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Homework Statement
in a real time scenario, when we buy a dc geared motor.could we run it as generator ?
how much current would a dc geared motor produce when run as generator? could anyone please provide me the equation to find the generated voltage in case the said motor is bought with the following known parameters: operating voltage,current drawn,rated rpm,rated power.
Homework Equations
Faraday's Law of induction, written for an alternator with a DC (permanent magnet) two-pole stator, is
V = - N A (2 pi RPM/60) B
where N = number of turns on the armature (example N= 50)
A = area of coil on the armature (example A = 0.1 meter times 0.05 meter = 0.005 m2.
RPM = armature rotation speed (example 3600 RPM)
B = DC magnetic field (e.g., 0.5 tesla)
V= volts out (example V = 50 x .005 x 2 pi x 3600/60 x 0.5 = 47.1 volts @ 60 Hz)
The Attempt at a Solution
but the said motor doesn't come with DC magnetic field(B),area of coil on armature(A),number turns on the armature(N).
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