Censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure

  • Thread starter Laser Eyes
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses a poll titled "Who's next?" in the Politics forum that was closed by the moderator. The person objecting believes that the closure was due to censorship and not because anyone else found the poll offensive. They argue that the poll was a commentary on US policy of global domination and not meant to be insensitive. The moderator defends their decision by stating that moderation is necessary for PF to remain a constructive and educational community. The conversation ends with the person objecting expressing their frustration with the moderation.
  • #1
Laser Eyes
I object to you closing my poll "Who's next?" in the Politics forum. No-one else even suggested the poll was offensive or insensitive until you closed it. Far from being insensitive to the countries mentioned it was a biting comment on the US policy of global domination. I don't believe anyone in the countries I mentioned would be offended. They would see it for what it was. I think the only people who might be offended are Americans who don't like their hippocracy or aggressive tendencies pointed out to them.

I have deliberately posted this on the feedback forum and not sent this to you in a PM. I believe that everyone should be able to see and know what kind of censorship is practiced in PF.
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  • #2
No-one else even suggested the poll was offensive or insensitive until you closed it.

I have gotten many emails that the PaWA forum has gotten rude, crude and offensive.

Far from being insensitive to the countries mentioned it was a biting comment on the US policy of global domination.

Then why don't you make a specific topic discussing "US policy of global domination" instead of listing countries like they are on the gallows.

I don't believe anyone in the countries I mentioned would be offended.

I'm sorry you have that perception, but I have evidence that supports otherwise.

They would see it for what it was.

And what would that be. What purpose could that topic possibly hold?

I have deliberately posted this on the feedback forum and not sent this to you in a PM. I believe that everyone should be able to see and know what kind of censorship is practiced in PF.

In order to maintain PF as a constructive and educational place, moderation is necessary. I wouldn't call it censorship as I have left the topic visable for anyone to read, but further discussion is not useful.

Laser Eye, I want you thank you for bringing this up. This is a global community and we can't make everyone happy. Hopefully we can come to some understanding on this.
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  • #3
I object to you closing my poll "Who's next?" in the Politics forum. No-one else even suggested the poll was offensive or insensitive until you closed it. Far from being insensitive to the countries mentioned it was a biting comment on the US policy of global domination. I don't believe anyone in the countries I mentioned would be offended. They would see it for what it was. I think the only people who might be offended are Americans who don't like their hippocracy or aggressive tendencies pointed out to them.

I objected. Did you not notice?

Oh booo hooooo. I guess I wasn't reading when I registered how PF reserves the right to censor whatever whenever whyever...
Maybe it could mean you need to put more thought into your post?
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FAQ: Censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure

What is censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure"?

Censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure" refers to the act of restricting or suppressing information, opinions, or ideas related to the poll closure discussion on the online forum PF Greg. This could be done by moderators or other users in an attempt to control the discussion or prevent certain viewpoints from being expressed.

Why is there censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure"?

The reason for censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure" may vary, but it is often to maintain order and civility in the discussion. Moderators may also censor certain content that violates the forum's rules or guidelines. In some cases, censorship may also be used to protect the forum from legal issues.

What are the potential consequences of censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure"?

Censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure" can lead to limited or biased discussions, as certain viewpoints may be silenced or restricted. It can also create a negative atmosphere and hinder the free exchange of ideas. In extreme cases, censorship may also result in backlash and mistrust from forum users.

How is censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure" different from moderation?

Censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure" is a form of moderation, but it is often seen as more restrictive and controlling compared to other moderation methods. While moderation aims to maintain a healthy and respectful discussion, censorship may limit the freedom of expression and hinder open dialogue.

What can be done to address censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure"?

To address censorship in PF Greg: "I Object to Poll Closure", it is important for moderators and forum users to have open and transparent communication. Moderators should clearly state the forum's rules and guidelines and explain their reasoning behind any censorship actions. Users should also be encouraged to voice their concerns and provide constructive feedback on how censorship can be improved.

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