Constant Ratio of Drag coefficient and terminal velocity

In summary: What's the question?Okay, let's work through it:You haveFd= (Cd×pf×V^2×A)÷2= (.02)×(1027kg/m^3)×((.05m/s)^2)×(24m^2)÷2= (1027kg/m^3)×(.0025m/s^2)×(24m^2)÷2= 1027÷2 kg/m^3×(.0025m/s^2)×24m^2= (1027÷2)×2.5×24 kg-m/s^2=
  • #1
Guys,, please check my own way to get Drag coefficient and Terminal Velocity by given Drag force,.. okay,,
lets for example: we know drag force is Fd= Cd*pf*v^2*A/2,, ill give little example (Cd=.02)*(pf=1027kg/m^3)*(v^2=.0025m/s)*(A=24m)/2 =( Fd .6162N) so drag force is .6162N,, okay..according to my analysis drag coefficient and terminal velocity are have constant ratio.. where?how??
okay,, let's do a recheck a given example above,, (.6162Nx2 = 1.2324N) next (1.2334N divide 24m of A= .05135) next (.05135 divide 1027 of fluid density= .00005)next ( .00005* of my own ratio 8= .0004)next (square root of .0004 is = .02 this your drag coefficient) next back to .05135 divide 1027 = .00005) next ( .00005 divide drag coefficient .02 = .0025) next ( square root of .0025 = .05 m/s so this your terminal velocity) :)
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Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF;
jhan said:
Guys,, please check my own way to get Drag coefficient and Terminal Velocity by given Drag force,..
I guess ... is this a personal theory or some homework?

lets for example: we know drag force is Fd= Cd*pf*v^2*A/2,
... so your model for the drag force is that it is proportional to the square of the speed.
Unless some of the extra factors depend on speed.

ill give little example (Cd=.02)*(pf=1027kg/m^3)*(v^2=.0025m/s)*(A=24m)/2 =( Fd .6162N) so drag force is .6162N,,
... that would be a specific example of the drag force at a particular velocity in a articular fluid.

okay..according to my analysis drag coefficient and terminal velocity are have constant ratio.. where?how??
Are you taking ##C_d## as the drag coefficient?
Are you asserting that there must be some situation where ##v/C_d=## constant??
Well since the drag coefficient is a constant, the ratio is constant at any time that the speed is constant.
ie. when I travel down the street in my car at a constant speed of 50kmph, the ratio of the speed of my car to the car's drag coefficient is a constant.

okay,, let's do a recheck a given example above,, (.6162Nx2 = 1.2324N) next (1.2334N divide 24m of A= .05135) next (.05135 divide 1027 of fluid density= .00005)next ( .00005* of my own ratio 8= .0004)next (square root of .0004 is = .02 this your drag coefficient) next back to .05135 divide 1027 = .00005) next ( .00005 divide drag coefficient .02 = .0025) next ( square root of .0025 = .05 m/s so this your terminal velocity) :)

Here's what I got:
You seem to have calculated first: $$C_d=\sqrt{8\frac{2F_d}{\rho_fA}}$$ ... which seems to have this factor of 8 in it for no reason, why did you do this?
...then you did: $$v_t = \sqrt{\frac{2F_d}{\rho_fAC_d}}$$ ... which is just the usual way to find the terminal velocity.
Considering you were given the drag coefficient in the first place, why did you need to do the first calculation?

But if I sub the expression for the drag coefficient into the expression for terminal velocity I get:
$$v_t = \sqrt{\frac{2F_d}{\rho_fA} \frac{1}{8}\frac{\rho_fA}{2F_d} } = \sqrt{\frac{1}{8}} \neq 0.05$$ ... so you have not actually used the first calculation.

Basically - calculating something is physics is not a sequence of steps to be followed blindly, that just happens to give you the right numbers: it is a consequence of a physical model which depends on the rules for how Nature works. The numbers for specific situation do not demonstrate anything, it is the relationships between the physical quantities that are important.
  • #3
what i mean.. is if the given is drag force, area, and fluid density,, then 8 is the ratio to find the Cd and velocity.. means (your Drag force is .6162N ) (your area is 24m^2) (then fluid density is 1027kg/m^3) then to find the drag coefficient and velocity is used to 8 ratio,,
  • #4
jhan said:
what i mean.. is if the given is drag force, area, and fluid density,, then 8 is the ratio to find the Cd and velocity..
... how do you figure that?
How did you arrive at the number 8 for that purpose?
What part of the physics did you use to determine that "8" was the correct number to put in there to find the drag coefficient?

Here's the trouble:
The value for v that you got was not for the terminal velocity, it was just the velocity that went into the 1st equation (remember you wrote that ##v^2=0.025##(m/s)2, well that means that ##v=0.05##m/s ...) when you worked out what the drag force was for the object moving through the fluid at speed v. That is only the terminal velocity for the special case that the object has mass exactly 0.0629kg. Any other mass and it is wrong.

[edit - I got some of the algebra wrong in post #2]
Note: the formula you ended up with was: $$v_t = \sqrt{\frac{2F_d}{\rho_fA}\frac{1}{\sqrt{8}}\sqrt{\frac{\rho_fA}{2F_d}}}
=\sqrt{\sqrt{\frac{F_d}{4\rho_fA}}}$$ ... if I follow you correctly.

