What Is the Angle Between Two Objects' Velocities After an Inelastic Collision?

In summary: Hence angle a = 82.8 degrees.In summary, after a completely inelastic collision, two objects of the same mass and same initial speed will move away together at 1/4 their initial speed. The angle between their initial velocities can be found by decomposing their momenta into x and y components and applying conservation of momentum along those directions. This results in a single equation for the angle, which can be solved to find the final angle of 82.8 degrees.
  • #1
After a completely inelastic collision, two objects of the same mass and same initial speed are found to move away together at 1/4 their initial speed. Find the angle between the initial velocities of the objects.

I figured.. 2m(v/4)
but then i just get lost... can someone help! thanks!
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  • #2
mb85 said:
After a completely inelastic collision, two objects of the same mass and same initial speed are found to move away together at 1/4 their initial speed. Find the angle between the initial velocities of the objects.

I figured.. 2m(v/4)
but then i just get lost... can someone help! thanks!

Pick a direction for the first object, let's say East. Let's say the second object is coming from an angle [itex] \theta [/itex] North of East. Then Decompose their momenta into x and y components, apply conservation of momentum along x and y directions. You will find the final x and y velocities along x and y in terms of the initial speed v and the angle [itex] \theta [/itex]. Impose that [itex] {\sqrt { v_{x final}^2 + v_{y final}^2}} = v/4 [/itex] and that will give you a single equation for [itex] \theta [/itex].

  • #3
OK, so the collision is in 2 dimensions, so you know you're going to be using vectors. So let me start you off with what you know.

[tex]m(\underline{v}_1 + \underline{v}_2 ) = 2m \underline{v}_{final}[/tex]

Do you know how to make vectors loose their directional components?

(Hint: Multiply both sides by a vector you know)

Hope this Helps, Sam
  • #4
OK, pick the vector carefully.

I have just done this question in 5 lines (instead of 10) by picking another vector. If you don't choose your vector well, you'll have to use some trig. identities (which I don't like if I can avoid it).

Draw a diagram and note what the angles have in relation to each other due to symmetry. If you want, I'll put up a diagram of what I'm trying to say... just ask if you want it.

  • #5
hey thanks. this is what i did so far. but I am still have trouble.

M1V1i + M2V2i = M1V1f + M2V2f

initial for 1
X = mv cos Theta
y = mv sin theta

final for 1
X = mv

Initial for 2
X = mv cos theta
Y = mv sin theta

final for 2
X =mv
y = 0

mv cos theta + mv sin theta = MVi
Mv (cos theta + sin theta) = MVi

? then i get lost.
  • #6
The components of their initial velocities perpendicular to the direction of their final velocity adds to zero. And the components along this direction must thus be same and add upto v/4.
  • #7
Sorry. The second sentence is - the component of their initial velocities along the direction of final velocity must thus be same and add upto v/4
  • #8
im still confused.

can someone show me the steps?
  • #9
Let a be the angle made with their initial velocities along the direction of final veloctitis.
v*cosa + v*cosa = v/4.
Thus cosa = 1/8

FAQ: What Is the Angle Between Two Objects' Velocities After an Inelastic Collision?

1. What is a collision in two dimensions?

A collision in two dimensions is a situation where two objects come into contact with each other and interact with each other's motion. This can occur in any direction, unlike a one-dimensional collision where the objects are only moving along a single line.

2. How is the momentum conserved in a two-dimensional collision?

In a two-dimensional collision, the total momentum of the system before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. This is known as the law of conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force.

3. What is the difference between an elastic and an inelastic collision?

In an elastic collision, the kinetic energy of the system is conserved, meaning that the total energy before the collision is equal to the total energy after the collision. In an inelastic collision, some of the kinetic energy is lost during the collision, usually due to external forces such as friction or deformation of the objects.

4. How are the velocities of the objects after a collision calculated?

The velocities of the objects after a collision can be calculated using the principles of conservation of momentum and conservation of kinetic energy. By setting up equations using these principles, the final velocities of the objects can be solved for.

5. How does the angle of collision affect the outcome of a two-dimensional collision?

The angle of collision can affect the outcome of a two-dimensional collision by changing the direction and magnitude of the objects' velocities after the collision. The angle also determines the direction of the resulting force and the amount of kinetic energy that is transferred between the objects.

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