Block sliding along a looped track

In summary, a block of mass m sliding without friction along a looped track must be released from a minimum height of 2.5 times the radius of the loop in order to remain on the track at the top of the circle. To calculate the normal force exerted by the track, the law of conservation of energy and Newton's 2nd law can be used at the bottom of the loop, with different values for the height. The normal force is smallest at the top of the loop, larger at the bottom, and largest after the block exits the loop onto the flat section.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A block of mass m slides without friction along the looped track shown in figure 6-39. If the block is to remain on the track, even at the top of the circle (whose radius is r), from what minimum height h must it be released. Next, if the actual release height is 2h, calculate (b), the normal force exerted by the track at the bottom of the loop, (c) the normal force exerted by the track at the top of the loop, and (d) the normal force exerted by the track after the block exits the loop onto the flat section. SEE ATTACHED PICTURE FOR TRACK DIAGRAM.

Homework Equations

∑F=ma, 1/2 mv12 + mgy1 = 1/2mv22 + mgy2

The Attempt at a Solution

I was able to get the first part (determining the minimum height) this way:
Assuming that the normal force on the block at the top of the track must be close to zero, this force would be the minimum necessary for the block to stay on the track. Both the normal force and weight (mg) would be pointing downward, and since the block is going in a circle (the loop), we must incorporate centripetal acceleration into Newton's 2nd law, and solve for v (you need to solve for v so that you can substitute it into the conservation of energy equation in order to find the minimum height).

I solved for v like this: ∑F= m(v2/r) ---> Fn + mg = m(v2/r)--- masses cancel---> 0+g=v2/r ---> gr=v2---> v=[tex]\sqrt{}gr[/tex]

I then substituted [tex]\sqrt{}gr[/tex] for v into 1/2 mv12+mgy1 =1/2mv22+mgy2, and I chose y1 to be the height, and y2 to be the top of the loop, which would be 2r since the height of a circle is 2r. Solving for y1, I got h = 2.5r, which is correct.

However I haven't the slightest clue how to set up the variables for other parts of the problem. I even found the solution in the text and the explanation still makes no sense to me (the text is Giancoli 6th edition, problem is #40 and 75 from chapter 6). Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


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  • #2
first draw a free body diagram. the only forces acting on it are gravity and the normal force. you also know the net acceleration because you know the velocity of the block at any height from energy considerations

sounds like a + x = b to me!
  • #3
At the top,direction of normal force and weight are towards the centre and at the bottom, opposite direction. velocity depends on the point for circular track. weight is same as any point but normal force is not the same. At the top normal force value is very small and at the bottom, it's value is greater.

(b)Use law of conservation of energy for height 2h and at the bottom. Find the velocity at the bottom.Then use Newton's 2nd law at the bottom for circular track. You may calculate normal force.
(c) same as (b)'s calculation but answers are not the same.

For (d) normal force is biggest value. It has no radial force. Consider normal force and weight.

Try it. We can help you.
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Likes Irfan Nafi
  • #4
Thanks everybody. I figured it out with your help. It was simpler than I realized.
  • #5

I would like to commend you for your attempt at solving this problem. It is clear that you have a good understanding of the basic principles involved and have made a good start on the problem.

To solve the other parts of the problem, we can use the same approach of applying Newton's second law and conservation of energy. Let's start with part (b), where we need to find the normal force at the bottom of the loop.

At the bottom of the loop, the block is moving in a circular motion, so there must be a centripetal force acting on it. This force is provided by the normal force from the track. We can set up the equation ∑F=mv2/r and solve for the normal force (Fn). This will give us the normal force at the bottom of the loop.

For part (c), we need to find the normal force at the top of the loop. Here, we can use the same approach as in part (a) and set the normal force equal to zero. However, we need to remember that the block is now moving in a vertical circle, so the centripetal force is provided by the block's weight and the normal force. We can set up the equation ∑F=mv2/r and solve for the normal force (Fn). This will give us the normal force at the top of the loop.

Finally, for part (d), we need to find the normal force after the block exits the loop and goes onto the flat section. Here, we can use the conservation of energy equation and set the initial and final energies equal to each other. The initial energy will be the kinetic energy of the block at the top of the loop, and the final energy will be the kinetic energy of the block at the bottom of the flat section. We can solve for the normal force using the equation ∑F=mv2/r again.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the problem better. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Block sliding along a looped track

1. How does the angle of the loop affect the speed of the block?

The angle of the loop has an impact on the speed of the block. A steeper angle will result in a faster speed, while a more gradual angle will result in a slower speed. This is due to the conservation of energy, where a steeper angle will provide more potential energy to the block, resulting in a higher kinetic energy and faster speed.

2. Can the block make it through the loop without any external force?

Yes, the block can make it through the loop without any external force as long as it has enough initial speed. This is because of the conservation of energy, where the initial potential energy is converted into kinetic energy to keep the block going through the loop.

3. Does the mass of the block affect its movement through the loop?

Yes, the mass of the block does affect its movement through the loop. A heavier block will require more energy to move through the loop, so it will need a higher initial speed to make it through. On the other hand, a lighter block will require less energy and can make it through the loop with a lower initial speed.

4. How does friction affect the block's movement through the loop?

Friction can have a significant impact on the block's movement through the loop. If there is too much friction, the block may not have enough speed to make it through the loop, or it may even stop before reaching the top. However, some friction is necessary to provide enough traction for the block to move through the loop without slipping.

5. Can the block make it through multiple loops?

Yes, the block can make it through multiple loops as long as it has enough initial speed and the loops are designed properly. The principles of energy conservation and friction still apply, so it's important to consider these factors when designing a track with multiple loops.
