Solving Physics Puzzle: Hockey Puck Collision

In summary, the problem involves two hockey pucks, A and B, colliding with each other. Puck A was traveling at 40.0m/s in the +x direction before the collision and is deflected 30 degrees above the x axis after the collision. Puck B acquires a velocity at 45 degrees below the x axis. The pucks have the same mass and friction forces are not considered. The speed of each puck after collision and the fraction of the original kinetic energy of puck A dissipated during the collision can be solved using the conservation of momentum equations. It is important to remember that the total momentum in the y-direction is 0, and the total momentum in the x-direction is 40 m/s
  • #1
Ok, this is probably the simplest problem I was assigned out of an intro physics course and simply cannot figure out how to go about it.

Hockey Puck B at rest is struck by puck A, which was traveling at 40.0m/s in the +x direction. After they hit, A is deflected 30 degrees above the x axis, and Puck B acquires a velocity at 45 degrees below the x axis. The pucks have the same mass and friction forces aren't considered.

a) The speed of each puck after collision
b) what fraction of the original kinetic energy of puck A dissipates during the collision

I have the solutions, but can't figure out how to solve for them. Yes, I suck at physics :( Any help would be appreciated.

Since the message says solutions can't be solved for us, just a hint on where to start would be useful. I'm just ending up with ridiculous equations with sin/cos trying to account for the conservation of momentum.
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  • #2
Those equations might not be so ridicuous after all. The total momentum is 40*m in the positive x-direction. Keep that in mind.

So the total momentum in the y-direction is 0. The pucks do get a speed in the y-direction though, so these must be equal and opposite to make the total momentum 0:
Va*sin(30 degrees) *m = - Vb*sin(45 degrees)*m (the positive y direction is above the x-axis). So here's equation [1]. (Just forget about the mass btw. It can be annihilated from the equation)

Now in the x-direction there is also conservation of momentum, meaning it has to be 40 m/s * m
Now we achieve:
Va*cos(30 degrees)*m + Vb*cos(45 degrees)*m = 40 *m (Just take out the m again.)
This leaves you with 2 equations and 2 unknowns. Do some basic maths and you'll be able to solve it. Good luck!
  • #3
Hey - thanks a lot for the help. Those are the same equations as what I was getting albeit one difference, and looking at the problem I thought "wow, this one's easy." yet I couldn't get any solutions. I see what I was doing wrong now. Instead of the velocities, Va and Vb, I was using their component velocities with the trig functions, like Vaysin30 Vbysin45 etc. Needless to say that made things complicated when trying to equate the two. Looking back, I have no clue why I was doing that, maybe some inner desire to make things harder than they really are. ;) Thanks for the clarification.

FAQ: Solving Physics Puzzle: Hockey Puck Collision

1. What is a hockey puck collision?

A hockey puck collision is when two or more pucks come into contact with each other and transfer momentum and energy.

2. How is momentum conserved during a hockey puck collision?

Momentum is conserved during a hockey puck collision because the total momentum of the system (the pucks) before and after the collision remains the same. This means that the sum of the masses and velocities of the pucks before the collision is equal to the sum of the masses and velocities after the collision.

3. What factors affect the outcome of a hockey puck collision?

The mass, velocity, and direction of the pucks involved in the collision, as well as the coefficient of restitution (a measure of how much energy is lost during the collision) all affect the outcome of a hockey puck collision.

4. How do you calculate the final velocities of the pucks after a collision?

The final velocities of the pucks after a collision can be calculated using the conservation of momentum and energy equations. The equations involve the masses, initial velocities, and coefficient of restitution of the pucks.

5. How can understanding hockey puck collisions be applied to real-world situations?

Understanding hockey puck collisions can be applied to real-world situations such as car crashes, where the conservation of momentum and energy also applies. It can also be used to analyze and improve the performance of sports equipment, such as hockey sticks and pucks.
