Concerning Subspaces of Infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces

In summary, to construct an infinite decreasing chain of subspaces in any infinite dimensional vector space V, one can select a basis with countably many elements and use this to create an infinite chain of subspaces where each inclusion is proper. This can be done by taking the span of each individual basis element, then taking the span of each pair of basis elements, and so on. This ensures that the chain will not stabilize and will continue infinitely.
  • #1
I have a question concerning subspaces of infinite dimensional vector spaces. Specifically given any infinite dimensional vector space V, how might one construct an infinite decreasing chain of subspaces?

That is:

V=V0[itex]\supseteq[/itex]V1[itex]\supseteq[/itex]... , where each Vi is properly contained in Vi-1.

I know such chains must exist and I suspect that they should be easily constructed, however I am not familiar enough with infinite dimensional vector spaces to be confident with my attempts thus far.

Thanks for any help given!
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  • #2
Select a basis for the vector space. This should be finite, so we can select a countable chain [itex]\{e_1,e_2,e_3,e_4,...\}[/itex] of basis elements.


[tex]span\{e_1\}\subseteq span\{e_1,e_2\}\subseteq span \{e_1,e_2,e_3\}\subseteq ...[/tex]

is an infinite chain of subspaces.
  • #3
micromass said:
Select a basis for the vector space. This should be finite, so we can select a countable chain [itex]\{e_1,e_2,e_3,e_4,...\}[/itex] of basis elements.


[tex]span\{e_1\}\subseteq span\{e_1,e_2\}\subseteq span \{e_1,e_2,e_3\}\subseteq ...[/tex]

is an infinite chain of subspaces.


So I suppose that with your notation:

[tex]V = span\{e_1,e_2,...\}\supseteq span\{e_2,e_3,...\}\supseteq...[/tex] will give me the infinite decreasing chain as desired.

Thanks again for your help!

EDIT: On second thought, can I be assured that such a chain will not stabilize? It is clear in your construction for building increasing chains but it seems less intuitive for building a decreasing chain in such a way.
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  • #4
If the e_i are components in a basis, then e_n is not in the span of {e_(n+1), e_(n+2),... }, so each inclusion will be proper.

FAQ: Concerning Subspaces of Infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces

1. What is a subspace of an infinite dimensional vector space?

A subspace of an infinite dimensional vector space is a subset of the vector space that is closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication. It also contains the zero vector and is itself a vector space.

2. How is an infinite dimensional vector space different from a finite dimensional one?

An infinite dimensional vector space has an infinite number of basis vectors, while a finite dimensional one has a finite number of basis vectors. This means that an infinite dimensional vector space has an uncountable number of elements, while a finite dimensional one has a countable number of elements.

3. Can a subspace of an infinite dimensional vector space also be infinite dimensional?

Yes, a subspace of an infinite dimensional vector space can also be infinite dimensional. This is because a subspace contains all the vectors that can be formed by combining the basis vectors of the original infinite dimensional vector space, which is an infinite set.

4. What are some examples of infinite dimensional vector spaces?

Some examples of infinite dimensional vector spaces include the space of all polynomials, the space of all continuous functions, and the space of all sequences of real numbers.

5. Are there any practical applications for understanding subspaces of infinite dimensional vector spaces?

Yes, understanding subspaces of infinite dimensional vector spaces is important in fields such as functional analysis, quantum mechanics, and differential equations. It also has applications in data analysis, where vector spaces are used to represent large datasets and subspaces can help to reduce the dimensionality of the data.

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