some techniques for successfully balancing a cube on its corner?

Some techniques for balancing a cube on its corner include finding the center of mass of the cube and carefully positioning it on the corner, using small adjustments to find the perfect balance point, and using counterweights or other objects to help stabilize the cube.

What practical applications does balancing a cube on its corner have?

The ability to balance a cube on its corner may have practical applications in fields such as robotics and engineering, where precise balance and positioning are crucial. It can also serve as a fun and challenging activity for problem-solving and hand-eye coordination.
