Ballistic Motion using Newton's Laws

In summary, a rocket-powered hockey puck with a thrust of 1.20 and a total mass of 1.50 is released from rest on a frictionless table 3.20 from the edge of a 3.60 drop. It accelerates at 0.8 m/2 over a distance of 3.2 m and then falls 3.6 m under the influence of gravity with no initial vertical velocity and some horizontal velocity and acceleration. The initial velocity and final velocity are unknown, making it difficult to determine the final position of the puck on the x-axis.
  • #1
A rocket-powered hockey puck has a thrust of 1.20 and a total mass of 1.50 . It is released from rest on a frictionless table, 3.20 from the edge of a 3.60 drop. The front of the rocket is pointed directly toward the edge. How far does the puck land from the base of the table?

Okay, so I found the accleration of the puck in the x-direction to be 0.8m/s/s and the difference in time between the moment it is at the end of the table to be 0.857s. But past this I have been unable to find initial velocity or final velocity or anything that I could plug into a kinematics equation to help me find the final position of the puck, on the x-axis.
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  • #2
One should include units, but it appears one is using SI or mks.

It is released from rest on a frictionless table

and accelerates at 0.8 m/2 over a distance of 3.2 m.

The puck then falls 3.6 m under the influence of gravity with no initial vertical velocity, but it has some horizontal velocity and perhaps horizontal acceleration(?).

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  • #3

I would approach this problem by using Newton's Laws of Motion to analyze the motion of the puck. Since the puck is released from rest on a frictionless table, we can assume that there is no external force acting on it in the horizontal direction. Therefore, the only force acting on the puck is the thrust from the rocket, which is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration.

Using Newton's Second Law (F=ma), we can calculate the acceleration of the puck to be 0.8 m/s^2. We can then use this acceleration and the distance from the edge of the table (3.20 m) to calculate the time it takes for the puck to reach the edge of the table using the equation d=0.5at^2. This gives us a time of 2.27 seconds.

Next, we can use the equation v=at to find the initial velocity of the puck, which is 1.82 m/s. This is also the final velocity of the puck when it reaches the edge of the table.

To find the final position of the puck, we can use the equation x=vt to calculate the distance traveled in the x-direction. Plugging in the values of initial velocity and time, we get a distance of 4.14 m. This means that the puck will land 4.14 m from the base of the table.

In conclusion, by using Newton's Laws of Motion and kinematics equations, we can determine that the puck will land 4.14 m from the base of the table when released from rest with a thrust of 1.20 N and a total mass of 1.50 kg.

FAQ: Ballistic Motion using Newton's Laws

1. What is ballistic motion?

Ballistic motion is the movement of an object that is only influenced by the force of gravity. It is a type of motion that occurs when an object is thrown, launched, or dropped and moves in a curved path due to the force of gravity.

2. What are Newton's Laws of Motion?

Newton's Laws of Motion are three fundamental laws that describe the behavior of objects in motion. The first law states that an object will remain at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. The second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. The third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

3. How do Newton's Laws apply to ballistic motion?

Newton's Laws are used to explain the trajectory and behavior of objects in ballistic motion. The first law explains why an object continues to move in a straight line until acted upon by a force, such as gravity. The second law explains how the object's mass and the force of gravity determine its acceleration and trajectory. The third law explains the equal and opposite forces acting on the object as it moves through the air.

4. Can an object in ballistic motion change direction?

Yes, an object in ballistic motion can change direction. This can occur when the object experiences a change in force, such as air resistance, or when it collides with another object. However, the force of gravity will continue to act on the object, causing it to follow a curved path.

5. What factors affect the trajectory of an object in ballistic motion?

Several factors can affect the trajectory of an object in ballistic motion, including the initial velocity, mass of the object, angle of launch, and air resistance. These factors can change the speed, direction, and distance traveled by the object.

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