Calculus II - Trigonometric Substitutions - Evaluate integral dx/sqrt(1-2x^2)

In summary, the integral ∫dx/√(1-2x^2) can be evaluated using the substitution x=sinθ or x=cosθ, resulting in the antiderivatives sin-1x+c or cos-1x+c, respectively. These seemingly different answers are equivalent due to the identity sin-1x+cos-1x=π/2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

integral dx/sqrt(1-2x^2)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

My Answer: -cos^(-1)(sqrt(2)x)/sqrt(2) + c
See my work in attachment
Wolfram Alpha Answer: (sin^(-1)(sqrt(2) x))/sqrt(2)+constant^2%29
MATLAB Answer:
>> syms x
>> int(1/sqrt(1-2*x^2))
ans =

I know how I chose to evaluate this integral is not the traditional way of how things are done but I strongly believe that what I did is mathematically correct as you can see in my steps and so I should get the same answer but I don't, I don't know what I'm doing wrong and hope somebody can tell me...

Thanks in advance!


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  • #2
I didn't check your work closely, but I didn't see anything wrong.

Remember that the antiderivatives can differ by a constant.
  • #3
Hmmm... So how do I go about proving that my answer
-cos^(-1)(sqrt(2)x)/sqrt(2) + c
is equal to the what woflram alpha says to be the answer
(sin^(-1)(sqrt(2) x))/sqrt(2)+constant

I hate how they can differ by a constant and that i can get the right answer but have it appear as the wrong one because of that darn constant and was wondering how do i check that the my answer is indeed correct?
  • #4
The easy way to check your answer is to differentiate it and see if you get the integrand.
  • #5
It would appear as if it is correct ^_^ I still don't like this though >_> so there are multiple antiderrivitives that are correct because of the constant @_@ so i guess like if i answered this question on the test a professor couldn't mark it wrong because it's actually right even though it doesn't match with (sin^(-1)(sqrt(2) x))/sqrt(2)+constant, there would have to be multiple answers on the answer key i guess?
  • #6
GreenPrint said:
It would appear as if it is correct ^_^ I still don't like this though >_> so there are multiple antiderrivitives that are correct because of the constant @_@ so i guess like if i answered this question on the test a professor couldn't mark it wrong because it's actually right even though it doesn't match with (sin^(-1)(sqrt(2) x))/sqrt(2)+constant, there would have to be multiple answers on the answer key i guess?

You can look at the different answers coming from the constant, or from another places. If I solve ∫1/√(1-x2) dx with the substitution x = sinθ, I'll get sin-1x + c. If I use x = cosθ, I'll get cos-1x + c.* And because of the identity [itex]\sin^{-1}x + \cos^{-1}x = \pi/2 \Rightarrow \sin^{-1}x = -\cos^{-1}x + \pi/2[/itex], your answer and the other answers are the same once that [itex]\pi/2[/itex] is absorbed into the constant. Also, if you differentiate both sides of the second equation, both sides will be the same. You can do that to show the two "different" answers to your problem are the same.

*Same kind of thing happens if you use trig substitutions other than the ones normally used, and they'll give you basically the same answer, except maybe for using cot x instead of tan x because of the part of its domain used for having an inverse. At least in the case with arcsin and arccos, they are two equivalent answers when they turn up as antiderivatives.
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  • #7
Hi GreenPrint! :smile:

cos-1(A) = π/2 - sin-1(A) :wink:

FAQ: Calculus II - Trigonometric Substitutions - Evaluate integral dx/sqrt(1-2x^2)

1. What is the purpose of using trigonometric substitutions in calculus?

Trigonometric substitutions are used to simplify integrals involving expressions with radicals, especially square roots. This allows us to apply known trigonometric identities and techniques to evaluate the integral more easily.

2. How do I know when to use a trigonometric substitution?

A good indication to use a trigonometric substitution is when the integrand contains a square root or a term in the form of √(a^2 - x^2) or √(a^2 + x^2). In this case, using a trigonometric substitution can help to simplify the integral.

3. What is the general process for solving integrals using trigonometric substitutions?

The general process involves substituting a trigonometric expression in place of the variable in the integral, using trigonometric identities to rewrite the integral in terms of the new variable, and then solving the new integral using known techniques.

4. Can you explain the specific steps for solving the integral dx/sqrt(1-2x^2) using a trigonometric substitution?

First, we can let x = sinθ, which means dx = cosθ dθ. Substituting this into the integral, we get cosθ dθ/sqrt(1-2sin^2θ). Then, we can use the trigonometric identity cos^2θ = 1-sin^2θ to rewrite the denominator as sqrt(cos^2θ). Simplifying, we get cosθ dθ/cosθ, which cancels out to give us dθ. The integral then becomes ∫dθ, which is simply θ + C. Finally, we substitute back in x = sinθ and solve for the final answer.

5. Are there any special cases or exceptions to keep in mind when using trigonometric substitutions?

Yes, there are a few special cases to be aware of. For example, if the integral involves an even root such as √(a^2 + x^2), we need to use a different trigonometric substitution, such as x = a tanθ. Additionally, we need to be careful about the limits of integration when substituting variables. It is important to adjust the limits accordingly to match the new variable. Lastly, in some cases, the use of trigonometric identities may not be enough to simplify the integral, and other techniques may be needed.

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