Conservation of Energy (2-Dimensional)

In summary, the conversation discusses using energy considerations to find the highest point reached and the velocity at half the maximum height of a bullet shot into the air with a given initial velocity and angle. The formula for the maximum height is H = Vo^2*sin^2(θ)/2g and the formula for the velocity at half the maximum height is V = sqrt(Vo^2/2[1 + cos^2(θ)]).
  • #1

Homework Statement

A bullet is shot into the air with muzzle veloity Vo at an angle θ with the horizontal. Use energy considerations to find a) the highest point reached and b) the magnitude of the velocity when the bullet is at half its maximum height.

Homework Equations

Vx = Vo*cos(θ)
Vy = Vo*sin(θ)
@ Ymax, Vy = 0
Ei = Ef
KEi + PEi = KEf + PEf

The Attempt at a Solution

I got letter a by breaking Vo into its components.

1/2*m*Vo^2*cos^2(θ) + 1/2*m*Vo^2*sin^2(θ) + 0 = 1/2*m*Vo^2*cos^2(θ) + m*g*H
1/2*m*Vo^2*sin^2(θ) = mgH
H = Vo^2*sin^2(θ)/

My problem is with letter b. According to the textbook, the answer is:
V = sqrt(gh + Vo^2*cos^2(θ)) = sqrt(Vo^2/2[1 + cos^2(θ)]) =
Vo^2*sqrt(1 - 1/2*sin^2(θ))

I'm finding it difficult to getting to that answer. I basically used the same process as letter a except H is now H/2 and the final y-component of V is now in the final energy.

I ended up getting V = sqrt(Vo^2 - gH), which is obviously not consistent with the book's answer.
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  • #2
Good evening,

In a, didn't you mean to write H = Vo^2*sin^2(θ)/2g?
The expression you obtained in a --the highest point-- is the maximum height.
In b, you obtained the formula by setting height = H/2; the problem asks for the velocity at half the maximum height.
So, in the formula you got (V = sqrt(Vo^2 - gH)) try to replace H with the expression for the maximum height you found in a, and see if it matches the book's answer.
  • #3
Can someone please help me understand where I went wrong and how to get the correct answer?

The approach you took for part a is correct, but for part b, you need to consider the conservation of energy at the half maximum height, not at the highest point. This means that the potential energy at half maximum height is equal to half of the potential energy at the highest point. Therefore, your equation should be:

1/2*m*Vo^2*cos^2(θ) + 1/2*m*Vo^2*sin^2(θ) + 1/2*m*g*(H/2) = 1/2*m*V^2*cos^2(θ) + 1/2*m*g*(H/2)

Solving for V, we get:

V = sqrt(gh + Vo^2*cos^2(θ)) = sqrt(Vo^2/2[1 + cos^2(θ)]) = Vo*sqrt(1 + cos^2(θ)/2)

This is consistent with the answer given in the textbook. The key is to remember that at the half maximum height, the potential energy is half of the potential energy at the highest point, and this needs to be taken into account in the conservation of energy equation.

FAQ: Conservation of Energy (2-Dimensional)

What is conservation of energy (2-dimensional)?

Conservation of energy (2-dimensional) is a fundamental principle in physics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred or transformed from one form to another.

Why is conservation of energy important?

Conservation of energy is important because it allows us to predict and understand the behavior of physical systems. It also helps us to make informed decisions about resource management and sustainability.

What are the different forms of energy in 2-dimensional systems?

In 2-dimensional systems, energy can take on various forms such as kinetic energy (energy of motion), potential energy (energy of position), thermal energy (heat), electromagnetic energy (light), and chemical energy (energy stored in chemical bonds).

How is conservation of energy applied in 2-dimensional systems?

In 2-dimensional systems, conservation of energy is applied by considering the initial and final states of a system and accounting for all forms of energy present. This allows us to determine how energy is transferred or transformed within the system.

What are some real-world examples of conservation of energy in 2-dimensional systems?

Some real-world examples of conservation of energy in 2-dimensional systems include a swinging pendulum, a bouncing ball, and a rollercoaster. In all of these systems, energy is conserved and transformed between different forms as the objects move in two dimensions.