Where are you up to in your education - particularly algebra and physics?
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  • #5

(Fd .6162N)= (Cd=?)×(pf=1027kg/m^3)×(V^2=?)×(A=24m)÷2

remember Cd is unknown, V is unknown

what i did is

(Cd)= √(Fd×2)÷(A)÷(pf)×8
equals to .02 so i think this is the Cd


V= √(Fd×2)÷(A)÷(pf)÷(Cd)
equals to .05 m/s

So Drag force

Fd= (Cd×pf×V^2×A)÷2

= (.02)×(1027kg/m^3)×((.05m/s)^2)×(24m^2)÷2 is equals to .6162N

am i right?or no??
  • #6
You still haven't shown where you are coming up with that factor of 8 that is in your calculations, and even then, it is hard to follow them because you insist on using numbers instead of symbols. If you can manipulate symbols such that the ratios have the same formulation, then you may be onto something.

As it stands, the drag force is defined using the drag coefficient by
[tex]F_D = \dfrac{1}{2}C_D\rho v^2 A.[/tex]
For some object falling through a fluid of constant properties, a force balance yields
[tex]m\dfrac{dv}{dt} = F_D - mg,[/tex]i
and in the case of terminal velocity, where ##\frac{dv}{dt} = 0##, that is
[tex]0 = F_D - mg.[/tex]
If you want to solve for terminal velocity, then
[tex]\dfrac{1}{2}C_D\rho v_t^2 A = mg,[/tex]
and after some manipulation,
[tex]v_t = \sqrt{\dfrac{2mg}{\rho A C_D}}.[/tex]

So, if the drag coefficient is
[tex]C_D = \dfrac{2 F_D}{\rho v^2 A},[/tex]
and the above is true of the terminal velocity, then
[tex]\dfrac{C_D}{v_t} = \dfrac{\dfrac{2 F_D}{\rho v^2 A}}{\sqrt{\dfrac{2mg}{\rho A C_D}}}.[/tex]
You can simplify that a little bit to
[tex]\dfrac{C_D}{v_t} = \dfrac{F_D}{v^2}\sqrt{\dfrac{2C_D}{\rho A mg}}.[/tex]

So, the only way that ##C_D/v_t## is constant is if all of the above parameters are, in conjunction, constant. ##C_D## is always essentially constant over a wide range of parameters, and assuming the properties of the ball and fluid don't change, then ##\rho##, ##A##, ##m##, and ##g## are constants. That means for your theory to hold, then ##F_D/v^2## has to be a constant. So,
[tex]\dfrac{F_D}{v^2} = \dfrac{1}{2}C_D\rho v^2 A\dfrac{1}{v^2} = \dfrac{1}{2}C_D\rho A.[/tex]
In point of fact, that value is a constant. I still don't see where you are getting a factor of 8, nor do I see why this is in any way useful. In fact, this ratio depends on one of its own parameters:
[tex]\dfrac{C_D}{v_t} = \sqrt{\dfrac{\rho A C_D^3}{2 mg}}.[/tex]
Perhaps the better relationship would then be
[tex]v_t\sqrt{C_D} = \sqrt{\dfrac{2 mg}{\rho A}}.[/tex]
I am still not sure exactly why this is useful. It just says that two constants multiplied by one another is a constant.

I guess my question, then, is where are you going with this?

FAQ: Constant Ratio of Drag coefficient and terminal velocity

1. What is the constant ratio of drag coefficient and terminal velocity?

The constant ratio of drag coefficient and terminal velocity, also known as the drag constant, is a value that represents the relationship between the drag force acting on an object and its terminal velocity. It is denoted by the symbol Cd and is influenced by factors such as the shape and size of the object, the density of the fluid it is moving through, and the object's surface characteristics.

2. How does the drag constant affect an object's motion?

The drag constant affects an object's motion by determining the amount of drag force that is acting on the object. As an object moves through a fluid, it experiences a drag force that is proportional to its velocity. The higher the drag constant, the greater the drag force acting on the object, which results in a slower terminal velocity.

3. Is the drag constant the same for all objects?

No, the drag constant is not the same for all objects. As mentioned earlier, it is influenced by various factors such as the object's shape, size, and surface characteristics. For example, a streamlined object, such as a bullet, will have a lower drag constant compared to a flat object, like a sheet of paper, moving through the same fluid.

4. How is the drag constant calculated?

The drag constant can be calculated using the formula Cd = Fd / (ρAv2/2), where Fd is the drag force, ρ is the density of the fluid, A is the cross-sectional area of the object, and v is the velocity. This formula is known as the drag equation and is derived from the drag force equation, Fd = ½ρCdAv2.

5. How can the drag constant be reduced?

The drag constant can be reduced by altering the factors that influence it. For example, designing an object with a more streamlined shape, reducing its surface roughness, or moving through a less dense fluid can all help decrease the drag constant. Additionally, using techniques such as wind tunnel testing and computational fluid dynamics can also be used to optimize an object's design and reduce its drag constant.
