Conservation of Energy and a spring

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of finding the velocity of a 2.4kg block dropped onto a spring with a force constant of 3.96*10^3 N/m from a height of 5m. The block is then compressed by 25cm, and the goal is to find the velocity when the compression is reduced to 15cm. The equations used include external work, change in mechanical energy, change in potential energy of the spring, change in potential energy of gravity, and change in kinetic energy. The final potential energy of gravity is considered to be 0, as it is converted to potential energy of the spring. The final potential energy of the block is then solved for, and the difference between its
  • #1
A 2.4kg block is dropped onto a spring with a force constant of 3.96*10^3 N/m from a height of 5m. When the block is momentarily at rest, the spring is compressed by 25cm. Find the speed of the block when the compression of the spring is 15cm.

Relevant equations:
External Work = change in mechanical energy = change in potential energy of spring + change in potential energy of gravity + change in kinetic energy

External Work = 0

for change in potential energy of the spring I did
final - initial
1/2 K (.15m)^2 - 1/2 K (.25m)^2 = -79.2J

for change in potential energy of gravity I did
final - initial
?? - mgh

for change in KE I did
final - initial
1/2 m v^2 - 0

Im not sure what the final potential energy of gravity is... should it be 0 since it is converted to potential energy of the spring?

Would it be
0 = -79.92 - mgh + 1/2 m v^2
and solve for v?
Physics news on
  • #2
Hello maniacp08,

What I would do is look at what happens to the total energy of the system *in sequence*. Initially, because the object has some height, it has gravitational potential energy. Let's use the coordinate y for vertical position. Let's say y = 0 occurs at the spring. Then the object's initial height is y0 = 5, and its gravitational potential energy is

[tex] E_p = mgy_0 [/tex]

Then, as it falls, all of that gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, so that at the moment that it hits the spring, it has kinetic energy:

[tex] E_k = \frac{1}{2}mv^2 = mgy_0 [/tex]

It compresses the spring until all of its kinetic energy has been converted into elastic potential energy, at which point its velocity is zero and therefore it has stopped (let's call this point y1 = -25 cm:

[tex] E_p = \frac{1}{2}ky_1^2 = mgy_0 [/tex]

As you can see, the net result of this is to turn the gravitational potential energy the object initally had before being dropped into elastic potential energy. Now, at some earlier spring compression (let's call it y2 = -15 cm), NOT ALL of the object's kinetic energy has been converted into elastic potential energy yet. It still has some kinetic energy, which means it still has some velocity v', and we want to figure out what that is. The difference between its *initial energy* (which is the total energy of the system), and the elastic energy stored in the spring at y2 gives us the leftover kinetic energy:

[tex] mgy_0 - \frac{1}{2}ky_2^2 = E_k = \frac{1}{2}mv^{\prime}^2 [/tex]

Edit: I just realized that I forgot to add in the (negative) gravitational potential energy that the object would have at height y2. It's necessary to do that in order for things to work out properly.
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  • #3
Wow, thanks for the very detailed explanation.
I understand it now. Thanks again cepheid.

FAQ: Conservation of Energy and a spring

1. What is the conservation of energy and how does it apply to a spring?

The conservation of energy is a fundamental principle in physics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. In the case of a spring, the potential energy stored in the compressed or stretched spring is converted into kinetic energy when the spring is released, and vice versa when the spring is compressed or stretched again.

2. How does the spring constant affect the conservation of energy in a spring?

The spring constant, denoted by k, is a measure of the stiffness of a spring. A higher spring constant means that the spring is stiffer and requires more force to compress or stretch it. In the conservation of energy equation, the spring constant is used to calculate the potential energy stored in the spring. Therefore, a higher spring constant results in a higher potential energy and a stronger conservation of energy in the spring.

3. Can the conservation of energy be violated in a spring system?

No, the conservation of energy is a fundamental law of physics and applies to all systems, including springs. As long as the system is isolated and there are no external forces acting on it, the total energy will remain constant. This means that the energy stored in a spring will always be equal to the kinetic energy of the object attached to the spring.

4. How does friction affect the conservation of energy in a spring system?

Friction is a force that opposes motion and can cause energy to be lost in a spring system. When a spring is compressed or stretched, some of the potential energy is converted into heat due to friction between the spring and the object it is attached to. This results in a slightly lower amount of kinetic energy when the spring is released compared to the potential energy stored in the compressed or stretched spring.

5. Is the conservation of energy the only principle that applies to a spring?

No, the conservation of energy is just one of the fundamental principles that apply to a spring. Other principles such as Hooke's law, which states that the force applied to a spring is directly proportional to the amount the spring is compressed or stretched, also apply to springs. These principles work together to fully describe the behavior of a spring system.
