Change in Enthelpy with no Heat Exchange?

In summary: This is known as an adiabatic process and its change in internal energy does not need to remain constant. The change in entropy can be calculated by determining the reversible path between the beginning and end states and calculating the integral along that path.
  • #1
This is a rather general question but I'm studying for my thermodynamics final and wanted to clarify this topic.

Is it possible for there to be a change in entropy in a cycle without a net exchange of heat into or out of the system? If so what may be some of the examples of this and how would (if you can) would you calculate this change.

I know the principle of maximum entropy describes that a system would evolve to the equilibrium point of maximum entropy but would it do this if it were adiabatic or does the change in internal energy need to remain constant?

Also I know that if a process is non-quasistatic and adiabatic the entropy will change but is there anyway to calculate this value?
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  • #2
Zenderson3 said:
This is a rather general question but I'm studying for my thermodynamics final and wanted to clarify this topic.

Is it possible for there to be a change in entropy in a cycle without a net exchange of heat into or out of the system? If so what may be some of the examples of this and how would (if you can) would you calculate this change.
In one complete cycle, a system returns to its original state. So its entropy must be the same. (did you mean enthalpy or entropy in your title?)

I know the principle of maximum entropy describes that a system would evolve to the equilibrium point of maximum entropy but would it do this if it were adiabatic or does the change in internal energy need to remain constant?
No sure what you are getting at. Can you give an example?

Also I know that if a process is non-quasistatic and adiabatic the entropy will change but is there anyway to calculate this value?
Sure. ΔS = ∫dQrev/T

You just need to determine the reversible path between the beginning and end states and calculate the integral along that path.


FAQ: Change in Enthelpy with no Heat Exchange?

1. What is the definition of "Change in Enthalpy with no Heat Exchange"?

"Change in Enthalpy with no Heat Exchange" refers to the change in the total energy of a system that occurs without any transfer of heat between the system and its surroundings.

2. How is "Change in Enthalpy with no Heat Exchange" related to the first law of thermodynamics?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. "Change in Enthalpy with no Heat Exchange" is a direct result of this law as it represents a change in the total energy of a system without any heat transfer, thus illustrating the conservation of energy.

3. What factors affect "Change in Enthalpy with no Heat Exchange"?

The main factor that affects "Change in Enthalpy with no Heat Exchange" is the change in the internal energy of the system. This can be influenced by changes in pressure, volume, and temperature of the system. Additionally, the number of moles of substances present and their respective enthalpies also play a role in determining the overall change in enthalpy.

4. How is "Change in Enthalpy with no Heat Exchange" measured?

"Change in Enthalpy with no Heat Exchange" can be measured experimentally using calorimetry. This involves measuring the temperature change of a system before and after a reaction takes place. By knowing the initial and final temperatures, along with the heat capacity of the system, the change in enthalpy can be calculated using the formula Q = mCΔT, where Q is the heat exchanged, m is the mass of the system, C is the heat capacity, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

5. What are some real-life examples of "Change in Enthalpy with no Heat Exchange"?

One common example of "Change in Enthalpy with no Heat Exchange" is the melting of ice. As ice melts, its temperature remains constant despite the absorption of heat from the surroundings. This is because the energy is being used to increase the internal energy of the molecules, resulting in a change in enthalpy with no heat exchange. Another example is the vaporization of water, where the temperature also remains constant during the phase change.
