Coding new integral sign in mathjax for html file

  • #1
I am creating a website and wish to include a new integral sign that has an infinity sign over it but aligned with the same tilt angle as the integral. I'm using Mathjax to render the math code. I can code this in Latex outside an HTML file and it works perfectly but does require the graphicx library and rotatebox function:

Is there a way I can implement this in my HTML file?+

I then just write \mathop{\Xint{\Rinfty}}
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  • #2
Will this work?

The above renders here at PF (also using MathJax) as ##\int_0^{\infty}##
  • #3
I want the infinity sign to look like part of the integral sign. I can code it up in TexnicCenter and save it as a PDF file or bmp file and post it here to show what i want if you could explain to me how to save it here.
  • #4
You can upload an image by using the UPLOAD button that appears at the lower right corner of the text entry pane. You can specify that the image should be a thumbnail (small image) or a full-size image inline with whatever text you write.
  • #5
Ok. Here's a pdf file that was generated with the latex code above. Note also if I try and back-space an "8" into the integral using latex commands, the 8 won't be tilted at the same angle as the slant of the integral sign and will look funny.


  • mynewintegralsign.pdf
    42.9 KB · Views: 253
Last edited:
  • #6
Got it close enough for now Mark and it works with mathjax (the 8 in the mathit font is slightly tilted):


$$\bint f(z) dz